
Written by DaniAdventures

F4T3 (a.k.a. Fate)

Fate might be aggressively flirty on the Net, but it's mostly a defense mechanism against getting too close, as relationships can be manipulated by foes. He hasn't left his bunker in months--and even then only in a brief escapade to right a wrong and save a friend--preferring the safety of its interior and the familiarity of submersion in code to anything the outside worlds have to offer. Behind the flirty façade is a adorable nerd with a twisted sense of humor and a desperate need to remain in the physical world, even as the Net beckons him deeper each time he goes in.   A hacker and miscreant for hire, Fate handles technical missions and accepts payments through various drop points. He also manages logistics and surveillance for a small network of agents who can take sabotage and spying to a physical on-site level. He takes care of his own, but even Fate is baffled by his penchant for rescuing damsels in distress.

Fate is an irrepressible flirt & an unavoidable nuisance if you've got tech about. He's an exceptional hacker & know-it-all, and, due to that knowledge, he vastly prefers life in a sterile bunker to the outside worlds.

Current Location
Undisclosed Bunker
View Character Profile
Hazel, Left eye has interface implant
Long, uneven burnt orange dreads
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Paler than Centralvest's Biggest Moon
Almost Tall Enough to Ride
Less Than a Table of Dancers

Free Short Story: Mercy

Free Short Story

All they have is time.
Killing her would solve most of his problems.
But it wouldn’t solve any of the problems that mattered. That was the trouble with immortality, after all. With an eternity before him, everything else became inconsequential.
Everything but her.


Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


Author's Notes

This character belongs to Dani.

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