ENDED - Beta Read - Spirits of the Relentless

Sign up to Beta Read the current draft of Spirits of the Relentless, and provide your input on this Science Fiction Fantasy novel.

To lead others, he must first embrace who he was – and what he must become.
  After the Turncoat Armada’s surrender, Void necromancer Shane Lawrence is left with a command he never sought and a fleet without a sanctuary. At risk of retribution from both the planet they tried to conquer and their vengeful former allies, the fleet’s only hope lies with Shane’s ability to find them a new home.
  He sets his sights on the uninhabited planet TR-75, but there's a catch: Planet TR-75 is claimed by the planet herself. ‘Janikk,’ the lone surviving soul of an ancient civilization, whispers her name on the winds and commands the wildlife to repel intruders. To secure a future for his fleet, Shane must do more than communicate with the long-dead; he must win the favor of Janikk’s guardian, face the ghosts of his past, and earn the approval of a planet that is anything but empty.

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept...

You will be provided an eBook copy of the book (for your use only!) and asked to answer the following questions as best you can (on this Google Form). I will need your response by 12 January 2023 so I have time to make the edits prior to my intended release later that year.
About You
  • A few questions about your usual reading habits and preferences.
  • All answers are optional! This section is to provide me with context for your comments, and reduce the chance of clarification follow up questions.
Scenes and Setup
  • What was the first thing that piqued your interest? Where were you hooked?
  • Which scenes or moments were the most memorable? What did you most enjoy about them? What did you dislike?
  • Which setting was the most vivid for you? Which was the least? Where would you like to know more about?
  • Which character do you relate to the most, or would like most to meet in real life? Why do you feel this way?
  • Were the character descriptions sufficient enough for you to envision the characters as you read? Were there any you felt required more details?
  • Did the characters and their growth, choices, personal agency, and interpersonal relationships feel realistic and sufficient?
  • If you had to choose one character to remove or change from the story, who would you choose and why?
  • Did the dialog feel natural and hold your interest? Did any conversations feel forced?
Flow and Immersion
  • If you stopped reading or skipped ahead at any point, where and why?
  • How did you feel about the pacing of the story? Was there anywhere that felt too fast? Too slow? Did the chapter transitions flow smoothly?
  • Did you discover any inconsistencies, plot holes, confusing passages, or other moments that didn't make sense?
  • Were you pulled out of the story for any reason? If so, where?
  • What did this story do best overall? What do you feel could be improved?
  • Was the ending satisfying? Believable? What could be improved to better hold your interest?
  • What questions do you have for the next book? Any questions you'd like to see resolved or something you want to see more of?
  • Do you have any other feedback for me?

Cover image: Spirits of the Relentless Header by TJ Trewin


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