Afterlife Planner

Afterlife planners commune with the dying and recently deceased, assisting their clients to plan the next phase of their existence. Those wishing to plan in advance are also welcome to work with an Afterlife planner, analyzing options and preparing paperwork and genetic material in support of their future plans.   The profession is particularly prevalent throughout the Sparnell Confederation and the Mordena, although many Freeholds have also built a reputation around their own offerings.   Death may be largely unavoidable, after all, but that's no reason for the situation to remain permanent. And a wise soul understands their options before the choice becomes necessary.



Afterlife planners require at least a basic understanding of Necromancy, to speak with their clients via Soul Call. Most are also able to cast Soulbind, allowing them to draw souls into reconstruction clones (for resurrection) or tyrellium crystal (to serve as Afterlife Intelligences).   Often an Afterlife planner will choose to pick up additional skills in Zokinesis or Curative Magic or even Elemental Magic, allowing them to provide assistance to their technicians during resurrection procedures, but these are not required skills.

Payment & Reimbursement


As with all Mordena professions, Afterlife planners are not a paid position, but are highly respected for their roles.   Those choosing to staff Janikk's Resurrection Center are accustomed to speaking with Jannadael from all walks of life, from repeated resurrections of those serving in the mercenary organization to civilians seeking another chance at life once their current body has breathed its last. Those seeking resurrection as Blades are referred to the highly specialized Vemajorrael; the rest are handled directly at the Center.   Afterlife planners handle other matters for the Jannadael as well, from maintaining the Mordena's vast catalog of genetic records from those considering a future resurrection, to long-term handling and storage of the specialized tyrellium crystals carefully crafted to house an AI's soul.
Afterlife planners are prohibited from operating within Hydell Order territory, as their work is believed to violate the Natural Order. This does not prevent the Ascended Conclave from employing their own for use when inducting the Ordained Ascended, although it is expected the devout True Descendants will overlook this incongruity.
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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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Sep 18, 2023 11:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love them and enjoyed exploring them with Lira.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Sep 18, 2023 16:50 by Morgan Biscup

Honestly it's such a great profession.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Sep 18, 2023 19:18

Using Necromanty to help your clients. Beautiful.

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Sep 19, 2023 00:20 by Morgan Biscup

I love playing with magical applications in logical yet unexpected ways. There's so much potential there.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
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