Chapter 6

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Clarisse sat in the kitchen corner, peeling spud skins into a bucket. In the bucket just next to her, she would throw the peeled spuds. The entirety of the time she had been peeling, the servants were gossiping. Clarisse heard a lot about The Empress and the castle. Apparently, there had been at least two murders there in the last two days. First was the Empress’ brother, Lucillo, who inexplicably disappeared after storming into the grand ballroom with a missing arm. The next was the captain of the guard, Sophie, who was found sucked of all her blood. They were blaming terrorists from the Evantean rebellion. News like this Clarisse tried not to pay attention to, it always filled her with fear. She tried to think about something else and thought of Ember. She thought about the taste of her lips during that drunken kiss. It made her smile and blush as she peeled. 

“What are you smiling about?” An annoyed-sounding voice said from behind her. Clarisse stopped peeling and turned around. Helena was standing there, arms folded across her chest. 

“Leave me alone,” Clarisse said, her smile fading from her face the instant she saw her. “I’m busy.” Helena only got closer at that remark and leaned down so she was inches away from Clarisse’s face. 

“Listen to me,” she said. “I don’t care what The Lady thinks of you. You are nothing but trouble. It's my job to dress The Lady before a ball. And for a servant to go with? It’s obvious, you’ve cast some sort of lust spell on her. And I’m going to prove it!” Clarisse rolled her eyes, and went back to the spud she was peeling, letting the skin flakes fall into the bucket. “Look at me!” Helena demanded. 

“What’s going on here?!” Rene the Crone said from behind them. Helena straightened, didn’t say a word, and stormed from the kitchen. “Clarisse, The Lady would like to see you.” Clarisse’s heart jumped into her throat when she heard that. This would be the first time she had seen Ember since the ball. She was drunk when they were in the bathroom together. Would she still feel the same for Clarisse? Would she even remember? Clarisse stood dutifully and brushed herself of rogue potato peelings. She made her way from the kitchen and up the stairs to the main floor. She made her way past a few servants, and up the stairs again to Lady Ember’s quarters. She knocked on the door softly. 

“Enter,” Ember said from within the door. Clarisse took a deep breath and turned the handle to let herself in. “Hello, Clarisse,” Ember said politely as she walked in. She was wearing a thin silken bedrobe, which Clarisse could somewhat see through. She did her best not to blush, perhaps this was some way of teasing her. 

“My Lady, what do you need of me?” Clarisse asked innocently. Ember thought for a minute, regarding Clarisse and rubbing her chin. 

“Nothing like that has ever happened to me before,” she began. “I tried to brush it off. Me, being drunk, and you being somewhat drunk. And… The Empress watching us,” she straightened herself and cleared her throat. “I thought that I would be able to forget about it, to get on with my life.” Clarisse listened, fear slowly gripping her heart with every word. What was Ember saying? Was she not interested in her? Was this only a fling? Was she only a toy to Ember? Clarisse gulped. “I digress,” Ember said, stepping closer to Clarisse. “The point is: I’ve not been able to stop thinking about that night. About you.” As Ember walked forward she let her robe fall open. Clarisse looked down at her exposed nipples and her eyes widened, she blushed deeply. “I desire you, Clarisse,” Ember said. She rested a soft hand on Clarisse’s cheek. “And I always get what I want.” 

“Y-Yes, My Lady…” Clarisse trailed off, biting her lip and attempting to choose which part of Ember to look at. Ember gripped Clarisse by the shirt suddenly and pulled her close. Her lips hovered an inch away from hers. Clarisse instinctively grabbed Ember’s waist. 

“Kiss me,” she demanded. Clarisse nodded and leaned in to kiss her sweetly. Ember returned it, tilting her head and letting it deepen. “I want you, but not like last night,” Ember whispered as she wrapped her arms around Clarisse’s neck. “I want your body close to mine. I want you to touch me, and kiss me, and lick me…” Ember trailed off and resumed the kiss. She pulled Clarisse’s hands up by the wrists, up her abdomen, and to her chest. Clarisse gasped through her nose at the softness of Ember’s flesh running through her palms. She felt and squeezed her as Ember pulled her over to the bed. “Fuck me,” she said softly, taking one of Clarisse’s hands off of her breast and slipping it down between her legs. 



