The Budokkit Squadron serves in support of the
Mordena's goals to protect the
The Freehold Planets from the larger factions who would swallow them whole. As with most
Blade squadrons, they rotate postings between the
Grand Armada and
Janikk, allowing their Blades frequent time planetside to guarantee the plant-based fighters ample growth time within their homeworld's atmosphere.
As with all
Mordena Squadrons, the Budokkit boasts twenty members - ten living
Blade fighters and ten
Blade Dancers.
The Budokkit follow the standard
Mordena organizational formation, including three
Flights of three aircraft each, plus an experienced wildcard pilot referred to as
Fish taking the last slot.
Commander Max Coilin leads the first Flight, with his lead Dancers claiming Flights two and three.
The squadron is formed of the surviving remnants of the clash between the
Militant Order of Descendants' famed
Dauntless Squadron and the
Yinit Squadron, with members from both sides of the conflict. Former-Militant
Max Coilin leads the fiercely irreverent pilots, while his
Blade, lomg-time Mordena
Cal Barthik, serves as his second-in-command.
The squadron's name, Budokkit, is translated from
Morjakk as "Doubtful," a direct reference to Max's originally steadfast belief in the
Natural Order until the crisis of faith induced by his capture and captivity under the direction of the Mordena's
Grand Navarch Shane Lawrence.
I love these guys.
Me, too. A part of me says they will end up with their own novel some day. Another part says it's already being written, with Julian.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.