Morale Officer

Spacecraft with larger crews and a tendency to spend long durations within the Void often employ a Morale Officer to look after the needs of the crew. For smaller crews, the tasks are instead split across the other members of the bridge crew.  

Roles & Responsibilities

Reporting directly to the Ship Captain and Executive Officer, the role of Morale Officer is equal parts administration, therapy, enforcement, and crew advocacy. They ensure those employed aboard the spacecraft are well versed in safety procedures, maintaining the level of discipline required by their posting and contracts, while also guaranteeing those under their care are provided with everything required to not only fulfill their duties but thrive. Effective Morale Officers are subsequently well respected and many are also considered experts on the innermost workings of their ships, both mechanical and administrative.  

Military Morale

In military organizations utilizing the role the Morale Officer is an enlisted crewmember, rather than an officer. They are often the highest ranking enlisted on the ship, and yet hold an authority well above their official rank as their work is considered an extension of the Captain's command. In fact, most organizations advise newly assigned Captains to pay close attention to the suggestions of their Morale Officer until building their own rapport with the crew.   In the Hydell Order, this role is instead replaced with an Ideology Officer.
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Chief Morale Officer
Reports directly to
Related Military Formations

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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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