Chapter 8

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“We need to do something about the displaced communities!” Clarita said to Allura. “The wheat crop isn’t doing nearly as well as we thought it was.”

“If we continue on like this we could have an uprising on our hands!” Henri chimed in. “We should look into rehoming them, maybe even cutting out losses and giving them their land back.” Allura rolled her eyes and waved a hand. 

“Their houses have already been demolished,” she said. For a moment she sat and thought, racking her brain for a solution. An uprising? She wouldn’t allow that to happen. That idiot Magnus was probably organizing one as she thought about this. She had to do something about it quickly. And then it came to her. It was perfect, it was almost as if it were planned ahead for her. “They may come live here!” She said. Everyone looked at her, confused. 

“Surely you’re jesting?” Clarita asked. “You think they can all come live here?” 

“They shall all be employed under my charge,” Allura said with a smile. It was true, they would be in her charge. And they would be silenced. They would be used to fuel her revival of Jacob, and become thralls under her command. Once she had her army built up, no one would be able to stop her. Not even Magnus Evanteus. “Have the offer sent out. Say they will receive a room, three meals a day, and fresh clothes!” 

“Erm… I suppose that would quell any rebellion since they will be under our guard,” Henri said. Each of the advisors uneasily looked at each other. 

“My word is final,” Allura said. “Are we done here? My ass hurts.” She stood up without waiting for an answer and went to leave the room. 

“My Lady Empress!” Clarita held up a finger. “Remember, you are needed in the throne room!” 

“What?!” Allura said. “For what?” 

“You must hear the requests of the people,” She answered. “You have no backup since Lucillo is missing.” Allura sighed. Maybe she shouldn’t have killed the stupid boy after all. She was hoping she could go visit Jacob again, but instead she left the room to head up to the throne room. It was nearly midday, and light poured in through the windows of the throne room. Allura dejectedly walked in, seeing Emmeline standing just next to the throne room. 

“Hello, my dear,” Allura said as Emmeline stood at the ready to greet her. “How are you this afternoon?” 

“Very well, My Lady Empress,” Emmeline said. “I trust The Lady is doing okay?”

“No, not at all,” Allura smiled despite feeling horrible. “I’m tired, and my ass hurts from sitting so much. Empresses before me must have had steel cheeks. My soft down-stuffed ass cannot handle so much stationary sitting.” She sighed, and sat down on the throne, grimacing and putting her cheek in her hand. “Send the first one in!” she commanded. The doors were opened by two servants, a woman sauntered into the room. She was wearing a servant’s uniform. She approached the throne and bowed low. 

“My Lady Allura!” She said, straightening herself and smiling at her. “I offer you my services. I wish to serve under your charge.”

“Oh?” Allura said, raising an eyebrow. “And you are…?

“Helena, My Lady Empress,” She answered. “Previously Helen D’Eloux. But I was recently… let go.” 

“You were Ember’s?” Allura asked, rubbing her chin. “I think I may have just the job for you. Go to the servant’s quarters and we will be in touch.” Allura waved her hand, and Helena exited, bowing and thanking her. She left after that, and Allura put the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. “Next!” She said, a bit too angrily. The servants jumped and quickly rushed over to the doors. A well-dressed man entered, his chin held high into the air. 

“My Lady,” He said, bowing lower than Helena did. “You look ravishing today.”

“Flattery will get you no closer to whatever it is you want,” she said. He stared at her awkwardly, blinking as if he had never been spoken to like that before. “What is it?” Allura demanded to know, growing sick of all these formalities. 

“I am Antoine of house Nanosn,” he said. “I wish to utilize your ballroom for a party of sorts…”

“A what?” Allura said. “What do you thin-” Allura stopped, pulling the words back into her mouth and swallowing them. A party, with many people. Each of them may be a newfound thrall or a life for a life. “Of course!” She smiled down at him warmly. “When were you thinking of having this… party…” 

“In three days' time,” Antoine said. “I’m thinking of inviting some high-class individuals.”

