The Haunting of Planet TR-75

Shane pulled up the datapad, setting the screen to holographic projection mode. “TR-75. Let’s review what we know. Jeb?”   “Fleet Command authorized three different expeditions to Planet TR-75, set for different seasons, different locations on the planet and larger exploration teams with each attempt.” Jeb keyed in the reports on the datapad, pulling up a sparsely mapped rendition of the planet with markers at three separate locations. “The first two? No survivors. But the third…”   He rotated the globe to point to the expedition site. “The third attempt. They rescued my former coworker on his second day. The others were already dead by that point. From what I could gather, they were hunted relentlessly by the wildlife wherever they went. Those who survived that died to the vegetation.”
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> Mordena Dawn 2: Spirits of the Relentless

Discover the origin of the Mordena mercenaries, and the secret history of their founder, Shane Lawrence.
Available May 21, 2024.

Shane Lawrence has inherited a problem.

When the Turncoat Armada surrendered, no one considered the future well-being of its crew. Determined to fulfill this unexpected obligation, the necromancer sets forth to find a refuge for his emotionally battered military fleet, turning his gaze to the uninhabited planet of TR-75.

But there's a catch. TR-75 has already been claimed - by the planet herself. "Janikk" whispers her name on the winds, stirring up the native wildlife to decimate all incursions with vengeful distrust.

Resolving to succeed where others have failed, Shane's team embarks with a different priority, one focused on respect for the ancient spirit said to haunt the coveted world. They soon discover winning her favor requires facing the ghosts of their own pasts.
  All expeditions to planet TR-75 have ended in disaster, allegedly due to the planet itself rising up against any who dare to walk its surface. The most notable of these attempts was performed by a small team of scientists and soldiers from the Sparnell Confederation surveying potential sites for a new military base. In this case one scientist managed to survive to make a full report of the experience, leaving even more questions than answers.   Access to the official Sparnell Armed Forces files on Planet TR-75, now known as Janikk, has been restricted to Sparnell Fleet Command since the Mordena claimed the planet as their homeworld. This was a failed attempt to eliminate the subsequent myths about the powers of the Mordena in "conquering" the sentient planet.   Numerous purported copies of these files exist, as do assorted account by people who claim to have read the files prior to their classification, when they were a mere footnote in a collection of other, more successful Sparnelli missions of exploration and surveillance. Others claim to have been invited to the planet as guests, sharing outrageous stories which contradict each other in an attempt to outshine all the other tales. All tell tales of fastastical, hostile wildlife acting in concert, plant life as deadly and strange as it is beautiful, and a dream-haunting ghostly voice answering to the name Janikk. The details of each rendition of the tale vary depending upon the purported source and the intended audience, but these basic factors remain constant throughout.   The Mordena have remained silent on the accuracy of all of them, and have not added any reliable literature of their own. This only serves to heighten the mercenary organization's own sense of mystery, adding further speculation as to how they have subdued the vengeful planet and what horrors await any who dare oppose them at their homeworld. Very few dare to visit Janikk as a result, and none in opposition of the Mordena have returned to tell of their efforts. The Ferrik Clan of Vardan Traders are the only known repeat outside visitors.
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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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Jul 6, 2021 23:42 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I am so curious about the truth of Janikk. I'm looking forward to hopefully finding out more in one of your novels! :D

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 7, 2021 00:52 by Morgan Biscup

The one I am working right now, perhaps? ;)

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
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