Hydroponics AB2

The HMJ Ambition's Hydroponics 2 is less popular than Hydroponics AB1 and Hydroponics AB3 due to the extreme temperatures required by the plants within. These bays play a critical role in meeting the alchemical requirements of the crew, and adds a variety of flavors to foods prepared on board.

Purpose / Function

Hydroponics 2 was designed to cater to the growth requirements of plants native to more extreme temperatures on Janikk. The bay is split into two, with a thin shed requiring a key code for entry spanning the full length of the middle. Both growing bays are open to the public, with the forward bay housing heat loving plants and the aft bay those native to colder areas, but due to the more extreme temperatures they are less popular than Hydroponics AB1.

Contents & Furnishings

Forward (Hot) Bay

The forward bay is dry and arid, particularly for a room labeled the hydroponics bay, with the exception of a smaller portion cordoned off behind glass for those plants requiring high humidity. Clusters of succulents grow in groupings throughout, with scrubby brushes and trees scattered throughout and even the occasional clump of grasses and flowers.  

Aft (Cold) Bay

The cold garden includes dwarf shrubs, medicinal mosses and lichens, ice mushrooms, and an assortment of herbs. The far end of the bay is colder, the wall completely ice, while the area closest to the door feom the shed still contains running water.  


The storage bay includes rows of shelving and closed closets containing an assortment of equipment required to maintain the plants, plus a computer console to access the ship's systems and data library. Special Shielding devices and other protections are also available to assist in the comfort of the mages tending to the gardens.
Hydroponics / Agricultural complex
Compartment of Vehicle

Free Novella: No Way Home

Free Novella

It was supposed to be a simple patrol.
The Sparnell Armed Forces were waiting.


Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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Nov 12, 2021 00:23 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Update: Cold garden is my new favourite place.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Nov 12, 2021 00:28 by Morgan Biscup

Because they have mushrooms?

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Nov 12, 2021 00:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Also moss. :D

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
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