
Chromamancy is the arcane control of colors and dyes. While frequently used in its basic form by craftsmen, artisans, and military clothiers, the full skills of Chromamancy are rarely studied due to their requirements for intense knowledge and training, combined with a general disinterest in the full powers of the skills.   Those who have mastered Chromamancy tend to advertise their expertise through frequent color shifting of their clothing, and sometimes even their hair and skin.


Chromamancy allows the user to change the colors of an item or even a creature to the desired hues and patterns, although it will not alter genetics. The target still retains an invisible trace of their original colors, accessible by anyone with a basic understanding of Chromamancy, but the spells themselves can only be undone by a chromamancer of equal or greater skill.  

Chromatic Shifting

The simplest of Chromamancy spells, Chromatic Shifting allows the caster to slightly alter the hues of an object. Perhaps a brighter shade of the current color is required, or a particular hue appears too saturated. Maybe an item is just not quite the correct shade. All these minor adjustments can be accomplished through Chromatic Shifting.   This branch of Chromamancy also allows the user to directly control the shade of an item when using a dye, paint, pigment, or stain on an item. This is the most commonly taught classification of Chromamancy, particularly among artisans and craftsmen. It's also the most common application found in body modifications, to help inks and dyes set to the desired hues.  

Object Recoloring

Object Recoloring allows the chromamancer to directly alter an object's colors and patterns without the use of any other materials. Unlike Chromatic Shifting, Object Recoloring requires intense concentration and a clear vision of the final results of the spell. This skill can only be used on inanimate objects and materials, but can be used to alter only the surface colors or change the colors throughout the entire material.  

Creature Colorization

The most difficult of all Chromamancy, Creature Colorization follows the same rules as object recoloring except it is applied to living creatures. Plants, animals, and even Sophont individuals can be recolored according to the vision of the chromamancer.   It is generally considered bad form to use creature colorization on an unwilling participant. Few choose to risk this unwritten rule, no matter how tempting. Chromamancers who decide to prank others with unexpected recolorations are fairly easily identified and brought to justice, due to the rarity of the skill.  

Color Wash

Color washing removes all Chromamancy cast on an object or individual and returns them to their previous color. To properly undo the effects the casting chromamancer must possess equal or superior chromatic knowledge and power to the individual who cast the original spell. From there, they can simply feel the original colors, and draw them back to the surface.  

Chromatic Concentration

Chromamancy requires a caster with a very clear understanding and expectation of colors in order to properly understand and utilize the full breadth of the skill. Most practicioners therefore also learn Thaumathea, typically before undertaking training in Chromamancy.   Due to the magic's requirement that the caster hold their desired colors and patterns within their mind, this skill is also best avoided by those who are easily distracted. Many caster's choose to close their eyes while casting, or mediate on a swatch of the intended color. It is also particularly difficult to perfect for those suffering from colorblindness, although Thaumathea has proven an effective aid even in these cases.   Runework has recently gained prominence within the field, allowing casters to program the spell prior to casting, or in a way to allow the user to alter the color. These programmed spells rely on carefully constructed runic manifestations of the color, eliminating the need for color meditation completely.
Parent Technologies
The spells themselves are not particularly complex, but require an intense concentration to perform. No motions or words are required, simply a dedicated focus on the intended coloration and color designs of the target of the spells.   As a result, many casters choose to close their eyes while casting in order to better visualize their intentions.

World Ember 2023

World Ember 2023

In an effort to work the core worldbuilding articles of Vazdimet, December 2023 is focused on the Magic of Vazdimet, as I work to flesh out my magic stubs.
I'll be working on them in related chunks, starting with Nature Magic, although I'll likely be writing additional stubs as well, as the muse desires. Take a look:


Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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Dec 17, 2023 21:11 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is one of my favourite magics, I think

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Dec 17, 2023 23:37 by Morgan Biscup

It's so useful and fun! And almost magic for magic's sake alone.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Dec 20, 2023 07:22 by Soulwing

They are able to express themselves in phrases. 'Today I am feeling blue' *shifts into blue hues*

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.
Dec 21, 2023 00:05 by Morgan Biscup

Someone probably does!   It's a great form of self-expression.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
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