“Hmm,” Xavier put the boy’s cheeks between his thumb and forefinger. “Look there, ya see?” He took the head of Jacob and showed it to Rebecca, who stared at it curiously. “See those ridges? Not a clean cut,” he pointed to the open wound in the neck. “A freshly sharpened steel blade would be clean. So…?”

“I-it wasn’t fresh?” Rebecca asked. Xavier looked down at her, disappointed. “It was… it was… spikey?” 

“Mm,” Xavier nodded his approval. “Only one blade I’ve ever known has been forged that rigged. The greatsword Snaggletooth, the weapon of Magnus Evanteus.” 

“And broken on the day his empire fell,” Allura’s voice said from behind. She was watching them intently, her arms folded across her chest. “Are you done now? I have work to do.”

“What? Reviving the lad?” Xavier looked down at the headless body, sprawled out along a metal table. “Don’t know what you see in him. More than your previous captain…” Xavier mumbled the last part, intent on Allura not hearing. 

“What was that?” Allura asked, stepping closer. Xavier sighed and turned around to face her. 

“Look, it's really none of my business,” he said. “But you know I’m a good hunter and a good detective. I figure things out.” He stopped, and Allura raised an eyebrow. “Do I have to spell it out for you? You used Sophie to gain the power to revive this one, didn’t you? You probably killed Lucillo too, he’s been missing for a few days and he usually follows you around like a loyal dog. Just be careful doing these things, yeah?”

“I’m the Empress. I can do as I please,” Allura grunted. “Do you want to get paid or not? Leave me alone and go do your job!” 

“I’m just saying,” Xavier continued. “Empires rise and fall. Be careful who you’re pissing off, yeah?” Allura rolled her eyes and waved Xavier away. He took Rebecca’s hand and led her from the dingy room. As they exited, Xavier stared down at Rebecca. He examined her stained and dirty dress, and grimy face. “We need to get you some new clothes, girl,” he said, ruffling her hair.

The tailor shop was just a few blocks away from the castle. As Xavier and Rebecca entered, a man came up to greet them and stopped when he saw Rebecca’s clothes. “Oh, dear…” he said, kneeling down to examine her. “Whatever happened to you?” 

“There were these men and women,” Rebecca started. “And-”

“We want your best,” Xavier interrupted before Rebecca could go on. “Sleek, something in black, leather, good for fighting in.” Xavier pulled a few gold coins out of his coin purse and pressed them into the man’s palm. 

“Right away, Monsieur!” the tailor said. “I’ll have her measured right away!” 

Xavier waited for Rebecca to be tailored, surveying their stock as he did. He perused the cloaks and coats, seeing the fresh leather glinting back at him. He looked down at his own tattered brown leather coat and sighed. He supposed he was due for a change in attire. “Can I help you?” A woman said from his left-hand side. She had noticed him admiring a specific cloak with many pockets down the sides, and inside. 

“Erm yes!” Xavier said. “Does this come in my size? I like the pockets. And well…” Xavier trailed off and showed the woman his tattered cloak. 

“Of course. Let me just…” She lunged at him with a measuring tape, and wrapped it around his waist, thinking, and then scribbling some things down on a small piece of parchment. She then measured his biceps, his chest, and abdomen. “I think I have just the thing! Hold on!” She quickly made her way to the back. Xavier stood there for a moment. After a while, she reemerged. She carried in her right hand a long leather trench coat with fur lining the neck. It sported a large hood, and more pockets than Xavier had ever seen on a cloak. “This is completely weatherproof, with a lifetime guarantee!” She said, handing it to him. “Try it on!” Xavier took it, slipping his tattered brown robe off, and putting the new cloak on. It was very breathable, and comfortable. 

“How much?” Xavier asked. 

“Just a hundred gold pieces!” She answered, smiling at him. Xavier grimaced and went for his coin purse. He took a few platinum pieces from it and handed them to her. She raised her eyebrows and went back to get his change. 

“Here she is!” The tailor said, exiting the changing room. Rebecca followed behind. She wore a leather jacket, leather pants, and thick leather boots. On her back was a leather rucksack. 

“You look like a true bounty hunter!” Xavier laughed. Rebecca smiled a toothless grin. “Just one thing is missing,” Xavier said, taking a black bandana out of his back pocket. He tied it around her head. “Now, give me a snarl! Bear those teeth!” Rebecca growled playfully, showing her teeth, with the front one missing. “You scare even me!” Xavier laughed, patting her on the head. “Now, say thank you,” 

“Thanks!” Rebecca looked up and smiled at the tailor, who grinned back. Both of them left the shop after that. 

