“I have another offer,” Shane agreed, “but first, answer this. Do you have a Void mage interested in learning the spell?”
Clan Leader Lai'na Ferrik nodded. “We have a Voidclaimed, yes.”
Among the
Vardan, those born with
Cosmic Attunement - possessing the rare ability to borrow magical power from the stars themselves - are known as Voidclaimed. Because the nomadic merchants spend their entire lives traversing
the Void, this is considered a blessing, and a gift from the Void herself. Voidclaimed are highly valued and are often assigned important magic-centric roles within their Clans, according to their skills and interests.
As with all
Void Mages, the Voidclaimed feel the call of the stars pulling on their magic whenever they venture into the Void. Their life within the Void itself, therefore, ensures the Voidclaimed spend their entire lives with the whispers of the power of the universe flowing through their veins. For a society who views the Void of space as the gestational parent of the universe, a tough but fair entity known to reward those who treat her with respect and punish those who fail to recognize her true power, this constant connection to that power is seen as a deeper, personal connection to their place within the universe.
They are her family. They belong.
I really enjoy the Varden way of looking at being a Void mage. :)
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
I love them so much. They may be a new favorite.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.