Cal Barthik
Lieutenant Cal Barthik
Formerly a dracoling fighter pilot, Cal now serves as an Afterlife Intelligence bound within a Blade. This was a request made upon the death of his entire Squadron in an ill-fated battle with the Hydell Order, and his fighter AI, Lieutenant Alyssa Gerwick, subsequently deciding to pass into Afterlife.
Cal has not regretted the decision, his current duties including not only leading his own Wing with his copilot Commander Max Coilin, but also serving to carry new potential Mordena recruits to Janikk for their initiation. He is frequently sidetracked from these duties, choosing to show off by playing within fields of obstacles both in space and planetside, much to the delight of his temporary charges.
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Cal is a Blade, a slick black organic fighter commonly used by the Mordena. The craft contains just enough of his genetic material to count as a Reconstruction Clone, and not a drop more. His particular model was designed to function well both within and outside of atmosphere, and so as a result he possesses a pair of razored edge wings and a full tail fin.
Identifying Characteristics
The leading edges of Cal's wings and tail bear a thick red stripe, denoting him as a Wing Commander.
Special abilities
As is standard within the Grand Armada of the Mordena, Cal is quite skilled at Shielding Magic and Apotheturgy. He also retains the natural Anemancy he knew as a dracoling, including more advanced air manipulation skills.
Within his role as a pilot Cal also learned Psychometry, which he uses to great effect predicting the movements of allies and foes alike. He also possesses a basic understanding of Illusion Magic, allowing him to mask his own motions in short bursts to line up the perfect shot.
Specialized Equipment
While Cal does not possess knowledge of offensive magics, his Blade body contains the necessary Runework to allow the use of Electromancy with his main cannons. He has also been modified from the standard configuration to allow the use of his Psychometry to overwhelm opponents with his own emotions, if desired.
Mental characteristics
Gender Identity
Cal was a male dracoling in his previous life, and while Blades themselves are genderless Cal prefers the familiarity of male pronouns. He does not object when referred to as a "they," but may correct the speaker when anticipating longer interactions.
Personality Characteristics
Cal just wants to have fun. Fortunately for his teammates and the Mordena that fun includes working together with those he trusts to further their goals and interests. They have learned not to expect him to remain professional when doing so, if Cal identifies a method to add fun without jeopardizing their goals.
Likes & Dislikes
Cal dislikes the indoors, preferring to spend his time in the open where he can stretch his wings and show off his skills. While well adapted to atmospheric flight, the cold Void of space is Cal's true element. When traveling without his Wing he has even been known to delay arrival in favor of a little fun and more time spent in space.
Contacts & Relations
While flighty and easily distracted when not under immediate threat, in combat situations Cal is a valuable asset and ally. He is teamed with Commander Max Coilin, his pilot, the two forming a close bond allowing them to function almost as a single entity.

Known Magic
Illusion Magic
Shielding Magic
Budokkit "Doubtful" Squadron (Lead Blade)
Max Coilin
Blade (Former)
Lieutenant Alyssa Gerwick, ret., dec.
Illusion Magic
Shielding Magic
Budokkit "Doubtful" Squadron (Lead Blade)
Max Coilin
Blade (Former)
Lieutenant Alyssa Gerwick, ret., dec.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
male (hologram)
none (Blade)
none (Blade)
cropped black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
red scaled skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
There's nothing quite like the cold comfort of space.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appears in...
I love him
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Me too.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.