
Arbitrium is a protoxin of Imperium, the metabolite required to cast magic. Regular consumption trains the body in efficient metabolism, granting mages a faster recovery on occasions where heavy magic use is needed.


Origin & Source

Alchemical yeast is the most common source of arbitrium. The yeast releases arbitrium as part of its metabolic process, alongside the alcohol and carbon dioxide biproducts common to most yeasts.

Life & Expiration

Arbitrium is stable, with its shelf life limited primarily to the products in which it is found. It is recommended that powdered arbitrium be used within a year for peak effectiveness, but pure arbitrium does not have any expiration where it is no longer safe to consume.   Ideally, dried arbitrium is stored in a sealed, airtight container, safe from moisture or extreme temperatures. Most spacecraft-based Medlabs keep a large, often-dusty jar on hand in case of emergencies.

History & Usage

Everyday use

While excess levels of Imperium will lead to Imperium Toxicity, arbitrium itself is safe and non-toxic. Magic casters who regularly consume the arbitrium train their bodies to metabolize the protoxin into Imperium when needed, providing a faster replenishment than the standard methods of rest or meditation.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The use of alchemical yeast dates back to the ancient days of Fillimet, ensuring the knowledge of its use spans across all major Factions of Vazdimet. Its importance, on the other hand, relies heavily on local needs and beliefs.   Cultures where Magic has become an everyday experience have also developed a heavy usage of arbitrium, with magic casters consuming a sizeable quantity of arbitrium-laced foods on a daily basis. The exact nature of these foods is highly reliant upon the society consuming them, ranging from the magic-enhancing but extremely bland nutrient bars of the Sparnell Armed Forces to the decadent foods of the Mordena.   Societies relying on less magical technologies, such as the Space Defense Legion, tend to treat arbitrium as merely another potential ingredient. Its mildly nutty flavor forms the basis for several specialty flavorings and recipes, while many home remedies attribute useful but largely unproven health benefits to its consumption. Sometimes, too, people will try it simply for the novelty.

Manufacturing & Products

Entire businesses are dedicated to the production of yeast products utilizing alchemical yeast in lieu of baking and brewing yeasts, to harness the popularity and usefulness of arbitrium to heavy magic casters.   Breads, cakes, and other dough-based desserts and meals are sold for everyday consumption to allow mages to retain their body's familiarity with the metabolization of arbitrium into Imperium. Beers, wines, whiskeys, liquors, and assorted other alcoholic beverages are widely available for consumption, in addition to various attempts at low alcohol or non alcoholic variations. Energy drinks claiming to reinvigorate the body in addition to the consumer's magical reserves are a current fad gaining popularity across most major cities, and alchemical concoctions are common inventories among chemists, alchemists, and many of the more enterprising merchants.   Health-focused markets often offer arbitrium in powdered form to sprinkle on or in food of the consumer's choice, although recent studies suggest arbitrium consumed in this manner to be less effective than that obtained through more conventional means.
mild, earthy
faint, nutty flavor
dulled translucent silver-gray
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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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