Assigned as an advanced scout for special missions early in his conscription to the SAF, Felix Yaevin now serves the Mordena as Jake's unofficial chief of security and part time lover...
A talented spell hacker and Runemage, Dak has proven an asset to Mordena Public Relations's informational security, alongside his wife, Allie. Very few outside Jake Lawrence's inner circle understand the full extent of his contributions.
Allie is a skilled data analyst, despite what her outwardly flighty and oblivious personality would suggest. Constantly studying the world around her, she applies her talents in support of Mordena Public Relations, with assistance from her husband, Dak.
A confident and powerful deceased necromancer, Zaphne Davis serves as a Senior Intelligence Officer for the Mordena Security Council. In addition to the standard duties of her role she frequently accepts special assignments from Jake Cartwright Lawrence.
Formerly an Officer of the Hydell Order, Commander Max Coilin now leads the blended remnants of his former squadron and the Mordena squadron they decimated immediately prior to their capture and subsequent recruitment.
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