Sun, Oct 24th 2021 10:59   Edited on Sun, Mar 20th 2022 03:21

Diplomatic Enquiries

Welcome to Mordena Public Relations! Ask your questions here, from new client requests to information clarification.   How can we help each other today?
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 08:41   Edited on Mon, Oct 25th 2021 08:47

Just want to know why you're still loyal to a man who admitted to murdering your mother?
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 08:47   Edited on Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:02

# In reply to Serukis's:
Just want to know why you're still loyal to a man who admitted to murdering your mother?
My father been nothing but supportive of me. He'd literally do anything I ask of him. The least I can do is return the favor.
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 08:49   Edited on Mon, Oct 25th 2021 08:52

# In reply to Jake Cartwright Lawrence's:
My father been nothing but supportive of me. He'd literally do anything I ask of him. The least I can do is return the favor.
Did he kill your mother because she was abusive to you?
# In reply to Serukis's:
Did he kill your mother because she was abusive to you?
My mother is one of the kindest, most loving people you could ever hope to meet and I'd advise you to cease your implications otherwise.
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 08:56   Edited on Mon, Oct 25th 2021 08:58

Do you mind if I steal you for a moment, Mr Lawrence? Press business.
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 08:58   Edited on Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:08

# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
Do you mind if I steal you for a moment, Mr Lawrence? Press business.
With pleasure, Ms. Noakes.   I think this conversation has gone as far as I'm willing to allow.
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:08   Edited on Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:14

# In reply to Jake Cartwright Lawrence's:
With pleasure, Ms. Noakes.   I think this conversation has gone as far as I'm willing to allow.
You good? Some people have all the tact of a drunken buffalo.
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:14   Edited on Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:20

# In reply to Lira Noakes's:
You good? Some people have all the tact of a drunken buffalo.
I will be, just give me a minute. They're lucky I'm not my father.   ...Thanks for asking. Nobody's ever asked me before? Outside the Mordena, anyway.
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:20

# In reply to Jake Cartwright Lawrence's:
I will be, just give me a minute. They're lucky I'm not my father.   ...Thanks for asking. Nobody's ever asked me before? Outside the Mordena, anyway.
Sounds like you've met some shitty people. My job is asking questions, and it pisses me off when people are assholes about it.   But you're welcome.
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:22   Edited on Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:25

Your concern is appreciated. Truly.   But that can't be why you're here. How may I help you, Ms. Noakes?
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:26

I was looking for your Commander, to see if he was planning on giving me an actual date for our evening out or if he was just going to spring it on me at the last minute. I prefer to be prepared.
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:31   Edited on Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:32

My apologies for the oversight, Ms. Noakes. Scout is quite effective at security, but a very bad secretary.   I have plans tonight, and promised tomorrow to my father, but I'm available after if three days from now aligns with your schedule?
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:37

Sounds great to me. I'll leave you to it, then. Unless you would prefer I stick around to protect you?
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:42   Edited on Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:43

That's a generous offer, Ms. Noakes, but that won't be necessary. We're a violent mercenary organization, if you recall. I'm sure I'll find a way to manage the prying demands of the general public, one way or another.   Did you need a ride back to your hotel? I could call you a Portal.
Mon, Oct 25th 2021 09:44

I'm good, thanks. I have some errands to run.   See you in a few days.
Until then, Ms. Noakes.
If anyone is trying to reach me, please contact me directly rather than going through the Embassy. Communications here are intended for Mordena business only. This isn't a dating service.   (Happy now, Ace?)
With you? No.   But it's a start.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 01:25

Do the Mordena have a statement they wish to make about the removal of Aiden Kendrick as their contact in Libara? Enquiring minds wish to know.
Representative Kendrick decided to step down from his position. The Mordena are unaware of his present location, and have no intentions to further investigate the matter.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 01:40

Can't blame a reporter for trying, Ambassador. Thank you.
Of course, Ms. Noakes. Anything else I can help you with?   The Navarch isn't here right now, but I can take a message, if you like?
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 01:50

If you'll let him know I'll be in touch to schedule a follow up interview, that would be great, thank you. The Mordena can certainly sell an article.
I'll pass that along. I know he'll be pleased to have another opportunity to speak with you again.
The Ascended Conclave, the Holy Voice of the True Descendents of Fillimet, demand the Blasphemous Heathens of the Dishonorable Mordena Mercenaries return to our rule that which was unlawfully taken. The planet Vemia is rightfully ours, and while you may have temporarily disrupted the local government by siding with the Ungrateful Traitors who call themselves the Resistance, your impudent actions will not go unanswered. Return to us that which you have stolen, or face the Just Punishments you have brought upon yourselves.
Sun, Mar 20th 2022 02:57

I'm sorry, all available diplomatic channels are currently busy. Please wait, and the next available Ambassador will be with you shortly.
This is intolerable! I demand to speak with your Navarch Lawrence at once!
Sun, Mar 20th 2022 03:01   Edited on Sun, Mar 20th 2022 03:05

Your call is important to us. Please stay on the connection, and the next available Ambassador with be with you shortly. Your current anticipated wait time: 3.7 years.
Insufferable, arrogant, blasphemous heathens!
Sun, Mar 20th 2022 03:05

Please stay on the connection for our next available Ambassador. Hanging up and contacting us again will forfeit your current place in line.
Let us know when you're ready to surrender.
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