Thu, Oct 7th 2021 01:08   Edited on Mon, Oct 25th 2021 11:03

Ask the Founder - Concluded

After much pursuasion, Grand Navarch Shane Lawrence himself has graciously agreed to monitor the Embassy communications. This is likely a limited time offer, so if you have any burning questions for him, best to ask now.
Is this really necessary?
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 01:25   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 01:26

What's the worst thing a person can do with Necromancy?
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 01:26   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 02:25

# In reply to Melu's:
What's the worst thing a person can do with Necromancy?
Teach it to you, apparently.
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 02:23   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 02:28

I've heard a lot of rumors, so I've gotta know: Do the Mordena really eat people?
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 02:25   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 02:37

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
Teach it to you, apparently.
Fine. But I could be a great student :)
# In reply to DaniAdventures's:
I've heard a lot of rumors, so I've gotta know: Do the Mordena really eat people?
We eat a lot of things.   If this is another attempt to obtain my barbecue recipe, nice try but it's not going to work.
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 02:37   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 03:02

# In reply to Melu's:
Fine. But I could be a great student :)
The best there ever was?   No. One of me is more than enough.
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 02:56   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 03:05

Shane, what is your favourite food that isn't bbq?
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 03:02   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 03:20

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
The best there ever was?   No. One of me is more than enough.
Does this mean the Mordena is not taking apprentices or volunteers? If you don't want to teach me Necromancy, I could learn something else?
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 03:05   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 03:20

# In reply to Serukis's:
Shane, what is your favourite food that isn't bbq?
Tears.   No. That's not true. Fruit, actually. It doesn't even need to be grilled.   A very pursuasive fae put a lot of effort into convincing me being a carnivore was overrated. And it turns out they were right.   Who knew?
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 03:20

# In reply to Melu's:
Does this mean the Mordena is not taking apprentices or volunteers? If you don't want to teach me Necromancy, I could learn something else?
We are always open to applications, although as you can imagine our vetting process is quite rigorous, for obvious reasons. I highly recommend you submit an application through our formal channels, rather than continuing to address the Grand Navarch. For your own safety.   There's another thread in this board, here: Application Form
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 03:16   Edited on Fri, Apr 15th 2022 12:12

Mordena Membership Applications

For those seeking to join the Mordena please submit your inquiries here. Include your answers to the questions below, plus any other information you feel may be relevant. This form is subject to change.   Currently we are limiting interviews to two active applicants at a time.  
    • Tell us a little about yourself. Name? History? Why is your application of interest to us?
    • What are your reasons for requesting to join the Mordena?
    • What skills do you possess which you feel would be of use to our efforts? Is there anything you wish to learn?
    • What role do you forsee for yourself with the Mordena? What do you hope to obtain in return?
    • What are your past and current affiliations, including business dealings and citizenships? What is your present relationship with these entities?
    • Have you had any prior dealings with the Mordena before? Please detail them here. (Including but not limited to any professional, personal, and adversarial interactions. Include names where known.)
    • What is your current place of residence?
  1. Is there anything else of which we should be aware?
Note: If you have been offered a position by Founder Lawrence himself, please submit to him directly rather than providing an application here. And good luck, you'll need it...

Go to Thread

Thu, Oct 7th 2021 03:20   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 03:23

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
Tears.   No. That's not true. Fruit, actually. It doesn't even need to be grilled.   A very pursuasive fae put a lot of effort into convincing me being a carnivore was overrated. And it turns out they were right.   Who knew?
Me. <3
# In reply to Feels's:
Me. <3
Yeah, yeah. <3
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 07:15   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 07:39

Hi, hello, me again, sorry, this'll just take a sec. Do the Mordena have a favorite pasttime? Because this one time, I overheard someone say that you had something similar to water polo, except you rode dinosaurs in lava and threw around a ball of steel.
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 07:39   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 08:52