“By the way,” Xavier said, kneeling down next to Rebecca. “I have something for you.” He rummaged around for a minute, getting used to his new cloak, before reaching into his boot. “Here,” he pulled a small jagged dagger from it, resting in a sheath, and handed it to her. “Only use this in emergencies, okay? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” Rebecca gripped the hilt with a tiny hand and pulled the small blade out. The sharp steel blade glinted in the sunlight. Rebecca’s eyes grew wide, and then quickly strapped it around her waist. “It’s not a toy, you got it?” Xavier said. Rebecca nodded. “Alright, let’s go.”



A soft moan rang through the bedroom. Clarisse stared up at Ember, nipple in her mouth, fingers deep inside of her, and pumping in and out. Her thumb stroked along her clit in a slow circle. Her nipple was hard to the touch of her tongue, and she swirled it around. Ember kept her fingers deeply laced in Clarisse’s hair, holding her close and arching her back. With her other hand, Ember reached up to grip the neck of Clarisse’s thin tunic. Pulling hard, she tore it off, letting her breasts fall forward. Clarisse gasped, and pulled herself from Ember’s nipple to hum and shiver, biting her lip. Letting go of her hair, Ember reached into the torn hole to feel Clarisse’s chest. “I think I may love you…” Ember trailed off, before really thinking about what she said. 

“What?” Clarisse asked, looking into her icy blue eyes. Clarisse stopped moving her fingers, still deep inside of her with Ember’s juices flowing around her knuckles. Both of them were too engrossed with each other to hear the quick footsteps coming toward the door. 

“My Lady!” The door suddenly swung open, and Helena stepped in. She looked around, then toward the bed, and blushed. “I-”

“Can we not have a moment's peace?!” Ember shouted, throwing Clarisse off of herself and storming toward Helena, breasts still exposed. “What do you want?!” she screamed. Helena gulped, trying her best not to look down at her chest. 

“Th-there’s a man here to see you, My Lady,” Helena gulped. “Many apologies.”

“Shut up,” Ember said angrily. “Get out of my sight, get out of my house, you are fired.” Clarisse’s eyes widened, and she froze up.

“Wh-What?!” Helena said, grimacing. “What are you talking about?! You’re going to fire me but not Miss Prissy Panty Pervert?!” She gestured to Clarisse. She grunted and took her cowl off, throwing it on the ground. 

“OUT!” Ember shouted, shoving a finger forward. “And don’t come back!” Helena scoffed, turned around, and stormed out of the room. Ember looked back at Clarisse, and she could have sworn she saw Ember wink as she started to get dressed in something decent. 

Ember brushed her black leather tunic as she made her way down the stairs barefoot. She opened the front door after smoothing her hair down. A large, burly older man she had never seen before was staring down at her through old tired eyes. Just next to him was a little girl, no older than eight, in similar dress to him, with a black bandana around her head. “Ms. Ember Eloux, Lady of the house,” he took a low bow and elbowed the little girl, who also bowed. “I am Xavier Loupe.”

“Hm. I’ve heard of you,” Ember said, folding her arms across her chest. “The bounty hunter? Whatever do you need from me?” Xavier straightened himself and pulled his new black cloak tighter around his shoulders. 

“May we come in and speak in private, My Lady?” He asked. Ember stood there for a moment and then opened the door wider, ushering him in. “Thank you,” he said, stepping inside. 

“Thank you!” The little girl said, holding her head high and sauntering in. Ember furrowed her brow as she looked down at her. 

“Don’t mind her,” Xavier said. “She’s my apprentice, Rebecca. I’m showing her the ropes.”

“Well, they certainly are getting younger and younger,” Ember shut the door. “This way, please!”

Ember led both of them into the Den, where she took a prong and stoked the fire to get it going again. Rebecca immediately sat down on the couch and made herself comfortable. Xavier followed slowly after that. “Drink?” Ember asked, moving over to the drink cabinet. Xavier shook his head. Rebecca was about to nod, but after seeing Xavier declining she shook her head as well. Ember shrugged and poured herself a whiskey into one of her glasses. “Now, I can’t imagine you’re here just to visit me,” Ember began, taking a sip from the glass. She made her way over to a chair next to the fireplace and sat down. “Might as well get to business, yes?” 

