Mejjit Niwok
Beautiful Gift
Shane phased through the Afterlife, bringing them both to the main platform of the nearest Mordena outpost – Mejjit Niwok, The Beautiful Gift. The morning sun illuminated a large communal balcony, its flooring composed of woven living branches with comfortable cushioned benches lining the sheltered space. An assortment of Mordena from all professions and walks of life occupied the walkways and outdoor living areas, intent upon their daily lives.
Mejjit Niwok is a young settlement, and still under construction. Patience is required when growing whole villages out of trees, as forcing growth too quickly results in structural weaknesses, but a new residence or business is completed once a month, with Portal Transit nodes spaced throughout at strategic locations.
Unlike Dirkkatael, which was constructed to house the largest quantity of people in the shortest amount of time (requiring frequent maintenance as a result), growth at Mejjit Niwok is slower with a focus on building a solid, low upkeep settlement to support the local drazikk orchards. This also means the village's walkways and structures contain more artistic flourishes in addition to the usual hanging plants and planter boxes, as the Jorrael responsible for its construction are more experienced and less harried.
Homes begin approximately two stories off the ground, with walkways, pulley systems, and Portal Nodes available to those seeking to visit the local orchards or merely walk directly on Janikk's surface. Benches and shaded walkways line the pathways beneath and around the village, bordered with garden plots tended by residents with assistance available from the agrokinesiologists who care for the orchards.
Mejjit Niwok does not yet have a local government, instead turning to Urla and her team of Jorrael when requiring someone of authority to meet a need or settle a dispute. Items which cannot be settled by those building the village are brought to the Grand Navarch's attention, or one of his delegates.Points of interest
The Mejjit Niwok orchard grows a surprising amount of fruit for its size, courtesy of the Agrokinesis lavished upon its trees and bushes, although most will not reach Jannadael tables for consumption. Rather than focusing on growing fruit, the orchard breeds drazikk for their meat, allowing the personable and lazy lizards to fatten up on the bounty of produce, augmented by the other creatures drawn to the orchard by those same fruits.
It's a comfortable existence, particularly for the brood lizards, such as Shane Lawrence's accidental pet, Yazal. The rest of the population is culled periodically to provide meat for the many restaurants scattered across Janikk.
Yazal <3 I want to live here, sounds cosy
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Hopefully Lira agrees. <3
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.