
The lowest rank within the Mordena's Grand Armada, a hand has only just begun their training within the mercenary organization.   This rank is reserved for those with little to no military experience and training, and is considered the equivalent of Recruit among the other, more professional militaries throughout Vazdimet. New recruits who select a specialization at the time of enlistment will find themselves promoted to Able Hand once they prove themselves capable of the basic requirements of the role. Experienced personnel the mercenaries have poached from the other militaries across Vazdimet instead tend to begin their roles at higher ranks, typically similar to those they held within their former organization.


Aside from a general willingness to learn, follow orders, and work together with their fellows as a team, there are surprisingly few qualifications required of a Mordena hand.   Those who choose to exceed this lack of requirements will find themselves rising rapidly through the ranks within the mercenary organization. Those who choose to do as told and little else will instead find themselves relegated to necessary but largely menial labor, most often in support of Mordena Logistics and Maintenance.   Both roles are valuable in their own right, with their own perks and benefits.


Hands are responsible for anything that needs doing that doesn't require a specialized skill. New hands are assigned to work in support of a specific department within the Grand Armada, with periodic rotations to gain a general working level knowledge of what each department does.   Once a hand determines an interest in a particular department or role, they are expected to request a transfer to that department to begin more specialized training. This is the route to a promotion to Able Hand.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Incompetence and negligence - whether willful or accidental - are the only guaranteed paths to forced dismissal. Those removed in this way are ineligible to return to the organization, although exceptions can be made for extreme circumstances if granted a personal exception by the Grand Navarch.   Hands who determine themselves a poor fit for the organization are also free to request a transfer from the Grand Armada. These requests are always honored, as while the Mordena may use a militaristic model due to their origins as deserters and traitors from the Sparnell Armed Forces, they have no desire in retaining anyone whose heart and soul aren't dedicated to their role.   Those who request to leave are permitted to return again at a later date, although too many departures and returns will begin to raise questions.
Civic, Military, Generic
Form of Address
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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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Sep 18, 2023 11:50 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Just imagining someone who is really bad at their job but Shane just insists on keeping them on. XD

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Sep 18, 2023 16:47 by Morgan Biscup

Shane says enthusiasm matters, and everyone needs a mascot.   Just need to keep them away from anything too dangerous. (Which is a lot more flexible a definition, for the Mordena).

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