“You fought in the last war,” Xavier said. “And you killed the previous Emperor, Magnus Evanteus, the patriarch.”

“Yes,” Ember said, rubbing her eyes. “What about it? That was a decade ago, the empire has fallen.” Both Xavier and Rebecca looked at each other.

“What did you do with the body?” Xavier asked. Ember was taken aback by this statement and took a sip of whiskey. She thought on this for a moment and looked toward the fire. 

“I left it to crumble in his palace,” Ember answered.

“There was no way his body could have been taken?” Xavier said, leaning in close. “You were sure he was crushed?”

“What is this about?” Ember asked. Xavier didn’t answer and looked on at Ember intently. “I suppose there were a few minutes between his death and the palace collapsing. Why?”

“What I’m about to tell you I do not want you to tell anyone else. Not even the person you trust the most.” He said. Ember stared at him blankly, with no emotion. “It is likely that Magnus lives by magical means.”

“Oh?” Ember asked, finishing her glass. 

“What became of his brother, Drake?” Xavier asked. 

“He went missing during the skirmish,” Ember answered plainly. “He was presumed dead. Maybe he ran away in shame after betraying his brother. How should I know? He was last seen in the poor district near here.” 

“Mm,” Xavier looked down at Rebecca, who gave him a small thumbs up. “Where was that?” 

“Oh, it’s still around,” Ember said. “Last I heard, however, it was going to be torn down and the people displaced, to make farmland for harvesting wheat. It’s in the southeast part of the Anoisn. Does that help?” 

“Yes, very much!” Xavier clapped his hands on his knees and stood up. “Well, we will stop bothering you. Sorry for all the questions.”

“It’s no problem at all. Good luck with finding the… previous Emperor,” Ember said, remaining seated as Xavier tipped his hat to her, and left the way they had come in. Rebecca reached up to tip her hat, but seeing as she had none, she bowed again and left quickly. The previous Emperor. The one she had mercilessly killed. Was he really still alive? She thought for a moment. Was he stupid enough to continue living in the city? Was she right under her nose? She could have walked right past him. She could have seen him in the streets. The thought sent a shiver down her spine. If she had to kill him again, she would. And if she had to keep doing it forever and ever, she would do that as well. She set her glass down, and stood, leaving the den. 

The door to her armory slowly squealed open. It had been a while since she had come in here. Weapons and armor lined the walls. The place was still immaculately clean, as her servants kept it well-maintained. Ember reached out and stroked a steel helmet, beautifully forged with ornate symbols carved into it. Leaving that, she made her way to the back of the room. There was a weapon case in the back, and she latched it open. Opening it, she pursed her lips. An archaic feeling welled up inside of her. One she had not felt since she had driven the blade into Magnus Evanteus’ head. Reaching in, she picked it up. The blade that cut her enemies down, and defeated the greatest evil. “Widowmaker,” she said, suddenly adopting a wide grin. She took it from its sheath, and it hissed beautifully in her ears, shining in the daylight. She let a chuckle escape her lips, and then more came spilling out. She laughed, eyes wide, swinging the blade around madly. It had been so long since she had felt this. 

“My Lady?” The door had opened, and Clarisse stood in the doorway. 

“Help me get this on!” Ember said, pointing to a glass case. Inside was a jet-black suit of armor, the helmet in the shape of a raven. 



Xavier’s heavy footfalls slammed into the mud. It had started raining, the water mixing in with the dirt. Rebecca jumped in every puddle she came across. “Hmm,” Xavier said, examining each abandoned run-down home. “See anything interesting?” He looked down at Rebecca. Rebecca looked up at him. 

“Um,” she began, looking around. She walked around a little bit, Xavier watching her the whole time. Putting her chin in her hand, she walked across the road, jumping in each puddle still. “What’s that?!” Rebecca suddenly said, running into the alley. 