# In reply to DaniAdventures's:
Hi, hello, me again, sorry, this'll just take a sec. Do the Mordena have a favorite pasttime? Because this one time, I overheard someone say that you had something similar to water polo, except you rode dinosaurs in lava and threw around a ball of steel.
Everyone has their own favorite pasttimes, as with any society, really. Personally, I prefer sparring with Raz and terrorizing the universe, but not everyone enjoys practicing to hone their skills.   Which is why I'm rather fond of one of the training exercises we have here called Blade Dancing. Aerial duels while standing on a fighter, what an ideal way to perfect combat skills and team effectiveness.   And they think it's a sport! We even have teams and leagues and everything. Excellent.
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 08:52   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 08:54

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
Everyone has their own favorite pasttimes, as with any society, really. Personally, I prefer sparring with Raz and terrorizing the universe, but not everyone enjoys practicing to hone their skills.   Which is why I'm rather fond of one of the training exercises we have here called Blade Dancing. Aerial duels while standing on a fighter, what an ideal way to perfect combat skills and team effectiveness.   And they think it's a sport! We even have teams and leagues and everything. Excellent.
It is a sport, Sir.   You're just upset because my Raiders keep winning, so you keep sending us away on mission to make sure we can't defend our championship title.
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 08:54   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 08:56

# In reply to 's:
It is a sport, Sir.   You're just upset because my Raiders keep winning, so you keep sending us away on mission to make sure we can't defend our championship title.
That's quite the accusation, Ace. Got anything to back that up? I'll have someone look into it.
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 08:56   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 08:58

# In reply to Razick Kane's:
That's quite the accusation, Ace. Got anything to back that up? I'll have someone look into it.
No need, Raz. He's right.   Need to let the others think they have a chance. More motivation to practice. Ace understands how it is.
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 08:58   Edited on Thu, Oct 7th 2021 09:03

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
No need, Raz. He's right.   Need to let the others think they have a chance. More motivation to practice. Ace understands how it is.
Ha!   You really are a bastard, Sir. But go ahead. You play your games for now, we'll just take the title back next season.   Go Raiders!
Fri, Oct 8th 2021 12:07   Edited on Fri, Oct 8th 2021 03:28

Is it true that the Mordena are more like a family than an organisation?
Fri, Oct 8th 2021 03:28   Edited on Fri, Oct 8th 2021 05:30

# In reply to Serukis's:
Is it true that the Mordena are more like a family than an organisation?
When the achievements of the team as a whole become personal successes for its members, the effectiveness and motivation of that team tends to improve considerably, wouldn't you say?
Fri, Oct 8th 2021 05:30   Edited on Fri, Oct 8th 2021 05:34

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
When the achievements of the team as a whole become personal successes for its members, the effectiveness and motivation of that team tends to improve considerably, wouldn't you say?
Niwok ij rekkorae! Go Raiders!
# In reply to Commander Acer Mazzard's:
Niwok ij rekkorae! Go Raiders!
Back already?   Do I need to give you something else to do? Because I will.
Sat, Oct 9th 2021 01:12   Edited on Sat, Oct 9th 2021 01:14

There are so many rumors flying around about where you came from prior to your organization's entry into the universe stage following the battle of Baden. Would you care to set the record straight regarding your past?
Sat, Oct 9th 2021 01:14   Edited on Sat, Oct 9th 2021 01:20

# In reply to Sonofbattles's:
There are so many rumors flying around about where you came from prior to your organization's entry into the universe stage following the battle of Baden. Would you care to set the record straight regarding your past?
Sat, Oct 9th 2021 01:20   Edited on Sat, Oct 9th 2021 01:22

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
What were you before?
# In reply to Sonofbattles's:
What were you before?
Tue, Oct 12th 2021 02:45   Edited on Fri, Oct 15th 2021 02:44

Normal channels no longer seem to be working, so I thought I'd reach out to you here directly.   I'd like to schedule a follow on meeting to resume our prior encounter. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, and I know you haven't either. I have a new proposition I believe will be even more to your liking... 😏
Wed, Oct 13th 2021 10:17   Edited on Wed, Oct 13th 2021 07:06

Shane, what are the Mordena's plans for the future? Are you planning on doing something about Sparnell?
Wed, Oct 13th 2021 02:20   Edited on Wed, Oct 13th 2021 05:29

# In reply to Serukis's:
Shane, what are the Mordena's plans for the future? Are you planning on doing something about Sparnell?
Why do you ask? Is this a job proposition?
Wed, Oct 13th 2021 05:29   Edited on Wed, Oct 13th 2021 05:58

