Considered unique to the Space Defense Legion due to the rarity of the genetic condition, the Immune are unaffected by the presence of magic, even when it is cast on them.
The mystery of Magic immunity perplexed Legion scientists for centuries, particularly since samples taken from those with the condition proved to carry that same immunity, even when mixed with other solvents. For much of Legion history, immunity was considered an unexplainable quirk of the magical fields.
But Legionnaire scientists are known for their persistence. As Legion technology evolved away from magical and into mechanical, new options presented themselves to unlock the secrets of the Immune.
Today, immunity is recognized as a rare and recessive genetic trait. While the unattuned' genetics limit Imperium production, thus limiting an individual's ability to cast magic unless treated with Gene Therapy, the Immune have evolved to repel Imperium and the magical fields completely.
As the only known methods of altering genetics require Nature Magic, immunity is a permanent condition.
In addition to their inability to cast magic, the Immune carry a complete immunity to spells cast upon them. Spells will still work in their proximity, and so they are still susceptible to magic's effects if the caster is suitably creative. These spells will require a greater Imperium input, however, as if faced with a minor Antimagic field.
The Immune are the descended from the esteemed members of the original Order of Librarians, the fearsome Immune warriors who stood with the Golding Library during the War for Enlightenment. With the Library's fall, the Order of Librarians fell, too, but not without leaving their mark.
The Human Defense League safeguarded the remnants of the Librarians, one of the few humanitarian actions taken during their era of terrorism.
This allowed the Librarians, unable to rely on Curative Magic due to their shared condition, the opportunity to slowly recover from their wounds. Those who pulled through faded into the population of Fillimet, most choosing to remain among those they fought beside.
It is believed the Immune are a phenomena only present within the Legion, courtesy of their larger initial concentration due to the original Librarians, coupled with the Legion's governmental policies to encourage all Immune to build a life on the Legion capital of Ruverth – and the technology to make that possible.
Cultural Reception
The Space Defense Legion takes great pride in their Immune, and their technological capabilities in providing all of life's modern convenience despite their conditions.
In fact, the Legion has found a great many governmental positions specifically for their Immune, ranging from performing tasks in locations with potentially unsafe magic fields or spells, to questioning of dangerous Sparnell Armed Forces prisoners of war, to emergency defense forces of government buildings in case of attack.
Those Immune who choose to accept a role within the government undergo a set of physically, mentally, and morally challenging trials designed to push their skills to the limit. Upon completion, the Immune are given the title Incorruptible, and rotated through the tasks most suitable for their skillset until they settle on the assignment they feel most interested in pursuing.
From that point on, they are guaranteed a lifetime stipend and comfortable government housing for the rest of their life, provided they continue to follow all required ethics guidelines as set by their employing organization.
Chronic, Congenital
Extremely Rare
I assume you can't hyperjump an Immune person either, so I guess you'd leave them behind. XD I love them <3
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Nope, they can't Hyperjump, so only the Legion is equipped to even bring them to space in any capacity.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.