Necromancy is the magic of the soul and the Veil, allowing direct contact with the deceased, or manipulation of space and time by temporarily phasing to the higher ascended spiritual planes.
Classified as Asterarcana, Necromancy draws its power from the magical fields of existence itself, including the higher planes of the Afterlife. Due to this, Necromancy can be cast anywhere, regardless of the user's location. Its power is woven through the very fabric of Vazdimet itself.
As the magic of the soul and the higher planes of The Afterlife, Necromancy allows for a wide variety of effects to its spells.
With the exception of Soul Shatter, Necromancy is not an offensive magic. Most consider it a magic of spiritual healing and personal connection, although its true nature depends upon the caster.
The simplest Necromancy spells involve communication with the souls of those who passed beyond The Veil, calling them back to commune with the living. Soul Call is the most well-known example, although the class also contains more advanced and specialized options.Soul Magic
Necromantic Soul Magic involves a direct interaction with an individual's soul, either living or deceased. Soul Shatter remains the most feared example, as it destroys the soul and therefore the eternal existence of its target, but this classification is also required to assign Afterlife Intelligences or guide souls into their reconstruction clone. This category of Necromany is also responsible for Soulbinding and Soul Oaths, with the effects spanning multiple planes.Plane Phasing
Necomancy not only allows for an interaction with the higher planes of Afterlife, but also the adjustment of the spiritual resonance of items, individuals, and even the caster themself. Hyperjump is the most notable and highest cost example of this ability, but not the only use. This also permits pulling the dead to the mortal plane or phasing through items.Social Impact
Necromancy has completely revolutionized technology in Vazdimet, for those who willingly embrace it. The birth of Afterlife Intelligences requires deceased souls be bound within equipment and especially spacecraft systems, while reconstruction clones now mean death is no longer the end of life on the mortal planes, provided the deceased wishes to return.
Beliefs about the proper use of Necromancy serve to highlight fractures dividing the people of Vazdimet into multiple factions.
Availability by Faction
Mordena and Sparnell Confederation
The Sparnell Confederation relies heavily upon Necromancy, from Hyperjump travel to Afterlife Intelligences. Their usage remains highly militarized, with a focus on its use in war tactics, most notably their highly trained Tactical Assault Groups of dead souls, led by fearsome necromancer leads know as TAGs. True to the roots of their founder, Shane Lawrence, the Mordena echo this acceptance of Necromancy. Unlike the Confederation, their usage extends into every facet of life, with Afterlife Planners available even to civilians, and the use of simple communication spells between fleets or with Janikk herself. Navarch Jake Cartwright Lawrence regularly provides the Soul Call spell to the Mordena's clients for use in emergencies, via his Calling Card.Hydell Order
The Hydell Order has also been known to use Necromancy for travel through the Void, although only when the Orbital Fareway System is not considered a feasible option. They also dangle the possibility of joining the Ordained Ascended after death as an enticement for loyalty and a show of Faith. The True Descendants' beliefs in the Final Ascension – and therefore their opposition to the more blatant uses of Necromancy by the Confederation and Mordena – have formed the foundation of their militant religious war against much of the universe.Space Defense Legion
By comparison, the Space Defense Legion neglects most uses of Necromancy, in line with their usual hesitance to rely on magic. Resurrection is rarely employed within the SDL, as most Legionnaires hold to the belief that death is not an ending but a new beginning. One which should remain undisturbed. Necromancy's more healing capabilities, however, have proven difficult to replicate through other means. Those suffering from loss are encouraged to seek support from a grief walker, while necromantic surgeons remain rare but highly valued for their assistance with difficult medical issues.Freeholds and Vardan
The Freeholds and the Vardan maintain a much more varied view of the magic, with each planet and caravan choosing for themselves based upon beliefs and access.
Necromancy by Incaseofgrace
Parent Technologies
Necromantic Communication Spells
Necromantic Soul Magic Spells
Necromantic Phasing Spells
Related Items
Related Vehicles
Related Species

Magic Lessons by Astron
I love the excerpt you've chosen. Necromancy is a wholesome magic! <3
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
It is! And thank you. I wrote this ages ago for this article and then never wrote the article. So excited to finally let it see the light of day.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.