
Janikk's Dragon Bird

A large draconic bird native to Janikk, the gromdornis is the apex predator of the planet and the inspiration behind the Mordena's ferocious logo.

Basic Information


Gromdornox hold many similarities to myths of the draconic wyverns, possessing two wings with triple-clawed elbows, and two legs ending in four strong, sharp talons, three pointing forward and one back. Their wingspan is incredible, up to thirty feet when fully outstretched, although they are equally comfortable scrambling across the ground in talons and wingtips. Their large feathered tail extends ten to twelve feet behind them, assisting with balance in flight but also serving to attract a mate during breeding season.   The gromdornis neck is long and flexible, allowing the bird to easily maneuver their sharp, toothed beak into tree hollows and animal burrows, or quickly survey their surroundings. The head and neck are covered entirely in scales, aside from a line of feathers down their spine which help provide stability in flight.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The gromdornox are the only true carnivores on Janikk, other species adapting to include fruits and other vegetation into their regular dies as a survival mechanism due to the difficulty in catching live prey when the Tenecknaab warns all creatures of danger. The gromdornox have made no such concessions, their ferocity and pack hunting behavior allowing them to remain the clear apex predators of Janikk.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Gromdornox live in extended families, called flights. Each flight is led by the oldest actively breeding pair, with the majority of flight members adolescent children, aging elder birds, and unpaired siblings. They craft large communal nests within the treetops, with actively breeding pairs maintaining a smaller secondary nest with their eggs. The entire flight will assist in caring for eggs and hatchling as well as their parents, although the majority of the work is performed by the breeding pair.


While attempts have been made, none have succeeded or even survived efforts domesticating or taming these fearsome predators, as far as the birds are concerned. They have been known to respond to distress calls in support of the defense of Janikk from outsiders, and on rare occasions have even temporarily adopted lost Mordena children until their parents could be located, but these behaviors have more to do with their ties to Janikk herself than any goodwill on the part of the birds.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Mordena believe death is simply a different state of being. Following the traditions of the ancient civilization who once claimed Janikk as home, the gromdornox feature prominently in Mordena Funerary Rites as a symbol of the Ecknaab, the balance between life and death.   Gromdornox are also hunted as food and material. Their meat is considered a delicacy and often enjoyed among the Mordena or even shared with close allies such as The Sovereign Spoon. Their eggs are edible as well, although even rarer to obtain as the entire flight will defend the brooding nest. The feathers are commonly collected from abandoned nests and during molting season for the use in cold weather gear and high quality bedding, and the occasional tail feather has been gifted to Legionnaires who have assisted the Mordena in significant ways.   Many of the gromdornis' bones can be boiled in water to make a light, flavorful soup broth. By contrast the bones of their wings are often used to form instruments, the flow of air across the countless reinforcement struts within these otherwise hollow bones providing an ethereal sound when air is forced over them.   Ground bones from gromdornox, other animals, and even people are also used as a reinforcement material in ceramics, or mixed with other parts such as skin to form the basis for glue, fertilizers, and gelatin.

Average Intelligence

A single gromdornis is clever, with attempts at captivity failing horribly due to a patient tenacity which has always led to the bird's escape and subsequent mutilation of their captor. A pack of gromdornox, called a flight, brings that intelligent persistence to the forefront as the birds slowly wear down their prey until finally overwhelming all possible avenues of escape.   The Mordena often hunt gromdornox, always with the use of Blades. The victor of such encounters is far from guaranteed.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As with all life on Janikk gromdornox are also part of the Tenecknaab, meaning they have access to the shared danger-sense and have adapted to overcome the advanced warnings received by their prey. Their enhanced vision also allows them to see along the infrared spectrum, allowing them to single out potential meals attempting to hide beneath plantlife or within heavily wooded areas.   The same Anemancy which allows them to fly effectively also permits them to amplify and pinpoint sounds. A gromdornis is capable of discerning the sound of digging or the faint warning calls of creatures even when high in the air and identify the exact location of their source, due to the bird's abilities to manipulate airflow and soundwaves.
Gromdornis by Naelin
a flight of gromdornox
Average Height
11-14 ft at the shoulders
Average Length
13-15 ft from beak to rump
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Gromdornox are colorful, the majority of their feathers a light pinkish with sections of blues, yellows, purples, browns, and greens, and a line of red down their spine. Their heads, necks, and lower legs are a scaled dark blue while their beaks take on a deep purple.   There are no visible differences between males and females.
Geographic Distribution

Free Novella: No Way Home

Free Novella

It was supposed to be a simple patrol.
The Sparnell Armed Forces were waiting.


Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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Dec 3, 2021 21:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Dragon biiiiirds! I love all the new info about them in this article! ❤️

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Dec 3, 2021 23:24 by Morgan Biscup

Thank you! So exciting to get an article for these lovely birds. (These are from a short note in my original high school version of the world, even!)

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Dec 3, 2021 21:38 by R. Dylon Elder

I love their ties to janikk. Yeah. We adopt children for a while and come to aid against outsiders- DONT DARE TRY TO RIDE ME! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?   They're fearsome critters and I really like Naelin's art too. Well done as always.

Dec 3, 2021 23:25 by Morgan Biscup

Thank you! Naelin outdid himself, the art came out AMAZING.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Dec 5, 2021 14:58

Thank you both ;o; <3

Dec 5, 2021 09:36 by Simo

I like how, after how much it costs to kill them, seems like people use every last bit of the body. Are the bones used too? Maybe for musical intruments?

Dec 5, 2021 12:33 by Morgan Biscup

Oooh, now there's a thought. I will have to think on this.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Dec 9, 2021 17:29 by Morgan Biscup

Made some updates. Thanks for the suggestions!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Dec 9, 2021 19:10 by Simo

You're welcome, I knew you would have liked the flute idea :)

Dec 5, 2021 14:57

The idea of a small forest area full of perching gromodornox of all ages with their nests is both adorable and terrifying. Amazing article and I find the way you write very easy to read <3

Dec 5, 2021 17:32 by Morgan Biscup

Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Dec 8, 2021 20:43 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Ooooh, I love that they defend the planets against invaders! The would-be invaders must have been really surprised! XD

To see what I am up to: my World Ember 2024.
Dec 8, 2021 22:35 by Morgan Biscup

There is a reason the planet was unclaimed until the Mordena claimed it. The gromdornis were part of that. (Also let me add a fun scene in the book Emy and I wrote.)

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
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