Devin Tark
Mate Devin Tark
Originally a True Descendant from the planet Uzuno, Devin found himself a captive of the Mordena after stumbling into a Security Council reconnaissance team at the age of seventeen.
After several years spent feeling like an outsider despite the welcoming comforts of Janikk's Tenecknaab, Devin finally found his place, serving the Grand Armada as Catherine Ekkirt's Blade Dancer. Now full of energy for his new life, he also bartends at Ekkil Turikk as a way to give back to the community and burn his excess excitement.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Early Life
Born on the Hydell Order planet of Uzuno, Devin doesn't talk much about his early life. He's admitted his parents were still alive when he was relocated to Janikk, but has shown little interest in verifying whether or not this remains the case, implying his relationship with them is strained at best. Aside from an initial difficulty adjusting to his new life, Devin has shown no regrets at abandoning the Order.Capture on Uzuno
When Devin was seventeen he discovered a small team of Mordena agents hiding on his home planet of Uzuno, gathering intelligence on the shipbuilding base. Rather than reporting them to the local authorities he decided to surveil them himself, in the hope of earning favor with the Ascended Conclave. Instead he caught the attention of the Mordena's Intelligence Officers. Unwilling to kill the boy, but unable to allow him to return with his gathered information, they captured him, imprisoning him in Janikk Station upon their return.Relocation to Janikk
Life at Janikk was nothing like he'd been taught to expect, especially as a devout True Descendant. They treated him well enough despite his clear status as a prisoner, confined to a single room on their primary space station. His former targets took turns visiting, bringing him food and drilling him on what he'd learned from his observations of them on Uzuno.Joining the Mordena
Recognizing he would not be permitted to return home, and no longer interested in gaining the favor of the Conclave anyway, Devin accepted their offer of citizenship on Janikk. He was warned he'd first need to gain the favor of the fearsome Lieutenant Yaevin Felix, personal bodyguard to the Navarch of Mordena Public Relations and well respected Senior Intelligence Officer of the Security Council. He spent the next week preparing, begging his captors for tips and information to use to gain the legendary katanoj's approval, staying up late into the night to study the Mordena and their ways. Instead Devin found himself faced with a goofy bundle of energy who ate with his hands and asked pointless questions about dreams and feelings. Originally quite smug at his interrogator's lackluster interview, to his surprise Devin found himself quickly breaking down and confessing his innermost fears to the patient katanoj. His request was accepted, with no reservations.Life as Jannadael
Despite the constant sense of belonging inherent in the Tenecknaab, Devin always felt like he had something to prove. He was sociable enough, greeting his new neighbors and working hard to find his place within Jannadael society, but it wasn't difficult to see that, to Devin, something important was missing. These insecurities followed him for the next several years, even after his acceptance as a Blade Dancer in training for the Grand Armada, until his assignment to his Blade, Catherine Ekkirt. They've remained inseparable since the moment they first took to the skies together, having found in each other the answer to their own quest for meaning.Social
Contacts & Relations
Having abandoned his old life upon his acceptance of Janikk, Devin has forged new relationships among his neighbors and his squadron. He's grown particularly close to his Blade, Catherine Ekkirt, recognizing in her his same drive for acceptance and belonging, despite her own birthright as one of the first children born on Janikk.
He's also formed a casual but genuine friendship with the Security Council team responsible for his initial capture. While he once resented their periodic visits seeking him out, believing them to be no more than verification of his continued good behavior, since the team's unanimous support of his request to become a Blade Dancer he's since come to accept them as a personal interest in his continued happiness and well-being.
In his down time from flight exercises, Devin has taken to serving as assistant bartender at Ekkil Turikk, the small but popular juice bar sharing a balcony with Dirkkatael's Primary Blade Hangar, forging new friendships and maintaining old ones in the process.
Social Aptitude
With his acceptance to the Blade Dancers and subsequent assignment to Catherine Ekkirt, Devin has shed the last of his sullen insecurities and bloomed into a friendly and outgoing young man, eager to greet the universe with a cheerful smile and a helping hand.

Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
2290 EVT
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations