Resurrection Center

Lira got up from the chair, retrieving a pair of socks and flopping down on the bed to pull them on. "Where's the Resurrection Center located?"   "Underground. Usually we'd just visit one of the collection sites, likely the big one in the military sector since they're better scaled for the demand right now. But I want to check on a few things."
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> Hands of Destinee 3: The Path of Destinee

Join Jake Lawrence and Lira Noakes as they lead the Mordena Mercenaries into a new future.
Currently Available to Subscribers Only.

The Path of Destinee.

Rallying to defend the people and planets they hold dear against the fury of the Hydell Order, Agent Lira Destinee Noakes and Navarch Jake Lawrence lay the foundation for an audacious plan that will change the Mordena - and potentially the universe - forever.
Hands of Destinee, Book 3: The Path of Destinee
  The Mordena's Resurrection Center is actually a collection of sites and buildings spread across Janikk, dedicated to the care and counseling of all Jannadael in any matter pertaining to death or the Afterlife.  


Primary Center

The Center's primary location is sunk deep beneath the planetary surface, as a defense against the risk of attack from orbit. It is here where the primary leadership of the Center keeps their offices, alongside those employed in maintaining the massive genetic libraries and the cryonically-stored reconstruction clones.  

Satellite Offices

Smaller centers are scattered throughout Janikk, with at least one serving each city. These have full access to the digital servers protected within the planet, but do not keep any physical items or records, except as backups.   These satellite offices are most often maintained by Afterlife Planners, well-versed in assisting their clients in preparing for the many options and experiences surrounding death.  

Provided Services


They came to a door and Ana let them inside, shooing Lira in ahead of her. The room beyond was a small office, much more cosy than Lira had been expecting, the walls painted in soft soothing pastels and a warm lamp glowing in the corner. A desk faced one wall, whilst along another a comfortable and squashy-looking sofa sat. It looked as though it could sit three people snugly, or perhaps one lounging Scout. The office immediately put Lira at ease, an effect she was sure was deliberate.   "Please. Have a seat." Ana motioned to the sofa as she made her way to her chair, spinning it to face Lira. "Did Jakey tell you anything about what to expect?"   Lira perched on the edge of the sofa, not quite making herself comfortable yet. "I just know you need some of my genetic material. I'm not really sure what all this entails beyond that."   Ana folded her hands in her lap, tilting her head as she watched Lira, her voice kind. "Have you put any thought into what you want, when you die? I can help you sort out some plans for that, too."   Lira gave her an awkward smile. "Honestly, I am still getting used to the idea that there are options."   "Did you want me to go over them at all?"   Lira hesitated, before nodding slightly. "That would be appreciated, thank you."
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> Hands of Destinee 3: The Path of Destinee

Join Jake Lawrence and Lira Noakes as they lead the Mordena Mercenaries into a new future.
Currently Available to Subscribers Only.

The Path of Destinee.

Rallying to defend the people and planets they hold dear against the fury of the Hydell Order, Agent Lira Destinee Noakes and Navarch Jake Lawrence lay the foundation for an audacious plan that will change the Mordena - and potentially the universe - forever.
Hands of Destinee, Book 3: The Path of Destinee
  The first step for any new client begins with counseling, regardless of the individual's current status or stated reason for visit. In many cases this is a simple affair, merely reviewing the possible options and offerings at the Center and aligning client expectations. Other clients require more in-depth help, either with assistance in evaluating their options on in dealing with the complex emotions elicited at the thought of their death or that of a loved one.   The Center also provides long-term death-related therapy, although this option is limited to clients with unique needs specifically requiring Necromancy. Those who do not meet these stringent requirements are instead referred to a more traditional therapist.   With the exception of the more clinical-focused resurrection rooms, client-facing offices within each Center are furnished for comfort, with soothing or even cheerful colors intended to place clients at ease. Cleansing Magic is applied regularly to each room, with many also using alchemical scents focused on inducing relaxation, calm, or clear-thinking.  