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
Why do you ask? Is this a job proposition?
Honestly, I'm just curious.
Wed, Oct 13th 2021 05:58   Edited on Wed, Oct 13th 2021 06:10

# In reply to Serukis's:
Honestly, I'm just curious.
So is the Confederation.   Who did you say you were again?
Wed, Oct 13th 2021 06:10   Edited on Wed, Oct 13th 2021 06:35

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
So is the Confederation.   Who did you say you were again?
Just a fan of your methods, and not of the Confederation's.
Wed, Oct 13th 2021 06:35

# In reply to Serukis's:
Just a fan of your methods, and not of the Confederation's.
I see.   And what methods would that be? The insistence on payment for our services? Our wanton disregard for the impossible? Or perhaps my well-documented tendencies toward violence?   I'm keeping my eyes on you.
Wed, Oct 13th 2021 07:06   Edited on Wed, Oct 13th 2021 07:10

# In reply to Serukis's:
Shane, what are the Mordena's plans for the future? Are you planning on doing something about Sparnell?
I have a conference room available, if you still want to discuss this...
Wed, Oct 13th 2021 07:10   Edited on Wed, Oct 13th 2021 07:18

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
I have a conference room available, if you still want to discuss this...
Sure, as long as you're not planning to murder me for being curious. :)
Wed, Oct 13th 2021 07:18

# In reply to Serukis's:
Sure, as long as you're not planning to murder me for being curious. :)
Of course not. What I have in mind will be much more fun.   At least, for me.  
Wed, Oct 13th 2021 07:17   Edited on Mon, Mar 6th 2023 02:13

Coming Home (Auren Reed)

Grand Navarch Shane Lawrence motioned to the pair of chairs in the otherwise sparse conference room.   "Have a seat, Munokkael. Make yourself comfortable. You're going be here for a while."

Go to Thread
Thu, Oct 14th 2021 07:32   Edited on Thu, Oct 14th 2021 08:59

Shane, when was the last time you truly felt yourself being an innocent and pure man? You have experienced so much that defined you, but there definitely was at some point in your Life a moment where none of it mattered yet, was there?
# In reply to Soulwing's:
Shane, when was the last time you truly felt yourself being an innocent and pure man? You have experienced so much that defined you, but there definitely was at some point in your Life a moment where none of it mattered yet, was there?
Dad's busy with an interview right now, but I don't think he'd mind if I answered this one in his absence. He's been a great father to me, and from all the stories he's told me his parents were amazing. Really wish I could have met his father... But it wasn't meant to be.   War is hell on everyone. But until the war came to him, Dad had a really good life.
Fri, Oct 15th 2021 02:44   Edited on Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:05

# In reply to 's:
Normal channels no longer seem to be working, so I thought I'd reach out to you here directly.   I'd like to schedule a follow on meeting to resume our prior encounter. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, and I know you haven't either. I have a new proposition I believe will be even more to your liking... 😏
I am still waiting for a response to my request. As a paying client of the Mordena I am entitled to a response. I wish to speak with the Grand Navarch.
Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:05   Edited on Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:08

# In reply to Razalle Bosa's:
I am still waiting for a response to my request. As a paying client of the Mordena I am entitled to a response. I wish to speak with the Grand Navarch.
As I've mentioned to you before, as Mordena's official contact for Freehold negotiations and contracts, your request would come through me, not my father.   And since you have thus far refused to name even the nature of your proposal, I am afraid we are unable to accommodate your needs at this time.   Please feel free to reach out to me directly when you are willing to provide the information we require to assign your request accordingly.
Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:08   Edited on Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:13

# In reply to Jake Cartwright Lawrence's:
As I've mentioned to you before, as Mordena's official contact for Freehold negotiations and contracts, your request would come through me, not my father.   And since you have thus far refused to name even the nature of your proposal, I am afraid we are unable to accommodate your needs at this time.   Please feel free to reach out to me directly when you are willing to provide the information we require to assign your request accordingly.
My 'proposal' is for the Grand Navarch's ears only.
Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:13   Edited on Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:20

