Known as Mordena to the rest of the universe, the Jannadaelox of Janikk have formed a culture all their own, adopted from the traditions of their past and the lessons they learned from them.
The monolithic Space Defense Legion holds the forefront of non-magical technological achievement. They lead an insular existence, defending their territory from unauthorized incursion and rarely venturing openly outside their own borders.
What happens to the meaning of faith, family, and life itself when death becomes optional?
Antimagic is an expensive brute force method of spell cancelation, feeding off the casting mage's Imperium to absorb all active Magic within its area of effect.
As technology has advanced, so too has each faction's relationship with the Void. Despite common roots in the early days of Vazdimet, travel methods vary as much as the cultures who use them.
death (condition)
With the availability of Necromancy, death doesn't have to mean the end.
Magic (technology)
As the universe and its people changed, so too did their understanding and application of magic.
The fall of the Golding Library marked the end of The War for Enlightenment and age of Fillimet, ushering in a new Era of Magic and technological advances as the victors combed through its once-forbidden secrets.
Historical texts speak of a ground-based magic, long lost to modern society. But is it real? Or a superstitious attempt to explain natural disaster?
Asterarcana includes all Magic written into the fabric of Vazdimet itself. These spells also require manipulation of the matching magic field, but as the fields are found everywhere, this poses little trouble for the casting mage.
The magic of elemental manipulation, spells include those controlling fire, water, and air. Rumors claim of a forth class, ground magic, now lost to time.
Exoarcana encompasses all magic relying upon the external environment to grant shape and purpose to its spells. Casting this magic requires proximity to a magic field of the same classification.
The magic of sight, Oramathea includes spells of vision enhancement and deception, in all their classifications.
Endoarcana encompasses all magic powered solely by the self and the caster's own Imperium, without any requirement for external magical fields to manipulate.
Pyromancy deals with the generation and control of fire, as well as heat transfer. Unlike most classes of magic, Pyromancy requires the user to have full awareness of their own emotions due to its tendency to feed on emotions as well as Imperium.
Anemancy allows the manipulation of air, most often in the form of wind or sound waves. These abilities benefit from finesse, allowing those skilled in this school of magic to cause a delicate breeze or a raging tornado.
Hydromancy focuses on the manipulation of water, with later training allowing for its application on other liquids as well.
Psychic Magic encompasses all the magics of the mind, particularly centered around emotions, memories, and communication. It has been split into two subcategories: Telepathy and Psychometry.
Psychometry allows a mage to experience the emotional echoes of the past, or the present emotions of an individual.
Illusion Magic is the school of magical image projection.
Chromamancy is the arcane control of colors and dyes.
Thaumapista is the magic of insight, tracking, and enhanced train of thought. It also allows casters to better cover their own tracks through the use of concealment.
Thaumathea is the branch of Oramathea pertaining to vision and vision augmentation. Practitioners of Thaumathea literally view the universe in a whole new light, adjusting their visuals and enhancing their sense of sight.
Nature Magic encompasses all magic allowing the manipulation of biological systems within living creatures. Spells harness the body's own systems, either accelerating or decelerating their effects, or slowly altering their genetics.
Agrokinesis is the branch of Nature Magic focused on plants, including everything from the growth rate and shapes of plants, to their genetics, and even their health. It can also be adapted for fungi, algae, and corals found in large enough quantities.
A political summary of the ever-changing universe.
Zokinesis is the Nature Magic classification of animal magic, including Curative Magic and Gene Therapies. As with all Exoarcana, it relies upon localized Nature Magic fields to power its spells.
The backbone of a healer's expertise regardless of their specializations, Curative Magic focuses on physical cures for injury and diseases, as well as illness prevention.
The magic of mental links, Telepathy allows for shared communications or even experiences and memories. It is a consentual magic, requiring the full awareness and agreement of everyone involved.
Necromancy is the magic of the soul and the Veil, allowing direct contact with the souls of others, or manipulation of space and time by temporarily phasing to the higher ascended spiritual planes.
Citizens of the Hydell Order are expected to uphold the Natural Order, a set of strict religious beliefs dictated by the Ascended Conclave detailing how devout True Descendants are expected to view and honor the Afterlife and those who have passed beyond.
Homeworld of the Mordena mercenaries, Janikk is said to be a planet of fantastical, hostile wildlife haunted by an ominous sentience.
Valcore Family Chair and Fleet Admiral of the SAF, very little happens in the Confederation without Valcore Sil's knowledge. The feared katanoj reports solely to Empress Rakethorne, leading some to question the true power in Sparnell. But only in private.
The jingoistic Sparnell Confederation rewards loyalty, patriotism, and merit - in that order. Citizens begin their careers in support of the military before earning their way into desired professions.