Aferlife Planning

"So. Existence after death, there are actually three main options." Ana counted them off on her fingers. "You can choose to remain in the Afterlife. This was obviously the default long before Necromancy provided us with other options, but it's still a valid choice no matter how many - or how few - times you've died before."   She tapped her second finger. "Then there's our lovely AI. Souls can choose to join their number, returning to the mortal plane to continue to assist and interact with the living, but without the usual trappings of mortality like needing to eat and such."   She met Lira's eyes as she raised the third finger. "And then of course there's the reconstruction clones. Everyone thinks of them when they think of us, but the truth is we can help with all three choices. We don't just resurrect people here, we also help AI-hopefuls find the perfect position for their skills and interests, help council the newly deceased and their loved ones, and even sort out the rights of inheritance for those who hadn't finished sorting them out in life, or sometimes people have changes and updates they never got around to making while they were alive."
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> Hands of Destinee 3: The Path of Destinee

Join Jake Lawrence and Lira Noakes as they lead the Mordena Mercenaries into a new future.
Currently Available to Subscribers Only.

The Path of Destinee.

Rallying to defend the people and planets they hold dear against the fury of the Hydell Order, Agent Lira Destinee Noakes and Navarch Jake Lawrence lay the foundation for an audacious plan that will change the Mordena - and potentially the universe - forever.
Hands of Destinee, Book 3: The Path of Destinee
  Most Afterlife Planners on Janikk are affiliated with the Resurrection Center, working with clients both living and deceased to arrange their affairs. Planners are part therapist, part lawyer, and all necromancer, able to not only advise their clients but also to put those clients' requests into motion, regardless of whether that client is seeking a resurrection or a loving home for a beloved pet before passing into the Afterlife.   Much of the planning is performed within the same spaces as those used for counseling, often with sessions blending both roles together to better suit each client's needs.  


Lira smiled. "I think at the moment a resurrection clone is my best option. I have too much still to do that I need a body for."   "And it's always good to have your genetics on file, regardless of what you decide in the end." Ana folded her hands in her lap, watching Lira seriously. "But even with the clones, there's lots of options, if you'd like me to go through them now?"   Lira tilted her head. "It's not just... a clone of me?"   "It can be!" Ana said brightly. "Lots of people choose that. But it doesn't have to be."
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> Hands of Destinee 3: The Path of Destinee

Join Jake Lawrence and Lira Noakes as they lead the Mordena Mercenaries into a new future.
Currently Available to Subscribers Only.

The Path of Destinee.

Rallying to defend the people and planets they hold dear against the fury of the Hydell Order, Agent Lira Destinee Noakes and Navarch Jake Lawrence lay the foundation for an audacious plan that will change the Mordena - and potentially the universe - forever.
Hands of Destinee, Book 3: The Path of Destinee
  Most famous of the Resurrection Center's services, resurrection allows the recently- and even long-deceased to rejoin the living. Reconstruction clones can be a perfect clone of the deceased, or the client may request changes to help themselves feel even more comfortable in their own skin.   Clones are based on the client's former genetics, as the soul requires some level of same-ness to feel at home, although this still allows for some level of genetic manipulation. The most commonly requested adjustments include changees to attunement level, physical appearance, gender, and genetic predispositions for health conditions   Too many adjustments risk problems for the newly resurrected, potentially even risking the natural lifespan of the new clone. Most souls will recognize a misalignment right away, as being bound within a body that doesn't quite fit often results in a constant itchy sensation, as the body's immune system attempts to dislodge what it identifies as a foreign soul, slowly tearing itself apart in the process. While devastating to the new body, this genetic misalignment will not harm the soul provided the individual does not attempt to force the body to accept them long-term.   The resurrection spaces within each center are the most clinical in appearance, resembling a hospital more than the therapy rooms, but even here comfort remains a priority. Bodies are rested on a medical bed and prepped for resurrection, which may also involve thawing in cases where the body was prepared and stored before the client's death. If loved ones are waiting with the client while the body is prepared, the center will instead direct them to a private waiting room, including a tyrellium crystal with a holography subprogram to which the client's soul can be bound, allowing the client to interact with their loved ones while they wait.   After resurrection, clients are advised to remain in the center as the staff verifies the resurrection took proper hold. For experienced resurrectionists, this process only lasts a few minutes, while first timers may remain for several hours during which time the staff will walk them through guided resurrection exercises to recalibrate their soul with the new body.  

