Thu, Oct 7th 2021 03:16   Edited on Fri, Apr 15th 2022 12:12

Mordena Membership Applications

For those seeking to join the Mordena please submit your inquiries here. Include your answers to the questions below, plus any other information you feel may be relevant. This form is subject to change.   Currently we are limiting interviews to two active applicants at a time.  
  1. Tell us a little about yourself. Name? History? Why is your application of interest to us?
  2. What are your reasons for requesting to join the Mordena?
  3. What skills do you possess which you feel would be of use to our efforts? Is there anything you wish to learn?
  4. What role do you forsee for yourself with the Mordena? What do you hope to obtain in return?
  5. What are your past and current affiliations, including business dealings and citizenships? What is your present relationship with these entities?
  6. Have you had any prior dealings with the Mordena before? Please detail them here. (Including but not limited to any professional, personal, and adversarial interactions. Include names where known.)
  7. What is your current place of residence?
  8. Is there anything else of which we should be aware?
Note: If you have been offered a position by Founder Lawrence himself, please submit to him directly rather than providing an application here. And good luck, you'll need it...
Thu, Oct 7th 2021 04:35   Edited on Fri, Oct 8th 2021 02:26

1. I am Melu. I may need help with my magic and an object. More information will be disclosed in further meetings. 2. I want to be part of something bigger than myself and also get some benefits, of course. 3. I have empath abilities and I would like to train to be a healer. 4. What I want is to enjoy some comforts in exchange for my labour. I don't need luxury. 5. I'm not being hunted or anything. I think. 6. No, but I'm intrigued by some of your members. 7 I'm in the Garnell System. 8. I'm very protective of who I consider my family. I would be a great asset to your organization.
Fri, Oct 8th 2021 02:26   Edited on Fri, Oct 8th 2021 12:38

# In reply to Melu's:
1. I am Melu. I may need help with my magic and an object. More information will be disclosed in further meetings. 2. I want to be part of something bigger than myself and also get some benefits, of course. 3. I have empath abilities and I would like to train to be a healer. 4. What I want is to enjoy some comforts in exchange for my labour. I don't need luxury. 5. I'm not being hunted or anything. I think. 6. No, but I'm intrigued by some of your members. 7 I'm in the Garnell System. 8. I'm very protective of who I consider my family. I would be a great asset to your organization.
Applicant Melu,   Your application for membership into the Mordena has been reviewed and approved for further investigation. Please report for your follow-up interview:  
Fri, Oct 8th 2021 02:23   Edited on Mon, Apr 25th 2022 01:55

Applicant Mel Rahna (Julian) - DONE

Greetings, Applicant Rahna. My name is Timm Galli, and I have been assigned as your interviewer for the application review process.   Please report to the provided coordinates at your earliest convenience.

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Fri, Oct 8th 2021 12:38

# In reply to Mordena's:
Applicant Melu,   Your application for membership into the Mordena has been reviewed and approved for further investigation. Please report for your follow-up interview:  
Fri, Oct 8th 2021 02:23   Edited on Mon, Apr 25th 2022 01:55

Applicant Mel Rahna (Julian) - DONE

Greetings, Applicant Rahna. My name is Timm Galli, and I have been assigned as your interviewer for the application review process.   Please report to the provided coordinates at your earliest convenience.

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Greetings, Timm Galli. I'll be there very soon and thank you for your consideration. Applicant Melu.
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