# In reply to Razalle Bosa's:
My 'proposal' is for the Grand Navarch's ears only.
Would you just take the hint already? He's not interested!
Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:20   Edited on Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:24

# In reply to Captain Yiven Alanis's:
Would you just take the hint already? He's not interested!
Are you the competition then? I've been the duly elected president of Libara for decades. Ushered in and maintained a new era of peace and prosperity. My experience speaks for itself.   What does an insect like you know about love? About power?
Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:24   Edited on Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:25

# In reply to Razalle Bosa's:
Are you the competition then? I've been the duly elected president of Libara for decades. Ushered in and maintained a new era of peace and prosperity. My experience speaks for itself.   What does an insect like you know about love? About power?
I'm a Void Necromancer.
Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:25

Stop. Both of you.   Do not make me moderate. There are other things I need to do today.
Fri, Oct 15th 2021 03:25

# In reply to Captain Yiven Alanis's:
I'm a Void Necromancer.
My apologies. Clearly I misspoke.
Sat, Oct 16th 2021 06:58   Edited on Sat, Oct 16th 2021 07:01

I received your latest order today, and Dad wanted me to check, are these numbers correct? You're asking for a lot more than the usual shipment.
Sat, Oct 16th 2021 07:01   Edited on Sat, Oct 16th 2021 07:06

# In reply to Kris Ferrik's:
I received your latest order today, and Dad wanted me to check, are these numbers correct? You're asking for a lot more than the usual shipment.
That's mine. I know it's a big ask, but can you do it?
Sat, Oct 16th 2021 07:06   Edited on Sat, Oct 16th 2021 07:09

# In reply to Veris Asik's:
That's mine. I know it's a big ask, but can you do it?
We can get you anything, long as it's legal, you know that. But this quantity... It's going to take awhile. Legion'll be asking questions, and it's outside our standard contract agreement.
Sat, Oct 16th 2021 07:09

# In reply to Kris Ferrik's:
We can get you anything, long as it's legal, you know that. But this quantity... It's going to take awhile. Legion'll be asking questions, and it's outside our standard contract agreement.
Don't worry about it. Tell us what you need, we'll take care of it. Best take this to private channels.
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 03:11

Nice to see the Embassy is still in one piece despite my temporary absence.
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 04:45   Edited on Sun, Oct 17th 2021 05:02

I have a question for Jake. Is there a special lady (or gentleman) in your life? Anyone you have your eye on? :)
# In reply to Serukis's:
I have a question for Jake. Is there a special lady (or gentleman) in your life? Anyone you have your eye on? :)
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 05:31   Edited on Sun, Oct 17th 2021 06:04

Is that a yes? ;)
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 05:37

Hello? Excuse me? I'm looking to write an *exclusive* article about the Mordena and what they mean to the Universe. Is there anyone who can talk to me?
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 06:04   Edited on Thu, Jul 21st 2022 07:43

# In reply to Serukis's:
Is that a yes? ;)
He won't give you a straight answer, but I will.   He's available. And I don't see that changing any time soon, but some of the younger recruits have been keeping a waiting list for dates and he just goes along with it, if you want to try your luck and put your name in.   There's a pool going too, if you'd rather. Pot's pretty big now.
It's good for morale! 😏 💋
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 06:11

The Mordena's most eligible bachelor, I suppose. :D
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 06:17   Edited on Sun, Oct 17th 2021 08:53

Do we have a new contender? Who am I adding to The List? 😍
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 06:22   Edited on Sun, Oct 17th 2021 07:29

Unfortunately for Jake, I am happily married, sorry! Though I'm happy to put some money in the pot. ;)
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 07:29   Edited on Mon, May 9th 2022 08:47

# In reply to Serukis's:
Unfortunately for Jake, I am happily married, sorry! Though I'm happy to put some money in the pot. ;)
I'm sure the Navarch wouldn't mind. 😏   I tease, of course he would. "It's only fun when nobody gets hurt." Your loss, my gain. It's my turn again this week.   (I'm totally going to win, if you were wondering who to put your credits on.)
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 07:30   Edited on Mon, May 9th 2022 08:47

While I love sparring with you, I'd hardly call these outings a 'date'.
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 07:33   Edited on Sun, Oct 17th 2021 07:34

