For those interested in becoming parents for the next generation, the Kin separate themselves into those currently able and willing to serve as gestational parents, with all others considered non-birthing parents. In most cases, a parent will already belong to their own family unit, entering into a
Vardan Marriage containing at least two and often several adults who will serve equally in parental roles for any adopted or naturally born children, regardless of the biological genetics of the ensuing children.
Those capable of carrying children are encouraged to do so, although this is recognized as a deeply personal decision and thus subject to the Kin's full respect of privacy. Those who cannot or wish not to will take other roles. Children belong to the Clan of the individual who carried them, with no rights held by outsiders or other Clans.
Pregnancy Among Vardan
In an effort to increase the genetic variance within the Vardan, when conceiving a child most gestational parents will select a genetic donor from one of the merchants' many planetary ports of call, rather than from among the Kin. These genetic donors waive all rights to any resultant children, or even the knowledge of whether or not the pairing resulted in a child, ensuring they do not grow up with split loyalties that would distract from their place as Kin.
Upon a successful pregnancy, gestational parents are closely cared for by their family unit, with assistance as needed from the rest of their Clan-Kin. While expected to continue their regular responsibilities as best as they are able during the beginning of their pregnancy, as the unborn child's development progresses so to does their gestational parent's need for rest. Their family unit, as well as the rest of their Clan-Kin, will therefore jump in readily to take over the typical roles of their pregnant Kin, and to care for the medical needs of both the developing child and their gestational parent.
The Kin believe each child is a gift, from the Void to the Clan. The perinatal care provided among Vardan caravans is considered among the best in Vazdimet.
Birth and Childcare
Each birth is a cause for intense and prolonged celebration, among both the child's family unit and their Clan.
Upon birth of a new child, their family unit is permitted a break from their typically shifts and duties in order to bond with their new family member. The newborn is presented to their family unit, with each member sharing a personal story from their own life accompanied by a wish for the newborn's future. Family members take turns caring for the gestational parent and the newborn, ensuring both receive all the meals and sleep they require. Provided the Clan is large enough, the family will be excused from their responsibilities for a full week, to instead care for their members. For smaller Clans or larger family units this duration is often shorter, or with staggered shifts for each parent, although in all cases the family unit will be granted at least a full day with no responsibilities to anyone outside the family unit.
During this week the family will select the newborn's first name, while will be used to refer to them until they are considered of age and ready to select their own name. The family unit will present both child and name to the Clan, at which point the Clan begins their own celebration of the newborn. From this point on the Clan-Kin will assist the child's family unit in care for both newborn and gestational parent until both have recovered fully from the birth. Upon recovery, the gestational parent will resume their usual duties toward the Clan, while the Clan accepts full responsibility for the well-being of the child.
I love the Varden so much. <3
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Me, too. I'm so excited with how they turned out.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.