Ship Captain

A ship's Captain, also called the Commanding Officer in military ships, holds primary responsibility for the safety and well-being of a spacecraft's crew in addition to the spacecraft itself. The role is standard across all fleets and ships in Vazdimet, from the largest factions to the smallest commercial and recreational craft, and even among pirates.   In military organizations the CO typically also carries the rank of Captain, although smaller ships may instead be captained by a Commander while larger critical ships' and flagships' COs typically hold a higher rank.   The Commanding Officer is always referred to as Captain regardless of rank. Officers bearing the rank of Captain who are not the CO are referred to as Commander while on board.  
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Commanding Officer, CO
Related Military Formations

Free Novella: No Way Home

Free Novella

It was supposed to be a simple patrol.
The Sparnell Armed Forces were waiting.


Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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