MD1 Inevitable Header Title

Many thanks to my followers and patrons for your patience. My full novel, In Spite of the Inevitable, is now available in Manuscripts for my Patreon patrons! Which means no more notifications about it. (I tried to spread it out so as to not overwhelm anyone.)
  This novel will be available for sale on 17 November, 2023. More Details Here.
  For those who can't wait, or who are looking for a free copy, applications are still open for Advanced Review Copies. More details below:

ENDED - ARC Read - In Spite of the Inevitable
Generic article | Apr 30, 2024

Sign up to ARC Read the current draft of In Spite of the Inevitable, a character-driven Science Fiction Fantasy novel covering such topics as redemption, resurrection, found family, and magic as technology.

  (For other opportunities for free books, keep an eye on my website! Or join my mailing list, and get a free novella prequel to my novel!)

Original Title
MD1 NovelHeader
TJ Trewin


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