“Girl, get back here!” Xavier ran after her and followed her down. He stopped when he saw what she was holding. A severed arm, decaying and sunken. “Put that down! It’s filthy!” Xavier demanded. Rebecca dropped it. He walked over to it, and played at it with his toes, examining it. “Yep, it’s Lucillo’s alright,” Xavier stroked his beard, looking around. Then he saw them. Footprints nearly washed away from the rain. He followed them. They became chaotic in some spots and were washed away in others. But he finally traced them to a severely boarded-up home. Rebecca grabbed at his cloak, looking up at the foreboding house. “Now, look here,” Xavier knelt down and took Rebecca’s shoulders in his hands. “This boy is dangerous, hear? I want you to stick close to me and you do exactly as I saw. Got it?” Rebecca quickly nodded. Xavier braced himself as he stood up straight, cracked his neck, and slammed his foot into the barricaded door.

The house was quiet, dark, and empty. Dust that was disturbed by the kick floated lazily to the floor. Xavier held up a hand to Rebecca as he slowly stepped inside, trying his best not to make a sound. “Hear anything?” He whispered. Rebecca shook her head silently. They examined each room thoroughly and quietly. Nothing, not a sound. Rebecca made sure to stay by Xavier’s side, gripping the sides of his cloak tightly. “Hang on a moment,” Xavier said, approaching a boarded-up door. Rummaging around in his backpack, he pulled out a crowbar. “Get back,” he said to Rebecca, who obeyed. He placed the crowbar behind each of the boards, and tugged at it, after a few moments each of them would give way. Opening the door, he saw a set of stairs that extended below into a dark basement. He pulled his revolver out of his pocket. “Come with me,” Xavier said, pulling Rebecca close. “Even without a body he could still be dangerous, hear?” She nodded quickly. With his revolver at the ready, both of them slowly began to descend the stairs. 



Clarisse followed quickly behind Ember as they approached the palace. As they walked they got strange glances and looks. A woman striding through the streets in full jet-black armor would have been a normal sight ten years ago. But now, in this age of peace, it was strange. Ember did not appear to care, however. She ascended the steps to the castle proudly. As they approached, the guards standing at the ready protecting the front gates stared down at her. 

“Ember of house Eloux here to see Lady Empress Allura Anois!” Ember said proudly. 

“Erm… are you expected?” the guard said. Ember didn’t say anything. She looked Ember up and down with her brow furrowed. “The Lady is indisposed at the moment, I’m afraid,” she told Ember.

“Hm,” Ember stared up at the castle looming over them both. “Yes, we are expected. I have word of Magnus Evanteus.”

“What?” She looked at the guard across from her. “Wait here,” she said, making her way across the courtyard. The other guard looked on, attempting to keep a sense of professionalism. Clarisse suddenly felt an armored hand grasp her ass for a split second. She widened her eyes for a split second and blushed, looking back to Ember who winked again at her with a smirk. After a few more minutes the first guard came back out. “The lady will see you in the throne room,” she said. 

Ember quickly walked into the throne room, armor clanking and reverberating off of the walls and pillars. “Lady Eloux,” Allura was splayed out horizontally across the throne instead of sitting in it regularly. “I do trust this will be worth my time. You pulled me away from some very important work.” Clarisse blushed as she approached with Ember, and Allura saw her. It made her uncomfortable as she thought of the last they met. “And what do we have here?” Allura smirked and put her chin in her hand. “The servant girl from the bathroom, was it?” Clarisse blushed even deeper. “Come to use my facilities again? Is that why you’re here?” She chuckled. And then looked down at Ember. “Why are you outfitted in The Raven’s Crest Armor?”

“My Lady Empress,” Ember unsheathed her blade and knelt, sticking it into the marble floor and bowing her head. “I have heard tell of Magnus Evanteus.” Allura looked down and regarded Ember. 

“I suppose you were the one to kill him last.” She put her feet down on the floor and leaned forward. “What you have heard is true. Magnus Evanteus is believed to, in all likelihood, still be alive. But, My Lady, you have nothing to worry about. It is flattering of you to offer up your services like this, but the matter is being taken care of as we speak.”

“I would like to be the one to kill him,” Ember interjected. “... again.” Allura leaned back, resting her hands on the armrests of the throne. “I’m assuming you sent the bounty hunter Xavier after Magnus?” 

“He is currently searching for Drake Evanteus,” Allura replied. 

“Don’t send a man to do a woman’s job,” Ember said. “Killing is the job of a woman, Lady Empress. Hunting is her job as well.” Allura thought as she looked down at Ember. 

“Why did you bring the toy along?” She winked at Clarisse, who looked away. “Entertainment while you are away?” 

