Mon, Apr 18th 2022 04:53   Edited on Sun, Jan 8th 2023 08:18

Current Writing Schedule and Priorities

With the understanding that all things are subject to change, below are my current priorities and goals for writing in Vazdimet... All ECDs are tentative, especially when marked as such.   Last Updated: 8 January, 2023  

Short Term Priorities

  1. WIP: Prepping Rules and Policies for Community interaction, ECD: Jan 2023
  2. WIP: Beta Reading of In Spite of the Inevitable, ECD: Jan 28, 2023
  3. Beta Edits to Inevitable, ECD: Feb 2023
  4. Inevitable on to Dani for formal editing, ECD (to begin): Mar 2023


  1. WIP: Hands of Destinee Book 3: The Path of Destinee - coauthor with Dr. Emily Vair-Turnbull, ECD: Feb 2023 (tentative)
  2. Mordena Dawn Book 5: Grim Reminders - end of the series! ECD: June 2023
  3. Nero's Book - coauthor with Dr. Emily Vair-Turnbull, ECD: Dec 2023 (tentative!!!)
  As a reminder, all in-work and unpublished prose is available to subscribers at any level. Editing and cover commissions for Mordena Dawn to begin 2023, with publishing hopefully in 2024.  
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Sat, Jun 4th 2022 03:45

Short term priorities are complete! I still have some work to do in these areas on an article-by-article basis but will be working that when I do revisions.   Which means I am back working on Ambitions of Atonement! The June ECD is going to be tough to keep but I plan to do my best. It's a goal, not a deadline, after all.   There is also a book about Selkirk Nero in the works, although I won't be adding that to the official goal list until after I finish the draft for Ambitions.
Sun, Jan 8th 2023 08:13

I've been busy! Looking at my last update, which was from APRIL (so sorry)...   All short term priorities were completed in June!   Long Term, Books 3 and 4 of Mordena Dawn are now drafted and awaiting a first edit. Book 4 was also renamed to In Pursuit of Reckoning.   The Shoe of Destinee series has been renamed to Hands of Destinee, and the last book in the Trilogy is now in work.   Old goals listed below for reference. I will update the post with the current goals.
Last Updated: 18 April, 2022  

Short Term Priorities

  1. Cleanup of User Journey - to allow for better navigation on the site, ECD: May 2022
  2. Category Cleanup - to encourage more intuitive navigation, should be minor tweaks only, ECD: April 2022


  1. Mordena Dawn Book 3: Ambitions of Atonement - WIP, ECD: June 2022
  2. Mordena Dawn Book 4: Quest for Reckoning, ECD: September 2022
  3. The Shoe of Destinee Book 3: The Path of Destinee - coauthor with Dr. Emily Vair-Turnbull, ECD: Dec 2022 (tentative)
  4. Mordena Dawn Book 5: Grim Reminders - end of the series! ECD: June 2023
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