Tactical Assault Group

The Order of Success: Learn. Plan. Act. He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. "What's a tag?"   <<Stands for 'Tactical Assault Group,' eight to twenty souls, usually Battle Mages with a Tactical Lead, always a necromancer. Hyperjump in, cause hell until the TAG Lead dies. Resurrect, repeat on the next mission.>> Alanis paused. <<Your father and his friends are in no shape to face her.>>
  The Sparnell Armed Forces' Tactical Assault Groups allow for large scale disruptive attacks behind enemy lines with minimal mission-specific logistical and support requirements. The assault group leader, often called a TAG, will Hyperjump as close as possible to their intended target, Calling and binding their deceased team members to wreak sudden and severe havoc before the target's defenses are able to eliminate the threat.   As the only living member of the team, the TAG is provided a collection of Reconstruction Clones to allow for their immediate return to the mortal plane, although the most powerful of TAGs do not require a living body to retain their effectiveness.



The size of the Tactical Assault Group depends on the skills, experience, and political connectivity of the Tactical Lead and their commanding officer, as well as their comfort in maintaining a meaningful relationship with the members of the group. Typical teams contain eight to twenty individuals, mostly Battle Mages, in addition to the Lead, also known as a TAG. Larger teams will also include additional roles such as healers.   The TAG is the only living member.


Each Tactical Assault Group is led by a specially trained necromancer, called a Tactical Lead or TAG. The TAG is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the assault group, serving as their eyes and ears on the mortal plane, binding the souls needed to successfully perform the mission, and phasing group members to the mortal planes when necessary. As the only living member of the tactical assault group, the TAG is also responsible for the defense of the unit, typically using Shielding Magic and Curative Magic in addition to Necromancy and the skills of their bound Battle Mages.


"Weakness?"   <<The TAG herself, she's their link to the mortal plane. Without her Telepathy sharing what she sees they're blind.>> Alanis' words came faster. <<While she's still binding her team I can jump us in behind her, she'll think we're just more of her souls. But you'll only get one surprise attack.>>   "So make it count."
  Tactical Assault Groups are the ultimate surprise attack, near unlimited firepower bound only by the physical limitations of the TAG leading the team. With a Tactical Lead accustomed to dying on the job and the remaining members already dead, very little intimidates a TAG.   The necromancer leading the assault group will Hyperjump to the target location, then soft bind the souls of the team members necessary for the mission. This is both their greatest strength and their greatest weakness. Choosing souls as needed allows the assault group to remain flexible in their team compositions, but provides an opening for counterattack if caught immediately upon arrival. Most TAGs therefore bind their key team members before arrival, but binding too many souls before the jump tends to complicate the spell for all but the most powerful necromancers.   In most cases the Tactical Assault Group is meant as a diversion or an opportunity for sabotage. Tactical Leads are often sent to cause as much havoc as possible until their death, and therefore typically maintain a cavalier attitude toward death itself as well as a sizeable collection of Reconstruction Clones for quick resurrections upon their return.


The Tactical Lead of the assault group is well trained in Necromancy especially Hyperjump, Soul Call, and Soul Shield. They are also experts in Telepathy, Shielding Magic, and often know at least the basics of Curative Magic.   Most of the deceased assault group members are Battle Mages trained in an assortment of offensive magics including Telekinesis, Pyromancy, Hydromancy, Anemancy, and Electromancy, depending on their skills and specializations. As long as the deceased mage is bound to the mortal plane and able to view their surroundings via the TAG's Telepathy, these team members are able to cast their own magic at will. Accuracy also requires an understanding of where they are bound with relation to what they can see.



TAGs are powerfully attuned necromancers who lack cosmic attunement, and therefore cannot serve as Void Necromancers. They are responsible for building their teams, with the support and suggestions of their chain of command. Typically the process begins before the desired recruit has died, although some Battle Mages request to complete their conscription on a TAG team rather than requesting a Reconstruction Clone or serving as a ship Weapons AI.   Necromancers cannot force the dead to respond to their spellwork without extreme measures, and so the relationship between TAG and their team is typically a willing one, grown and fostered while they are alive and maintained after their death. As a result the teams themselves are emotionally close, an oddity within the Confederation and often the reason those recruited to the team choose to accept the invitation. Members of a Tactical Assault Group are closer to their Lead than they are to their own Family, frequently choosing to willingly re-enlist upon the end of their conscription in order to maintain their relationship with the TAG and its members. Families of team members are compensated with a share in the glory earned by the Tactical Assault Group.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Necromantic Consent

Most Necromancy, even the Soul Oath, requires the consent of the deceased to complete the spells. As a result the dynamics of the TAG Team require a willingness to work together.   As with all things, there are some ways around this. A soul could be pursuaded – often through threats – to agree to a Soul Oath which also binds portions of the individual's magic to the Lead, allowing them to cast the individual's magic directly. The use of Psychomorphation to tie the deceased's will to their Lead will also allow for binding of unwilling souls, although this is time consuming and prone to creative dissent at inopportune moments.   Relying upon coercion increases the efforts required by the TAG to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of their team, and so a willing relationship is preferred in all cases.

World Ember 2023

World Ember 2023

In an effort to work the core worldbuilding articles of Vazdimet, December 2023 is focused on the Magic of Vazdimet, as I work to flesh out my magic stubs.
I'll be working on them in related chunks, starting with Nature Magic, although I'll likely be writing additional stubs as well, as the muse desires. Take a look:


Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt
Character flag image: by tjtrewin


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Nov 22, 2021 16:58 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thank you for writing this! <3 I find the dynamics at play here so fascinating.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Nov 22, 2021 17:06 by Morgan Biscup

<3 I really need to worldbuild more about Sparnell. (And all my other factions that aren't Mordena tbh). Thanks for asking about it!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Nov 22, 2021 19:34 by Dani

Very cool! This amplifies some info from book 1 and it's fun to see the realm coming to life all over the place :D

You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
Luridity: Where love is love and life is lived. Contains NSFW content.
Now with serialized fiction on Ream!!
Nov 22, 2021 20:36 by Morgan Biscup

It's time Sparnell got some articles to show what they are really like, aside from Kydell. Going to be fun to start sharing it all! TAGs are next.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
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