Void Blade

While the specific requirements and rituals to creating Void Blades have long been lost to history, an unknown number have survived into the present day. Masquerading as an ordinary object to the untrained eye, those skilled in Necromancy will feel the presence of the weapon's hidden blade.

Manufacturing process

While the exact details of the process were supposedly destroyed in the War for Enlightenment, the nature of the weapons themselves reveal their original creators possessed a comfortable knowledge in Necromancy, allowing them to work with the mysterious Afterlife metals forming the hidden blade.   This was likely augmented with a long-forgotten magic known by scholars as Ferromancy, which would have permitted the advanced metalworking required to fold Afterlife metals into the more ordinary materials found on the mortal planes.


While some Void Blades are formed in the shape of a sword or knife, others are crafted from more innocuous objects. Because the blades are only visible in the planes of the Afterlife, their effects can mimic the feared spell Soul Shatter, provided the wielder knows where to aim.   Historians suspect the secret weapons were once a favorite of assassins, due to both their hidden nature and the potential finality of the blow. This popularity continues forward into the present. Despite thair rarity, most heads of state retain a necromancer on staff to help identify potential Void Blades and disarm their wielders.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Used by
Related Technologies
Related Condition
Extremely Rare

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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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