# In reply to Jake Cartwright Lawrence's:
While I love sparring with you, I'd hardly call these outings a 'date'.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I'm your best bet. 😘   We practically grew up together!
# In reply to Petty Officer Yaevin Felix's:
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I'm your best bet. 😘   We practically grew up together!
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 07:40   Edited on Sun, Oct 17th 2021 08:48

Excuse me? I've been waiting over an hour and no one's come to talk to me.
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 08:48   Edited on Sun, Oct 17th 2021 08:51

# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
Excuse me? I've been waiting over an hour and no one's come to talk to me.
They're ignoring you, too, are they?   It's like they don't understand just how much they need us. Our business is the biggest part of their success! You'd think they'd put a little more effort into their customer service.
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 08:51   Edited on Sun, Oct 17th 2021 10:09

# In reply to Razalle Bosa's:
They're ignoring you, too, are they?   It's like they don't understand just how much they need us. Our business is the biggest part of their success! You'd think they'd put a little more effort into their customer service.
Right? My article could give them so much publicity - and probably some extra trade deals.   It's nice to meet you, madamn president.
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 08:53   Edited on Sun, Oct 17th 2021 09:02

# In reply to Petty Officer Yaevin Felix's:
Do we have a new contender? Who am I adding to The List? 😍
Excuse me, how does one get added to this List?
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 09:02   Edited on Thu, Jul 21st 2022 07:45

# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
Excuse me, how does one get added to this List?
You tell me your name and I write it down! 🥰   Since you're not Mordena he'll need a way to contact you when it's your turn so you can finalize the deets for your special evening.
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 09:10   Edited on Sun, Oct 17th 2021 10:00

# In reply to Petty Officer Yaevin Felix's:
You tell me your name and I write it down! 🥰   Since you're not Mordena he'll need a way to contact you when it's your turn so you can finalize the deets for your special evening.
Lira Noakes. I'll leave you my card.
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 10:00   Edited on Thu, Jul 21st 2022 07:46

# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
Lira Noakes. I'll leave you my card.
Got it. Good luck! 😉   If you want to start off on the right foot... Between you and me? He likes fruit. 🍑😏
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 10:09   Edited on Sun, Oct 17th 2021 11:29

# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
Right? My article could give them so much publicity - and probably some extra trade deals.   It's nice to meet you, madamn president.
Pleasure to meet you, too! Nice to find someone who isn't afraid of the truth.   We should talk sometime. Oh, the things I could tell you about the Grand Navarch...! He and I go way back.   Good luck on your date with his son.
Sun, Oct 17th 2021 11:29   Edited on Mon, Oct 18th 2021 03:41

# In reply to Razalle Bosa's:
Pleasure to meet you, too! Nice to find someone who isn't afraid of the truth.   We should talk sometime. Oh, the things I could tell you about the Grand Navarch...! He and I go way back.   Good luck on your date with his son.
I'll pop by next time I'm on Libara. I'll bring wine.
Mon, Oct 18th 2021 03:41

# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
I'll pop by next time I'm on Libara. I'll bring wine.
Looking forward to it!   I prefer a nice white wine, if given the choice.
Sat, Oct 23rd 2021 09:23   Edited on Sat, Oct 23rd 2021 09:41

Oh Lira? Guess whose name is coming up soon on The List? I'm here to plan Jake's date with youuuuu~! 🥰
Sat, Oct 23rd 2021 09:41   Edited on Sat, Oct 23rd 2021 11:19

# In reply to Lieutenant Yaevin Felix's:
Oh Lira? Guess whose name is coming up soon on The List? I'm here to plan Jake's date with youuuuu~! 🥰
Excellent. What kind of details do you need from me? :)
Sat, Oct 23rd 2021 11:19   Edited on Sat, Oct 23rd 2021 11:24

# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
Excellent. What kind of details do you need from me? :)
Just wanted to help finalize the venue for your upcoming encounter. 🥰   Unfortunately we can't bring you to Janikk, so may I recommend Baden's The Sovereign Spoon?   One of my favorites. The menu always puts me in the mood, if you know what I mean. 😏 Maybe you'll get lucky! 😘
Sat, Oct 23rd 2021 11:24   Edited on Sat, Oct 23rd 2021 11:25

