Allie Doana
Intelligence Officer Allie Doana
Allie is a skilled data analyst, despite what her outwardly flighty and oblivious personality would suggest. Constantly studying the world around her, she applies her talents in support of Mordena Public Relations' diplomatic efforts, often with assistance from her husband, Dak.
Mental characteristics
Formally assigned to the HMJ Ambition as a Mordena Security Council information analyst, Allie is most often the one leading investigations into the validity of information received through Jake Lawrence's role as the Navarch of Mordena Public Relations. She works frequently with SIO Zaphne Davis in addition to her husband, Dak, pulling in their resources as a critical component of her own analysis. It is Allie who schedules and organizes informational briefings for Jake prior to important diplomatic missions, although she is not always the one reporting.
She's also taken personal responsibility for Dak's well being, including guaranteeing his meals at regular intervals while he works. According to her reasoning, if she doesn't take care of him, no one will. He protests, of course, but not too loudly. He loves the attention.
"Here you go!" Allie dropped off several mounds of food next to her husband before wandering off again, sashaying back to the available food items. "Now to grab something for myself." "I just ate," he protested. "You know how hungry you get when you're working!" she called over her shoulder. "You'll thank me later!"
Mental Trauma
Allie has seen first hand the worst side of communication disruption and misinterpretation. Early in her career, she reviewed and approved a report which was based on false, planted data – resulting in the subsequent death of all operatives on the mission. She's committed to preventing a repeat of the event, regardless of what it takes from her to do so.
As a result of her meticulousness, Allie is a highly respected analyst known for her accuracy, as well as her quirks. When nervous about her current project, and therefore the safety of her loved ones, Allie becomes outwardly boisterous and seemingly oblivious to the input and concerns of those around her. This coping mechanism is misleading, as in truth she's constantly analyzing her surroundings for clues of impending disaster, masking that fear with a false veneer of unfocused distraction.
This coping mechanism has also granted her with exceptional pattern recognition and image retention, furthering her exceptional skills as an analyst. They've also led to her dismissal from the public eye, often allowing her to manipulate others' perceptions of her skills, and subsequently their reactions to her.
Contacts & Relations
Formerly an active regular on The List, Allie requested the removal of both her and Dak upon their marriage, although they remain on friendly terms with both Jake Lawrence and his inner circle.
Family Ties
Allie married the love of her life, Dak, the endearingly thoughtful Runemage and spell hacker personally assigned to Jake Lawrence to guarantee the security of his diplomatic communications. Dak has proven to be a steady and stabilizing force for Allie's outwardly flighty personality, providing aconsistent foundation despite the complicated and sometimes horrifying information they analyze together for their work with Mordena Public Relations.
While Allie remains openly polyamorous, with Dak's full support and consent, he remains her closest confident. He has never once doubted his importance to her, and she takes great care to ensure he never will.
"I'll come with you!" Allie rose from her seat, her own plate in hand. "Then who's going to help me eat all this?" Dak protested. Hands on hips, Allie scowled back. "You shouldn't have taken so much if you weren't planning to eat it all."

Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Agent, Intelligence Officer
long, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
lightly tanned skin
Other Affiliations
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Apparently. Was news to me, too, but it makes sense.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.