Me: You are my strong girl.
3yo: I am strong and fierce! And brave!
Me: Are you also clever?
3yo: Yes. And ticklish.
Husband: I love my messy big girl!
3yo: I'm not a messy girl, I am a clean girl! I'm all clean! And I'm the cutest, and smartest, and big!
3yo: We are both jumping!
Me: Are there two little monkeys jumping on the bed?
1yo: Yeah!
3yo (waking me up): Mommy, do you have two nipples? I have two nipples, too! Guess what! You can't tickle me I have my tickle armor on! I love you Mommy can I nurse please? Nurse and snuggle? Pleeeeeease?
3yo (singing while I'm running a telecon): EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!!!!