# In reply to Lieutenant Yaevin Felix's:
Just wanted to help finalize the venue for your upcoming encounter. 🥰   Unfortunately we can't bring you to Janikk, so may I recommend Baden's The Sovereign Spoon?   One of my favorites. The menu always puts me in the mood, if you know what I mean. 😏 Maybe you'll get lucky! 😘
Just looked it up. The menu looks fantastic.   And we’ll see.
Sat, Oct 23rd 2021 11:25   Edited on Sat, Oct 23rd 2021 11:55

# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
Just looked it up. The menu looks fantastic.   And we’ll see.
Purrrrrrrfect. I'll make the reservations and send you the details.   Good luck~! 🥰
Sat, Oct 23rd 2021 11:55   Edited on Sun, Oct 24th 2021 01:16

# In reply to Lieutenant Yaevin Felix's:
Purrrrrrrfect. I'll make the reservations and send you the details.   Good luck~! 🥰
Thanks. I don’t need luck. ;)
# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
Thanks. I don’t need luck. ;)
Oooh I like you. Too bad you're not my type, I bet you're a lot of fun. 😘
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 06:28   Edited on Sun, Oct 24th 2021 06:48

Grand Navarch, have you ever been married?
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 06:48   Edited on Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:45

# In reply to Sonofbattles's:
Grand Navarch, have you ever been married?
Yes.   I killed them.
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:24   Edited on Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:26

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
Yes.   I killed them.
Wait, you killed Jake's mother?
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:26   Edited on Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:46

# In reply to Sonofbattles's:
Wait, you killed Jake's mother?
Her too, yes.
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:45

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
Yes.   I killed them.
Grand Navarch, would you care to elaborate on this statement? This would seem to be a rather damning indictment of the Mordena's moral code.
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:46   Edited on Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:47

# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
Her too, yes.
Wait, how many have you killed?
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:47

# In reply to Sonofbattles's:
Wait, how many have you killed?
I wasn't aware I was supposed to keep track.
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:52   Edited on Thu, Jul 21st 2022 07:51

Ooooookay, and with that I'm declaring this question and answer session over. My father's had a very long week and it's time he got the rest he needs.   Thanks for coming everyone, and many thanks to the Grand Navarch for so graciously agreeing to answer questions!
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:53   Edited on Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:53

But things were just getting interesting.
# In reply to Shane Lawrence's:
But things were just getting interesting.
Go home, Dad. Now.
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 09:54

Sun, Oct 24th 2021 10:02   Edited on Sun, Oct 24th 2021 10:05

# In reply to Jake Cartwright Lawrence's:
Ooooookay, and with that I'm declaring this question and answer session over. My father's had a very long week and it's time he got the rest he needs.   Thanks for coming everyone, and many thanks to the Grand Navarch for so graciously agreeing to answer questions!
Do I need to bring pepper spray for our upcoming date?
# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
Do I need to bring pepper spray for our upcoming date?
Rethinking our romantic evening, Ms. Noakes?
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 10:07   Edited on Sun, Oct 24th 2021 10:19

You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 10:19   Edited on Sun, Oct 24th 2021 10:21

# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Quite the contrary, Ms. Noakes.   I promise, no harm will come to you while you're in my company.
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 10:21   Edited on Sun, Oct 24th 2021 10:29

# In reply to Jake Cartwright Lawrence's:
Quite the contrary, Ms. Noakes.   I promise, no harm will come to you while you're in my company.
It's Lira.   I'll trust you and leave the pepper spray in the hotel, but I do expect some answers.
# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
It's Lira.   I'll trust you and leave the pepper spray in the hotel, but I do expect some answers.
Of course, Ms. Noakes.
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 10:41   Edited on Sun, Oct 24th 2021 10:53

Goodnight, then.
# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
Goodnight, then.
Sleep well, Ms. Noakes.
As this opportunity has ended, we will resume our usual agenda.  
Sun, Oct 24th 2021 10:59   Edited on Sun, Mar 20th 2022 03:21

Diplomatic Enquiries

Welcome to Mordena Public Relations! Ask your questions here, from new client requests to information clarification.   How can we help each other today?

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