“I would like her raised from her servant class,” Ember said plainly. “I-... I have grown fond of her.” Ember stood and stroked Clarisse’s cheek with a metal hand. “I would have her graduate into a full member of house Eloux with your blessing.”

“You love her?” Allura said. Ember did not answer. “How admirable, how sweet,” She grinned and clapped her hands together. “I will grant you your wish on one condition, Ember Eloux. Don’t go looking for Magnus Evanteus. I will consider this proposal of his execution by your hand. But for now, we have no idea where he is. Once we do, I will personally let you know.” Ember’s lips grew tight, and she sheathed her sword. 

“My Lady Empress,” She bowed stiffly. Allura sighed, standing up and walking over to a pedestal near the throne. She picked up a small sword hung up on the wall and pointed it at Clarisse.

“You. Plaything.” She said and then pointed to Clarisse. “On your knees,” She waved the sword down. Clarisse stepped forward cautiously, and then slowly got down on her knees. “Not the first time I’ve seen you like that,” Allura smirked and chuckled. She stepped down the stairs slowly. Clarisse watched her hips sway from side to side as she approached. “Clarisse D’Eloux,” she said. “You shall henceforth be known as Clarisse Eloux.” With a swift motion, she tapped the sword on each of her shoulders, and then placed it under her chin, pulling her up to look into her eyes. “Lick,” she said, playing at her lips with the dull tip of the sword. Clarisse looked over to Ember for a second, who nodded. She extended her tongue, running her tongue along the flat side of the sword. “Hmph!” Allura hummed, watching her. “Very good. You’re a very lucky girl. You are a noble now! That does not often happen.” She pulled the sword away from Clarisse. 

“Thank you, Lady Empress,” Clarisse said softly, getting to her feet. 

“Well, invite me to the wedding!” Allura smiled. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do.”



The cauldron bubbled and shined as Xavier stepped in, pistol drawn. He looked around for a minute, and then down at Rebecca. “He’s in there.” Xavier mouthed, pointing to the cauldron. Rebecca looked at it, confused. There was an entire person in there? Xavier walked over, reaching for his blunderbuss. “Drake?!” He shouted. There was a disturbance in the green fluid, but it settled a few moments later. Xavier rolled his sleeve up and put his pistol away. After preparing himself, he quickly shoved his hand into the cauldron. Rebecca watched him feel around for a minute before his arm went straight. He struggled for a minute, before finally tugging a skeleton from the fluid. 

“Ah!” Drake shouted. “Get your fingers out of my eyes!” He shoved himself away from Xavier, and then looked around. “Wait… Xavier Loupe?” He said. If skeletons could look frightened, he would. “If you’re there then-”

“I’ve been looking for you, Drake Evanteus,” Xavier said. “Well, a certain Allura Anois has been looking for you.” Drake didn’t say anything. He stared at Xavier with his hollow eyes. “Perhaps you’d like to meet her.” Drake frantically put his hands on the rim of the cauldron and looked over. 

“Oh no,” Drake said. “Please, Xavier, have a heart! You worked for us before, right? Come on!” 

“I work for whoever is paying me,” Xavier replied. “You think we may have known each other well. But all you did was tell me what to do.”

“We killed The Endling together!” Drake pleaded. “Please!”

“The Endling?” Rebecca asked. Both of them looked down at her. 

“Who’s this?” Drake asked. “Your daughter?” 

“No,” Xavier answered. “My apprentice, Rebecca,” he turned to Rebecca. “The Endling was the last God alive. Drake, Allura, and I hunted them down and killed them to take control of all magic. Little did we know it only forced us to use each other or ourselves for magic!” He turned to Drake when he said those last words. “You’re coming with us! Rebecca, go to the palace and retrieve Lady Allura.”

“A-Alone?!” Rebecca said, afraid. 

“Do as you're told, girl!” Xavier snapped, pointing up the stairs. “I’m going to stay here with Drake and make sure he doesn’t try anything.”

“As if I even could,” Drake mumbled to himself. Rebecca grumped, and turned around, running back up the stairs. Xavier pulled a dirty broken chair from the dingy corner and sat down in it. He pulled his pipe out of the pocket of his new coat and began to press some tobacco into it. Drake watched him, his bones jittering a little. Slowly, Xavier lit a match and puffed at the cigar. Smoke began to fill the room as he sucked at the pipe, his eyes lighting up orange with every inhale.

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