Ministry of Speakers

Often described as the Legion's governmentally-funded news agency, the Ministry of Speakers holds responsibility for disseminating critical information across the Space Defense Legion. While news is one facet of the Ministry's role, the organization's primary focus revolves around providing a convenient point of contact for the Legion's citizenry to follow unbiased reporting of current governmental events, as well as opportunities to share thoughts and concerns with the various Ministries and governmental Bodies.


The Ministry of Speakers is run by the Speaker for the People, a six-year elected position. Each Speaker is permitted a single term of office, although popular Speakers are often invited to work within the Ministry upon completion of their term.   While the elected Speaker is officially permitted full control over the Ministry with minimal oversight, the Ministry's bylaws place many limitations on the quantity of changes a Speaker may enact in any given timeframe without approval from the Body of Appointees. This is meant to ensure the Ministry's neutrality, and to encourage each newly-elected Speaker to both prioritize their agendas and fully consider the ramifications of each change.   Additionally, for the first three months in office, Speakers are typically only permitted to adjust their personal staffing and support as they familiarize themselves with the job. In true Legionnaire fashion, while there are exceptions to this limitation, the specific circumstances which would activate those exceptions are thoroughly documented and monitored.   Employees of the Ministry are divided into departments. Most are assigned to a specific branch of government, with various checks and balances for internal audits by other departments to ensure neutrality. Several others are tasked with following current events across Vazdimet in general and the Legion in particular, with updates on war, trade, technology, and sports being the most popular.   The Ministry also devotes an entire division to education and outreach, focusing on assimilating new and newly of age citizens into the election process via the biannual Provisional Election, and helping concerned citizens locate the appropriate governmental Ministry or department for an assortment of governmental dealings.

Public Agenda

While the Legion relies heavily on maintaining impeccable document trails, the Body of Government takes great pride in their efforts to streamline the process.   The Ministry of Speakers plays an integral role in this, serving as the focal to sort and direct all governmental communications to the correct channels. This is the Public Relations arm of the Body of Government, and Legion's citizenry are most satisfied with their government when the Ministry of Speakers is at its best efficiency for directing and helping resolve their needs.

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Governmental, Ministry
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Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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Dec 3, 2024 14:44 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I am not sure I like them, but they are fascinating.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Dec 3, 2024 17:18 by Morgan Biscup

There are certainly some flaws inherent in the system, and it will be interesting to explore those implications someday.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
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