
Centuries of rule by the Hydell Order has left its mark on the planet of Vemia, and the native language of Vemian is no exception. Once a unique Freehold language, modern Vemian now leans heavily into Vanaric phonetics with much of its language on space travel borrowed wholesale.   Efforts by the Order to switch Vemian to the Vanaric alphabet ultimately failed, largely due to the constant rebellious undercurrent of the Vemian people surviving its initial conquest as a Freehold planet and surviving centuries of rule and misrule until Vemia's eventual renewed independence.  

Free Short Story: Mercy

Free Short Story

All they have is time.
Killing her would solve most of his problems.
But it wouldn’t solve any of the problems that mattered. That was the trouble with immortality, after all. With an eternity before him, everything else became inconsequential.
Everything but her.



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