Ekkil Turikk

Hey! Tough guy! I'm here to give you a thrashing you'll never forget.
— hopeful recruit
  Founded as a juice bar to provide new and unique combinations of the fruits available on Janikk, Ekkil Turikk's proximity to the main Blade hangars on Dirkkatael meant the open-air bar quickly became a popular meeting place for Blade Dancers, Mordena leadership, and other mercenaries of the Grand Armada looking to relax after a difficult shift.  


Hold my smoothie. I need to teach this kid a lesson.
— Veteran Battle Mage
  Ekkil Turikk's menu focuses on a wide assortment of fruit-based drinks. Specials rotate based upon the available stock of fruits, with many of the most popular drinks made fresh daily, and others mixed upon ordering depending upon their components. Appetizers are also available for those seeking a bite to eat, but the extensive drink menu is the juice bar's true claim to fame.   Alcohol is not available at Ekkil Turikk, but most drinks can be augmented with powdered nirkk, a pulsating pink plant unique to Janikk which mimics the effects of alcohol when dried and added to a drink. Unlike alcohol, adrenaline will metabolize the plant from the bloodstream, leading the Grand Armada to permit its consumption even while deployed.   Nirkk has the added advantage of preventing drunken bar fights. Those who fight at Ekkil Turikk do so sober.  

Daily Specials

Huroj Hoomit

Gentle Violence: A thick, chunky drink of creamed daakka milk blended with the day's frozen fruit and complimentary herbs.


Savory Stinkfish

Breaded, bite sized hikknit fish cakes, baked or fried.


Construction and Layout

You're right! I really am more maneuverable when I stand this way.
— hopeful recruit
  Grown from the nikklub trees, like the rest of Janikk's capital city, Dirkkatael, Ekkil Turikk has claimed a corner of the public balcony near the primary Blade hangars, allowing the juice bar to maintain an open layout inviting passersby to join the bar's clientele for a drink or several. Occupants of the many stools and tables within are protected by a basic Shielding spell, slowing the flow of the elements through the space, and softening the blow for anyone thrown physically from the juice bar.   Not that fights occur inside often. A portion of the walkway outside has been specially marked for any sparring, with many martial classes from the Janikk Educational System Course Catalog reserving the space for their own hands on training. Most mercenaries-in-training have learned more from the active duty veterans at the Ekkil Turikk than they have from their classes.  
It's training, not toughness, that'll give you strength out there. And your team – won't get anywhere without them. Let me suggest a few classes you'll want...
— Veteran Battle Mage
Ekkil Turikk by Astron
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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Naming Ekkil Turikk

The name Ekkil Turikk is actually a pun in Morjakk, the secretive language of the Mordena. Comprised of the words ekkil, meaning blood or lifeblood, and turikk, meaning fruit of valuable gift, the name can be interpreted into Galactic Common as simply "Fruit Juice," or as the more somber "Sacrifice of Blood," a tribute to those Mordena who have proven willing to sacrifice themselves for others.

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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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Mar 9, 2022 18:28 by Amy Winters-Voss

Enjoyed the read! I too would like to know more about the staff and owner. There was a little odd grammar bit at the end: Not *the* fights occur inside often.

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Mar 13, 2022 20:55 by Morgan Biscup

Thanks for the catch! I fixed it.   I thought about adding in character articles but honestly I am happy with this one as is. If I end up naming staff when I add it to a story I can revisit it then, but it doesn't feel needed right now. (That said, probably several retired mercenaries on staff).

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Mar 12, 2022 03:04 by Ezra Aldrich

Oh wow, the first juice bar I've seen. Sounds fun! I like the concept and loved all the quick lil' quotes sprinkled throughout.

Mar 13, 2022 20:52 by Morgan Biscup

Thanks so much! I enjoyed writing this one.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Mar 12, 2022 12:10 by Michael Chandra

Imagine discovering the place only sells actual juice... Still, sounds delicious! And I like the changing menu, plus the chef's special (which normally tends to be 'whatever leftover stock we have that we need to get rid of'... is that the case here?).   I do see a bunch of long sentences with lots of commas, maybe read them out loud and split the ones that you feel are too complicated?

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Mar 13, 2022 20:52 by Morgan Biscup

In this case their main fare are the drinks, while the appetizers are just to make sure nobody gets too hungry. So it's more about whatever they currently have on hand, which depends a lot on what people bring them. (There is no money on Janikk.)   Did any sentence in particular stick out as difficult to understand? I tend to use longer sentences for calm descriptions like this and then short ones for action, so I'm happy with the flow as it stands. If you felt something was confusing though I'd like to take a look at it.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Mar 12, 2022 21:29 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Finally some place I actually want to go to and drinks I'd want to have! XD Fruit juices and smoothies are too often neglected! And I love the idea of tough military gathering at a juice bars :D And those quotes are very funny xD

To see what I am up to: my World Ember 2024.
Mar 13, 2022 20:47 by Morgan Biscup

I love my Mordena mercenaries. They are such a fun, welcoming, and supportive bunch, if you manage to befriend them.   So glad you love the quotes!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Mar 13, 2022 13:44 by JRR Jara

This is so much fun!! I imagine Mel going there with Cal and Max to create chaos :D

Creator of Hanzelot and many more.
Mar 13, 2022 20:44 by Morgan Biscup

Cal could only attend telepathically, sadly, but he'd enjoy it nonetheless. Mel and Max would definitely cause trouble. So much fun!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Mar 16, 2022 02:18

One should never underestimate the importance a good smoothie bar holds to military members. Great job on making this such a fun read.

Feel free to stop by and read some of my strangely cold themed WorldEmber articles, like the mysterious Armored Forest, the wayward mage Jak of the Rime, or the deadly Trapper's Bane. For those that want to get away from the cold you could always ask Damien Dreamblossom if he has a recommendation for you...
Mar 16, 2022 02:55 by Morgan Biscup

Thank you! So glad you enjoyed.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Mar 22, 2022 17:35 by A

Interesting location, even more so that you can modify your drink freely to make them alcoholic. I would say that it is the menu heading that is the part that stands out with the added lore of the name. The layout is a bit hard to grasp for me but I can see the open layout and chairs standing around a bar. To summarise, it is interesting and overall a well-written piece.

Worldkeymaster, also known as A of Worldkeymaster.
You are welcome to explore Nimenra, a world in conflict between Humans and Demons.
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