Empress Rakethorne

Empress Rakethorne

Not much is known about Empress Rakethorne, leader of the Sparnell Confederation, with most tales of her and her accomplishments suspected to carry decades if not centuries of embellishment. She is said to be immortal, although the means through which she chooses to achieve this remain uncertain.


Contacts & Relations

The Empress rules the Confederation by proxy, communicating through hologram with Sparnell Fleet Command and any other entities which which she must interact. Only Fleet Admiral Valcore Sil is permitted to meet with her in person, leading conspiracy theorists to suggest the Empress may no longer be among the living. Loyal Sparnelli insist there are things that must not be said about the Empress. Intelligent Sparnelli caution there are things that must not be said around Fleet Admiral Valcore.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Currently Held Titles
Aligned Organization

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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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