Second only to the Valcores, the Selkirk Family wields great military power and political influence across the Sparnell Confederation. They've built a ruthless reputation as the most prestigious choice for any admiral's Tactical Assault Group leader.
Recognized as skillful but largely unnecessary diplomats and mediators, the Yaevin Family's support from both the Selkirk and Valcore Families hint at a deeper secret.
The ancient members of the Ascended Conclave provide the guidance required to lead the Hydell Order into their rightful place as the True Descendents of Fillimet.
The revered Sparnell Confederation war hero Vice Admiral Renkash Alenahs is still celebrated to this day for his valiant death and unparalleled contributions to the Sparnelli war effort.
Admiral Kydell remains a shining example of what one can achieve within the Sparnell Armed Forces. His skillful work to help the more rebellious conscripts find their own niche within the SAF war machine has earned him particular favor.
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