Space Research, Expansion, and Learning

Space Research, Expansion, and Learning existed for a mere quarter century but lay the foundation for the Sparnell Confederation, combing the stars for a new home in an effort to escape the crumbling remains of Fillimet.   After careful exploration – and several disastrously unsuccessful attempts – they finally relocated to a suitable and welcoming planet, christening it Sparnell after the SREL.

Public Agenda

The past is dead, and good riddance. Never again will we cower in ignorance.   Fillimet is dying, torn apart by the Human Defense League and their jealousy of our - of your! - success.   It's time to leave it all behind. Find a new, fresh start among the stars. Build your own destiny, and never look back.   The secrets of the universe are yours to claim.
— SREL Recruitment pamphlet
The SREL sought to relocate themselves and their allies to a new planet completely under their personal governance. This would allow them to build a society where they held full power over not only their decisions but also their public image, rather than continuing to contend with the political aftermath tracing back to their victory in The War for Enlightenment.   Among potential donors and supporters, the SREL emphasized the rare but often destructive violence of those who lost the war, most notably the terroristic past of the Human Defense League.   It worked.


After The Great Separation, when the fluctuations to Magic and its rules fractured the ancient range of Portal Magic, survivors of The War for Enlightenment were left stranded on their current plane, separated from the other planes of existence.   The citizens of Fillimet, drunk on the knowledge from the Golding Library and unwilling to abandon their connections with the other planes, began a decades-long space program to reach beyond their planet and into the stars. As the numbers of those who remembed life before the Separation dwindled, the space program's core motivations changed, but never its mission, until 70 EVT saw the first successful colonization of a distant planet.   The SREL was founded soon after, with the intent to locate a new home planet for those responsible for unleashing the secrets of the Library into the universe. Political squabbling on Fillimet had begun to intensify, leading to fears of a second major planetary war, this time as retaliation for the technological advances brought on by the Enlightenment. Members and allies of the SREL hoped to avoid the potential backlash by relocating to a planet completely under their control, bringing their knowledge with them and leaving Fillimet to fend for itself.   In 100 EVT they managed just that, beginning the three year process of moving their supporters to the newly-christened planet of Sparnell with promises of glory and prosperity among the stars.


Upon full relocation to Sparnell the SREL was disbanded, unable to justify its continued existence and requests for donations. Much of its former leadership – and their largest donors – found roles instead within Sparnell's planetary government, thereby ensuring they retained their power.   This would become a trend among the political elite on Sparnell, a tradition eventually leading to the highly politicized Families vying for power and prestige within the Sparnell Confederation.  
Our promised future has already arrived. There's no need to cling to the past.
— new Sparnell citizen


Finding New Beginnings in the Stars

74 - 103

Expedition, Colonization
Alternative Names
Successor Organization
Related Ethnicities

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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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