Did You Know?
NOTE: This page is a work in progress.
...Portal Travel interacts poorly with Telekinesis due to the differing gravity wells on each side of the Portal, this requiring each portal hopper to instead rely on specially-built portal drives using alternative fuels than Magic?
...Navarch Jake Cartwright Lawrence's lavish ambassadorial ship, the HMJ Ambition, was once an SAF Destroyer called the SCS Subjugation?
Did You Know...?
...Portal Travel interacts poorly with Telekinesis due to the differing gravity wells on each side of the Portal, this requiring each portal hopper to instead rely on specially-built portal drives using alternative fuels than Magic?
...Navarch Jake Cartwright Lawrence's lavish ambassadorial ship, the HMJ Ambition, was once an SAF Destroyer called the SCS Subjugation?