Final Ascension

The Natural Order, as followed by the devout among the True Descendants of Fillimet, teaches that once enough souls have achieved Worthiness by serving their rightful time in the Afterlife, all the souls of the devout will be reborn to the mortal plane to rejoin with their loved ones. This long-anticipated event is known as the Final Ascension, when all True Descendants will shake off their mortal needs and desires and ascend to godliness, following the footsteps of the Ascended Conclave.   Those found Worthy by the Conclave during their lifetime are instead inducted into the Ordained Ascended, an honored order of souls bound within mechanical constructs to serve the Conclave for eternity, guarding The Veil between the mortal planes and the Afterlife until the departed souls of the devout are judged ready to return.
Metaphysical, Divine

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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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