Mordena (organization)
An expensive and ferocious band of mercenaries, the Mordena have earned equal parts respect and fear throughout Vazdimet. Few outsiders understand their true motives.
pirate (profession)
A catchall for bandits, smugglers, raiders, and muscle for hire, the label "pirate" refers to anyone attempting to eke out an existence within the Void and on the edge of the law – or completely outside it.
The infinite Void comprises all the spaces between celestial bodies of Vazdimet, stretching across the The Veil to include both the mortal plane and the Afterlife. While largely empty of physical objects, it pulses with cosmic powers of the universe.
Dracoling are best known for their expressive body language and tough, leathery skin. Despite their reptilian appearance, dracoling are actually close genetic relatives of humans.
The least magically-inclined of all sophonts, humans have developed their own strengths through stubborn persistence and lazy creativity. They are known for their tenacity and endurance.
fae (species)
The smallest of all sophonts species, fae are flying insectoids known for their particularly strong natural attunement to the magical fields of Vazdimet and sizeable Imperium reserves at birth.
Canids are a boisterously friendly people recognized by their furry bodies, long snouts, and tough, expressive tails.
Katanoji are an aloof but friendly species of humanoids recognized by their furry bodies and flexible tails.
In 5 EVT, likely as a direct result of the growing instability of Magic, Portals across Filliment and its associated planes crashed closed, separating communities and severing important lines of trade and communication.
Rather than a single location, the Afterlife refers to all planes of existence at higher dimensions than the mortal plane.
Kin (ethnicity)
Members of the Vardan traders refer to themselves as Kin, a nod to the close working ties required to navigate both the dangers of the Void and the constant wars of others.
Tyrellium's Magic conductivity, coupled with the rediscovery of tyrellium crystallization techniques, launched new uses and opportunities for Technoarcana, Runework encoding, and the combination of magic disciplines.
Constructed of a crystallized form of magic-conducting metal, tyrellium crystal allows for the programming of complex Runework spells.
Access to alchemical yeast has become a major component of magic-based societies' success or failure, particularly among the military. The yeast creates arbitrium, a non-toxic cousin of Imperium, as an additional byproduct of its metabolism.
A dangerous but curable condition, Imperium Toxicity is caused by Imperium levels in excess of what the subject's metabolism can safely manage.
Arbitrium is a protoxin of Imperium, the metabolite required to cast magic. Magic casters who regularly consume arbitrium train their bodies to metabolize the chemical into Imperium when needed.
Imperium is a protein hormone produced by every creature in existence, allowing them to tap into the metaphysical arcane power of the magical fields governing the different branches of Magic.
A controversial figure from the historical days of Fillimet, Arthur Golding looms large in the history of the modern day spacefaring technologies of Vazdimet.
Afterlife Intelligences are souls of the dead who have agreed to remain on the mortal plane, soulbound within an object that they then control. AI are best known for their use within military spacecraft, but can be found almost anywhere.
Meet the intelligent species of Vazdimet.
Runework is the written-only programming language of Magic, allowing a skilled practitioner to enchant items and even draft magically-binding contracts such as Soul Oath.
Arbormancy is the subset of Agrokinesis focused on woodcraft and other projects involving plants. While typically used on lumber and other dead woods, the magic is also effective on living plants, provided care is taken not to overstress them.
Fibramancy is a highly specialized subset of Agrokinesis focusing on the manipulation and alteration of threads derived from plant-based fibers. As with all Nature Magic, Fibramancy requires grounding in the appropriate magical fields prior to casting.
Biomicrokinesis allows for the manipulation of cellular microorganisms. It has proven useful in a variety of applications, from the brewing of beer to the enhancement of Curative Magic.
Psychomorphation is the magic of changing emotions, recognizing the feelings sensed through Psychometry and slowly altering those inputs to adjust the memories and emotions of an individual.
Vardan (organization)
The nomadic space-dwelling Vardan control the paths of commerce across the universe. Their neutrality is hard earned through trade agreements and economic embargos.
Hydell Order adherents believe in the divinity of their Ordained Ascended and strive to earn their own right to ascend. AI formed outside the sanctions of the Ascended Conclave, however, are a blasphemy against the Natural Order and must be destroyed.
The Freehold Planets value freedom and individual identity. Freeholders take great pride in maintaining their independence from each other and the rest of the universe.
The Stardate Calendar system of measurement was developed by the nomadic Vardan traders to estimate their arrival at ports of call. The calendar has since been adopted across Vazdimet as a universal conversion rate for interplanetary dealings.
Pride of the Sparnell Confederation - and the Valcore Family - the Valcore Oracle's prophesies shaped and reshaped the Confederation on countless occasions until her disappearance in 2242 EVT.