While fae have exceptional sight and depth perception up close, with many possessing compound eyes allowing for highly detailed images and full degrees of vision, they are surprisingly nearsighted.
Rather than relying upon glasses or other physical means of vision correction, fae lean into their remaining senses, particularly their unique sense of smell. Some fae also choose to learn basic
Thaumathea to improve their vision at distances, although others find the prospect of long-range sight disorienting and even overwhelming.
Fae are highly sensitive to touch, with hairs all over their bodies including their legs, wings, antennae, and even eyes. This allows them to not only sense objects they are touching, but also changes in local air patterns, allowing them to dart out of the way of larger species and other potential physical dangers.
Fae possess an excellent and highly refined sense of smell. It could be argued that a fae's capabilities for smell are equal to that of a
canid, although the comparison is rather misleading, as their
experience of smell is quite different to that of other sophonts.
A fae's antennae contain olfactory sensors, providing detailed information about the scents and smells surrounding them. They can easily determine the identity and location of each source, allowing them to recognize familiar people and objects in their vacinity at long range despite their genetic short sightedness.
With practice, fae can also refine this sense further, allowing them to fairly accurately determine the chemical makeup of each scent. This has become a particularly popular skill among those dealing with
Curative Magic or
Fae utilize a pair of thin, tympanic eardrum-like membranes to hear, located on either side of their thorax, typically between their fore- and mid-arms. Some also possess additional membranes in their arms, allowing them even greater accuracy in locating the source of a sound.
Their range of hearing is greater than that of most other sophonts, including the
katanoji, although their ability to interpret sounds in the lower ranges remains limited unless further enhanced with
Anemancy. They hear best in the higher octaves, likely an adaptation due to their own higher pitched voices.
In addition to their probiscus, fae possess taste receptors on their hands, antennae, and legs. They can experience sweet, salty, sour, and bitter flavors, although sweet is clearly their favorite, a fact echoed by their typical diets of nectar and fruit.
In addition to their skills in using magic, fae are highly attuned to the
magical fields surrounding them, allowing them to use their larger
Imperium reserves more efficiently. Their magical endurance and efficiency is often compared to the notable physical endurance of
They are also more likely to possess a natural affinity for
Metamagic, the only classification of magic that cannot be taught to those without a genetic disposition, although of course the ability remains rare.
Wonderful article, I love all the details about the fae
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
You had better. You made me worldbuild a bunch of it. Like how they take baths. >:X Kai and his questions. I love both of you. Thank you. <3
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.