
Thaumapista is the magic of intuition, tracking, and enhanced train of thought. It also allows casters to better cover their own tracks through the use of concealment.


Thaumapista focuses on the magic of tracking abilities, both of the hunter and the hunted. Its spells are divided into three major categories.  

Enhanced Intuition

Enhanced Intuition grants the caster abilities to better tap into their own insights and knowledge. While these spells do not provide the caster with any new information, they do provide mages with an enhanced meditative state to combine all possibly applicable knowledge they possess to find potential links or highlight items of particular interest.   While useful for advanced scouts, battle mages, hunters, military professionals, and other such careers, these spells are also popular among alchemists, archeologists, law enforcement, and even healers. Some Void necromancers have even adopted the spell as part of their meditative efforts before casting.   Particularly clever students have also been known to learn Intuition spells to help with exams, although whether or not this is permissible depends heavily upon school and teacher policies. Many alchemists have also attempted to develop Alchemy recipes to mimic the spells - often combined with Cleansing Magic in an effort to clear the mind as well - but thus far have not been successful.   Experienced mages caution against relying too heavily on these spells. Prolonged exposure has a tendency to encourage reliance, while also weakening the spells' effects.  

Augmented Senses

Augmented Senses are most often used to improve the caster's sense of smell or hearing with features of the animal of their choice.   Some scholars go so far as to classify the magic of sight enhancement, Thaumathea, as a subset of Augmented Senses, although this is a highly contested choice. This particular debate has been banned from all Oramathea conventions across the Space Defense Legion due to a particularly violent incident involving six casualties, two of them fatal.  


The magic of Concealment allow casters to not only identify any tracks or other clues they have left behind, but also contains a variety of spells to help conceal or eliminate those traces of their paths. Spellwork to confuse scent, deaden sound with advanced Anemancy, or even temporarily disrupt visibility resides within this classification.   These spells are best known for their use in undercover operations for military applications, although a small handful of Thaumapista experts have claimed the ability to reverse the spells, allowing them to track the casters.   A large percentage of experienced pirates are also well-schooled in this branch of arcana. Whether this is a direct cause of their success or merely a side effect of it remains a matter of opinion.
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Thaumapista Spells

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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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Dec 16, 2023 14:12 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love this one. I bet there are so many ways this could be applied and used.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Dec 16, 2023 18:28 by Morgan Biscup

Honestly it will get OP quickly if I'm not careful.

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