Color Theory of the Confederation

Colors play a surprising role within the political maneuverings of the Sparnell Confederation, with Families choosing their own official colors based upon the present meanings of each, coupled with the Family's political aspirations.


The importance of each color stemmed first from their associations with the different branches of Magic, and the uses and value of that magic within the Confederation. As time progressed and the values of the Confederation shifted, so too did the perceived meanings of color.   As with all things, the present messages of today will change again, as the Sparnelli themselves change and adapt to the faction's political climates and each planet's personal relationship with magic, political intrigue, and the Confederation as a whole.


The meanings of color are most prominently displayed within Sparnelli Families, most notably within their Family emblem, but also in the dress and even mannerisms of the most prominent Family members. In fact, historical analysis into several popular colors and the influence of the Families selecting those colors has yielded surprising results as to the perceived changes in a color's meaning based upon the individuals and organizations most closely associated with them.   Many powerful and politically connected Families have therefore been known to take questionable measures to persuade smaller Families to select a different color for their emblems, solely to protect the color's current meaning.
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Color Breakdown

Gold & Yellow
The color of Divination, gold carries a great importance in the Sparnell Confederation. It is a sign of knowledge of purpose, and confidence in the stability of the future.   It features prominently in SAF Uniforms, particularly among officers, as a constant reminder of their duties to the Confederation. The Void stripes seen prominently on Void mages' trousers are particularly intended as a flashy admonition to apply their powers for the good of the Sparnell Armed Forces.   Gold is most strongly associated with the Valcore Family, particularly the Valcore Oracle. Claiming and Oath pins are also gold, signifying the bond between the individual and their Admiral.
A symbol of pain, suffering, and prolonged death, red is often considered a sign of bad luck and fading health. Among the superstitious, gifts featuring red as a predominant color are considered a silent curse against the recipient. Some go so far as to label all redheads as troublemakers, destined to bring pain to their own loved ones, although fortunately most consider this particular belief utter nonsense.   The color has been adopted by the Jarkin Family, as a symbol of their personal toughness, as well as the destruction wreaked by their explosives.
Red Orange
Red orange represents Elemental Magic, and an awareness of one's surroundings. The color has also been used to denote an acceptance of fate, and features prominently on safety warnings and reminders intended to prevent careless accidents.   Interestingly, red orange also signifies teamwork and fellowship, although it is uncertain whether this association arose due to its representation of Elemental Magic or as a cheeky reminder that reliable synergies with others can improve one's fate.   It is best known for its association with the Kane Family, although the color has been adopted by countless other Sparnelli Families of battle mages.
Unlike its red counterpart, orange is considered a sign of cleansing and peace, in preparation for a new beginning. The color is often paired with ice blue, representing a new beginning without the baggage of the past.   Afterlife Planners often incorporate orange into their décor, a reminder to their patrons of their own strength as they transition into the next phase of their existence.
The weakest meaningful color within the Confederation, green represents Nature Magic in all its forms. Green represents healing, and life, and the manipulation of both to further one's personal goals.   Green is best known in association with the Hoffigar Family.
Blue Green
The color of Psychic Magic, blue green straddles the meanings of green and blue, much as the mind and soul straddle the brief physicality of life and the timelessness of existence itself. Blue green has therefore come to also represent not only the mind but also the soul, and its corresponding emotions.
Deep Blue
The color of Chronomancy, deep blue has come to mean not only time and its manipulation, but also timelessness. Where black represents the meaningless of distance, dark blue flaunts a careless power over the passage of time itself.   Dark blue is forever, and a dangerous, deadly patience.   The Haveid Family has adopted dark blue as their official color, a representation of their patience in the hunt.
Ice Blue & Silver
The color of Portal Magic, light blue and in particularly mostly-white icy blues represent a major change or transition in life. In recent times, silver has also been adopted as a metallic variation.   Ice blue features prominently as an accent or trim to the black found in weddings and funerals, a recognition of the life changing importance of these events. It's also paired with purple for birthdays, Conscription parties, and promotion celebrations, as a sign of good luck and fortunate.   Light blue is the official color of the Cavish Family.
The color of Thaumadynamics, purple has historically represented the transfer or transformation of power, in all its many forms. Uses in modern times have often dropped the requirement for the movement or changing of power, instead adopting purple as a symbol of power itself - particularly power of a magical nature.   Purple is the official color of the Javon Family, although in recent times Admiral Kydell's political successes and use of purple have claimed the spotlight for the Kydell Family.
The colorful representation of the Oramathea vision magics, rainbow hues represent the power of seeing and being seen on one's own terms. Some Families have begun to adopt bright rainbowed patterns as a notable sign of their political ambitions.   Rainbow colorations are often associated with the Yaevin Family, when they wish to be acknowledged for their accomplishments.
The color of Necromancy, black symbolizes the Afterlife, the The Veil between the mortal and higher planes, the Void of space, and the inseparable bonds of political alliances between Sparnelli Families. Black has also come to imply reliability and dependability and, among romantics, it's seen as the representation of true love.   Black is most strongly associated with the Selkirk Family, both for their Necromancy and their bonds with their Tactical Assault Groups.
The color of Metamagic, gray represents magic and its manipulation, regardless of form. The color is also indicative of knowledge and expertise with magic as a whole, in both history and application, and has grown popular among those practicing Technoarcana.   Gray is most strongly associated with the Margold Family, although the Family themselves prefer the use of dark blue to denote the age of their lineage.

Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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Aug 4, 2023 10:33 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the use of black for true love.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Aug 4, 2023 12:11 by Morgan Biscup

Me, too! It really fits, though.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Aug 9, 2023 12:22

I love the way that you have laid out the different color meanings! Since red has such a stigmatized meaning, and colors have changed association over time, I wonder what may have changed it.

Aug 10, 2023 00:11 by Morgan Biscup

Sparnelli politics are quite brutal at times. It's probably related. ;)

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
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