Hydroponics AB1
Modified from its original clinical layout, the main hydroponics bay of the HMJ Ambition combines efficient design with relaxing beauty.
Purpose / Function
Hydroponics 1 allows for the growing of temperate zone plants within the Ambition for food, Alchemy, and the generation of Nature Magic fields to allow the use of its magics in the Void of space. The bay also serves as a popular destination for relaxation and reminders of home for the crew.
Contents & Furnishings
Small self-contained ponds of assorted Janikk plantlife lay scattered about the room, their placement and size carefully calibrated to meet each plant's needs while facilitating convenience and efficiency when seeing to their care. Climbing vines branched and spread throughout, winding their way across the walls and ceilings in addition to the structural supports. Large impossibly shaped hydromantic fountains, reinforced with Telekinesis, aerated and filtered the water while providing a comforting gurgling which complemented the quiet hum of the other room equipment.
While the original bay had been a stark industrial affair with open shelving and lifeless metal rows of bubbling water tubs, the Ambition's hydroponics had since been completely redesigned as a joint experiment between the Mordena's top Agrokinesis experts and Janikk herself.
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Theme by Damion. Vazdimet and Magic Logos by Grace Gittel Lewis. Faction and Family Logos by tjtrewin. Subscriber boxes by Stormbril. Meet the Vazdimet team.
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Cover image:
Planet Moon Solar
I love how natural the hydroponics bays on the Ambition are. :D
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
That's the Mordena for you. <3
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.