
The callsign Medical refers to the healer currently leading the Medlab team on board a spacecraft. While most other departments can be led by a live crew member or an Afterlife Intelligence with equivalent results, Medical is rarely an AI. This is not to say an AI would be unable to perform the Curative Magic required by their patients – many sick bays will include a Curative AI on staff – but simply that patients tend to respond better to treatment when a living medic is present and available.   Medlab typically shares a bulkhead with the hydroponics bay, harnessing the stronger nature magic magical fields present around the plants rather than relying solely on the weaker fields generated by the presence of the ship's crew alone. Many plants grown in the bay are also cultivated specifically for their healing benefits. Due to this Hydroponics and Medical often coordinate to ensure all Medlab needs are met.
Form of Address
Medical, Medlab, Sick Bay

World Ember 2023

World Ember 2023

In an effort to work the core worldbuilding articles of Vazdimet, December 2023 is focused on the Magic of Vazdimet, as I work to flesh out my magic stubs.
I'll be working on them in related chunks, starting with Nature Magic, although I'll likely be writing additional stubs as well, as the muse desires. Take a look:


Cover image: Planet Moon Solar by LoganArt


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