TSV Crafty Star

The smallest and fastest ship of the Ferrik Clan, the TSV Crafty Star is the only ship in their small fleet capable of landing planetside. The Star is therefore most often used to ferry trade goods between planetary markets and the remaining Ferrik fleet in orbit.


The Crafty Star possesses a powerful portal drive which, although no match for Space Defense Legion technology, is still considered well above average.

Armor and defense

Its use as a trade vessel by the Vardan guarantees the Star possesses no weapons and minimal defenses, in accordance with neutrality and trade agreements drafted long ago. Nonetheless, the Star does brag a rather effective Shielding generator, for use in emergencies.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Unlike most ships its size, the Star contains a full Telekinetic gravity system. This was an aftermarket addition, crafted by the Ferrik Clan's own mechanics using assorted piece parts they managed to procure from an assortment of planets. While entirely unnecessary due to the comprehensive system of tie downs and cargo straps required during transit, Clan Lead Lai'na Ferrik has openly admitted her admiration for those behind the project.
Owning Organization

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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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Jul 23, 2023 10:23 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the detail of the gravity system. :)

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Jul 23, 2023 13:15 by Morgan Biscup

They needed a project. :)

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