One of the founding members of the Mordena, Razick Kane is a highly trained Battle Mage with a troubled past.
Its true name lost to the ages, Morjakk is the ancient and forgotten language of Janikk, resurrected by the Mordena with assistance of Telepathy.
Now claimed as the Mordena homeworld, Janikk, renditions of the early efforts of others to claim TR-75 tell tales of fastastical, hostile wildlife acting in concert, plant life as deadly and strange as it is beautiful, and a dream-haunting ghostly voice.
The fylox are predatory hunters native to the Mordena homeworld of Janikk. They are easily identified by their long slender legs, twin tails, and reptilian heads, and best known for their craftiness in problem solving.
Homeworld of the Mordena mercenaries, Janikk is said to be a planet of fantastical, hostile wildlife haunted by an ominous sentience.
An expensive and ferocious band of mercenaries, the Mordena have earned equal parts respect and fear throughout Vazdimet. Few outsiders understand their true motives.
Constructed of a crystallized form of magic-conducting metal, tyrellium crystal allows for the programming of complex Runework spells.
A specialized branch of Zokinesis, Gene Therapy allows for the alteration of an individual's genome, tweaking their own genetics to provide additional abilities or eliminate undesired traits or physical conditions.
Experts in the world of plants, botanists often specialize in the study of a specific set of behaviors, type of environment, or classification of plant.
The Soulbound are those bound to an object within the mortal plane. The duration of the binding, the soul's abilities while bound, and their choice in whether or not to remain in this condition all depend upon the type of binding spell cast.
Starmetal refers to any alloy comprised entirely of metals mined directly from a star or its subsequent supernova, provided the metal currently retains the cosmic magic of the star from which it was harvested.
A valuable gift from a former rival, Jake Lawrence's dimension-spanning Void Blade, Oathbreaker, has proven instrumental in performing precise soul surgeries.
A requirement of all citizens within the Sparnell Confederation, once a member of the Confederation reaches the age of sixteen they are required to participate in a ten year conscription within the Sparnell Armed Forces.
The ancient members of the Ascended Conclave provide the guidance required to lead the Hydell Order into their rightful place as the True Descendents of Fillimet.
The official seat of power for the members of Sparnell Fleet Command when not otherwise engaged in the field, SAF Military Headquarters stands as a brutal monument to the military might of the Sparnell Confederation.
The Inner Bastion includes only the most trusted of the Mordena. Members must possess expertise in their chosen field, conviction in defending their morality, and the fearlessness to inform Shane Lawrence when they believe he is wrong.
The Loxira Incident Report records the efforts and details of the Inevitable Armada in locating their missing away team, including the famed Admiral Renkash.
Crafty and ambitious, Razalle Bosa is known for using both her words and her curves to great advantage for her people and her planet. A rising political star, Bosa currently serves as the duly elected President of the Freehold planet of Libara.
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