necromantic surgeon

"He fell," Felix summarized. "It still hurts sometimes."   "No wonder." Isa tilted her head. "It's healed, but it wasn't set right first so the fragments are out of alignment. I can fix it, although it'll take awhile unless I call in a necromantic surgeon to help line up the bones."
Hands of Destinee, Book 2: Destinee's Call
  Necromantic surgery allows for more targeted procedures than standard Curative Magic, permitting the surgeon to physically manipulate their patient's internal systems without causing additional external damage, thus reducing pain and healing times. The skill requires a great deal of education and precision, leading to a high regard for those patient enough to successfully complete the training.



Necromantic surgeons require steady hands and a fine control over Necromancy, as the profession requires physically manipulating objects and organs while partially phased into the Afterlife. They must also possess a thorough understanding of anatomy and Curative Magic, due to the delicate nature of their work.   While basic Curative Magic allows the surgeon to feel their work, skill in Thaumathea is also recommended, particularly the many branches of augmented spectroscopy, to allow for more precise viewing of their work.

Career Progression

Most necromantic surgeons began their career as talented healers, branching into Necromancy only after mastering the basics. Field medics have also found success in the career upon retirement from more active duty on the fronts, utilizing their trained calm under pressure to perform the surgeries with remarkable precision.


Provided Services

Basic Curative Magic allows a healer to speed a patient's own natural recoveries. Necromantic surgeons take this a step further, performing surgery with less pain, shorter recovery times, and lower risk of infection. This is courtesy of their abilities to manipulate their patient's internal systems, and even remove foreign or harmful objects, all without cutting into the skin.   Necromantic surgeons are therefore able to repair broken and even shattered bones, remove shrapnel and foreign debris, and even provide more effective treatment of internal bleeding if they have also studied Hydromancy and blood manipulation.

Dangers & Hazards

The process requires using Necromancy to phase their hands or tools into the Afterlife, passing through their patient's skin and other organs before emerging in the precise location requiring a prod. This requires a great deal of care, focus, and precision, as improper phasing could injure the patient's other systems, and even cause harm to the surgeon.   Early uses of Necromancy in similar settings focused on the destructive powers of phasing foreign objects inside of a living being, with exaggerated folklore of Fillimet's supposed necromancer assassins captivating audiences of scholars and fantasy lovers alike. While the tales are considered largely mythical in nature, the potential dangers of improperly cast Necromancy remain vividly accurate. Surgeons must take great care not to accidentally imitate them, for the sake of both themselves and their patients.
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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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