Clone Growth and Storage

"I am going to be in the field often," Lira admitted. "At least, I intend to be. Are there any downsides to being frozen instead of being grown as needed?"   This was a conversation that Lira couldn't have imagined having this time last year.   "The advantage is you don't have to wait so long," Ana explained patiently. "Hours, rather than weeks, which is important when you need to be ready to go."   She frowned. "But the experience is... different. There's a notable chill when you resurrect. If you have the flexibility, and the patience, fresh is better."
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> Hands of Destinee 3: The Path of Destinee

Join Jake Lawrence and Lira Noakes as they lead the Mordena Mercenaries into a new future.
Currently Available to Subscribers Only.

The Path of Destinee.

Rallying to defend the people and planets they hold dear against the fury of the Hydell Order, Agent Lira Destinee Noakes and Navarch Jake Lawrence lay the foundation for an audacious plan that will change the Mordena - and potentially the universe - forever.
Hands of Destinee, Book 3: The Path of Destinee
  The main Resurrection Center includes a massive genetic library of each Jannadael who has chosen to file with them for potential future resurrection. These genetic archives are maintained on carefully stored tyrellium crystals, with three identical archives buried deep beneath Janikk's surface, Shielded from the risk of attack from orbit. One of these archives is accessible remotely, allowing write access to the many satellite centers scattered across the planet to store new clients' genetics. The remaining two are manually updated in person, with the intent to limit potential disruption from hacking and other long-range data attacks.   A fourth archive is kept on Baden, under the care of the Phoenix Assembly, just in case. The Resurrection Center has extended a similar courtesy to the Assembly, storing additional backups of select genetic files, on request.   Individuals expecting to resurrect soon or often, generally active-duty Mordena or those expecting to due soon due to compounding health concerns, are free to request the advanced creation of a reconstruction clone, to reduce or eliminate the wait after their death. These clones are frozen and cryonically stored in heavily reinforced vaults throughout the underground passages of the primary Resurrection Center, and closely monitored by staff to guarantee peak freshness upon thawing.   Blade resurrections are not handled by the Center, due to the size of the aircraft and also the advanced hybridization of Agrokinesis and Zokinesis required for their manufacture. These are instead managed by the Vemajorrael.  

Public Reception

The Resurrection Center has grown to become a pillar of the Jannadael community, particularly among those with loved ones serving with the Mordena mercenaries. Its accessibility, alongside the Jannadaelox respect for the balance between life and death as practiced for the Ecknaab, has left a major impact on Jannadael Funerary Rites and the culture's acceptance of death.   As with all services on Janikk, the Center's work is performed by volunteers, with no payment expected from their clients. Any required expenses and equipment not readily obtained from the Jannadael are instead handled by Mordena Budgets and Finance, ensuring the Center's many crucial services remain freely available to any Mordena citizen.  
Rising from her chair in a smooth and graceful motion, Ana met Lira's eyes. "Death is just a phase of existence. Nothing to fear. It's worth embracing when it comes for you."   Quickly grabbing the card reader, she tapped it on the top of her desk. "Maybe don't go looking for it, though."
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> Hands of Destinee 3: The Path of Destinee

Join Jake Lawrence and Lira Noakes as they lead the Mordena Mercenaries into a new future.
Currently Available to Subscribers Only.

The Path of Destinee.

Rallying to defend the people and planets they hold dear against the fury of the Hydell Order, Agent Lira Destinee Noakes and Navarch Jake Lawrence lay the foundation for an audacious plan that will change the Mordena - and potentially the universe - forever.
Hands of Destinee, Book 3: The Path of Destinee
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Apr 2, 2024 05:38 by Stormbril

Congrats on completing Marchitecture 2024! Here is your badge <3 You can use code [img:5394609] to add this badge wherever you please :D

Marchitecture2024 Badge.png

Apr 2, 2024 19:08 by Morgan Biscup

Whooooo, thank you!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Apr 4, 2024 15:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the idea of resurrection centres. <3

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Apr 4, 2024 20:09 by Morgan Biscup

I loved using Lira to introduce them!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
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