Dracoling are best known for their expressive body language and tough, leathery skin. Despite their reptilian appearance – courtesy of their ear fins and the scale-like texture of cracks throughout their skin – dracoling are actually close relatives of humans.
Basic Information
Dracoling possess four limbs: two arms and two legs. Their skin is quite thick and leathery compared to other sophonts, providing a natural armor against physical impact and granting them their scale-like appearance as the outer layers crack in spiderweb patterns to allow ease of movement.
Their most notable feature, aside from their skin, is the pair of fins positioned on either side of their head, used to help direct sound and convey emotion.
Genetics and Reproduction
Dracoling are genetically compatible with humans, and able to give birth to viable offspring which will be either dracoling or human but never both. They are unable to reproduce with canids or katanoji, although Gene Therapy techniques are in development in an effort to change this - for those who can afford it.
Dietary Needs and Habits
As with their close relatives, humans, dracoling require an omnivorous diet of both plants and meat to achieve peak health, although the exact requirements vary from individual to individual depending upon their exact genetics and level of activity.
Some claim they require a higher meat content than humans, but this is merely personal preference or an attempt to lean into their reputation as formidable fighters. Those accustomed to life in space usually rely upon nutrition packets to augment their standard food stores, often using the same formula as that developed for humans due to their similar needs.
Additional Information
Facial characteristics
The scale-like cracks in a dracoling's skin extend even to their head, with cracks forming closer together along laugh lines and other skin creases due to frequent movement.
Rather than external ears they have a pair of ear holes, one on either side of the head, adding to their reptilian appearance. A large, movable ear fin sits behind each ear hole, which they can adjust to help catch sound or flatten against their heads in stressful or high volume environments.
These fins also assist with the dracoling's expressive body language, their positioning and movements not only communicating the individual's interest in their surroundings but also often their opinion of them.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Sight, Smell, and Taste
A dracoling's sense of sight and smell are less developed than a canid, katanoj, or fae, but on par with that of humans. Their taste is equal to that of a human, and well beyond the capabilities of the canids and katanoji.Touch
Due to their thicker skin, the dracoling's reaction to touch is the weakest of all sophonts in Vazdimet, including their sense of extern physical pain. This allows them remarkable protections against blunt force trauma, leading to many tales of dracoling merely brushing themselves off after an impact which would have sent anyone else to seek emergency medical attention. This is not due to a lack of nerves or pain receptors, as internal pains affect them equally when compared to other species. They are more affected by cutting wounds, such as those inflicted in a knife fight or during surgery, courtesy of a combination of their unfamiliarity with external touch stimuli and the increased healing required by their thicker, tougher skin. Dracoling who wish to experience an enhanced sense of touch often turn to Alchemy, with many chemical solutions available to temporarily enhance these sensations in various ways for assorted durations.Hearing
Dracoling are best known for their exceptional hearing, although to compare a dracoling's hearing to that of a canid is akin to comparing a fae's sense of sight to that of a katanoj. Rather than the expected external ears of most other sophonts, dracoling possess a pair of holes on the side of their heads which allow for a primitive sense of hearing but lead to difficulties in interpretation or triangulation of the sounds. The fins positioned behind each ear hole can assist in increasing or decreasing the volume of a sound by cupping to catch the air waves, but this by itself does little to convey the actual meaning of each sound. Instead, dracoling have learned to rely on their genetic disposition toward Anemancy to feel the sound waves in the air, directing those they wish to hear directly into their ears while filtering out the rest. This not only provides them with exceptional albeit magically-enhanced hearing compared to the other sophonts, but also permits them to function in confusing, high volume environments. Variations of these spell are taught to students of Anemancy across all of Vazdimet, although none have proven quite so adept as the dracoling. While most dracoling do learn this skill naturally as they grow and adjust to the world, dracoling parents will make a point to teach their children as soon as they feel their child is ready, allowing them to begin to learn spoken language, and integrate sooner into the rest of society. Children who have not yet picked up this skill often carry earplugs for use is loud, high stress environments. While their hearing is already muted by general standards, the additional confusion of being unable to interpret the jumble of noises or determine which are important usually causes additional distress.Civilization and Culture
Common Dress Code
Much like humans, but in contrast to the other sophonts, dracoling universally prefer to wear at least basic clothing, although their fashions are often more revealing than those of humans.
Due to the rough nature of their skin they prefer smooth fabrics with less chance of catching on the scale-like cracks covering their bodies, often preferring silks or heavily starched fabrics. Thicker weaves such as wool or knit clothing are generally avoided, for similar reasons.
Common Myths and Legends
Myths abound of the origin of the dracoling, with most linking them to a dragon of Fillimet falling in love with a human, giving rise to their dracoling children.
In truth the dracoling are mammals and not reptilian at all, instead sharing an ancient ancestor with humans.
Interspecies Relations and Assumptions
Young dracoling appear shy around the other sophont species, due to stress interpreting sounds and language until they have fully mastered their Anemancy. The diminutive fae seem to be exempt from this discomfort, likely due to their smaller size and mutual wariness of large, boisterous crowds.
Upon mastery of their hearing, dracoling have proven adept at integrating with the rest of society. They are often boisterous and friendly, with a highly expressive body language well geared toward conveying intent and emotion, speaking volumes with a subtle glance.
Perceptions of the dracoling among other species tend to vary dependant on personal experience. Among the military and those accustomed to preventing or causing fights, dracoling are known as tough bruisers, well capable of taking a beating in a physical fight due to their thicker skin and superior hearing - courtesy of their Anemancy. Among the more civilian crowd, many consider the dracoling exotic due to their expressive body language and mildly reptilian appearance.

by Astron
Scientific Name
Homo acutulus drakonis
150 years
Average Height
5 ft - 7 ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dracoling skin tones are varied and colorful, with most featuring light shades but some born with bolder coloration. Red, orange, blue, and green are the most common, although gray, gold, and silver appear to be recessive possibilities. Their hair has also been known to adopt these colors, in addition to the more common black, brown, red, and blonde more notable in humans.
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Related Myths

Veris Asik by Astron