“Very well,” Allura said. “You may have your little get-together. Now, I have other people to see,” she waved him away. Again, he looked taken aback by this, and hesitantly turned around to leave. “Does the man still have his ass wiped?” Allura mumbled under her breath. “He acts as if no one ever said no to him.” Emmeline tried her best not to snicker, but Allura could tell she was going to laugh. “Go ahead and laugh,” Allura said, but Emmeline swallowed it and stood at attention again. “No fun. Next!” 

She spent the better part of two hours listening to and answering people’s requests. It was a nightmare, and by the end of it, her ass was numb. She felt as if it were going to fall off. At the end of it, when the last person left the room, she stood up and stretched. It felt as if her entire body was going to crumble. “How do you people stand at attention for so long?” She said to Emmeline. “You have more willpower and strength than I do.”

“I doubt that is true, My Lady,” Emmeline answered. “Would you like an escort to your quarters?” 

“I’m not going to my quarters. I still have business to attend to,” Allura replied. “But thank you. You are dismissed, Emmeline.” Emmeline stomped on the ground and left the room dutifully. She reminded her of Jacob. She shook that thought from her head, however. But then again. Even if she had a place in her heart for Jacob, that didn’t have to stop her from fooling around for the time being. He was currently dead, after all. And was not coming back soon. “Oh, Emmeline!” Allura called after her before she could leave. Emmeline stopped and turned around. 

“Yes, My Lady Empress?” Emmeline said, looking at her expectantly. 

“On second thought, meet me in my quarters,” she replied. “And draw a bath, as hot as you can make it!” Emmeline nodded and smiled, turning and walking towards Allura’s bedroom. “I’ll just be a couple of minutes!” Allura called after her, walking the other way. She made her way down the staircase and to where the servant’s quarters were. “Helena?” She called out. “Are you there?” She walked up to a man heading to bed. “Have you seen Helena, Enzo?” Enzo pointed to a door at the end of the hallway. Allura smiled and made her way over to that. 

“My Lady!” Helena said, poking her head in the crack of the door. “I’m very sorry but I am not decent!”

“That’s okay!” Allura put on her best smile. “Would you mind coming with me, Helena? I have a very special job for you!” 

After Helena had gotten dressed, Allura led her through the palace. Closely and dutifully, Helena followed her. It was almost too easy. “Just in here,” Allura said, opening the large metal door, where on a metal table lay the body of Jacob. 



The morning was cool and crisp. Magnus realized he forgot to shut the window, but then noticed that there was no glass pane separating him from the outside. He sighed, playing with some of the broken glass still stuck to the frame. His clothes were still a bit damp, but they were the only clothes that he had. Loosely, they stuck to his skin as he strapped both of the halves to Snaggletooth on his back, and covered them with his flowing brown cloak. “Gotta find that heart,” he said to himself, slipping some gloves on and wriggling his fingers around in the damp leather. He swung his rucksack over his shoulder and made his way to the door. The stairs squealed with each of his heavy steps, his thick boots squeaking and squelching as he came to the bottom floor. “Oh…” He said softly as he came down the dining hall. The young man from last night was lying limp in his chair, blood dripping from his mouth and a large hole in his chest and stomach. There was blood all over the place, splattered and sprayed over almost every table. As if on cue, as Magnus was standing and examining the mess, the doors to the tavern opened. Three men and two women stepped inside. 

“Justin!” One of the women said loudly. “The usua-...” She trailed off, and each of them stopped in their tracks when they saw the damage that had been done. Each of them followed nearly the same path. From the young man to the blood-stained tables, and then finally to Magnus. The big burly man with the sword strapped to his back, the hilt poking out from behind his left shoulder. “What the fuck did you do?!” She screamed at him. Magnus held up both of his hands and took a step back. 

“Look, I can’t explain this,” Magnus said. “Just… step aside, and let me leave, okay?” 

“Like hell!” One of the men said, pulling a knife from his waist. The others all tugged a different assortment of weapons from their cloaks as well. “You’ll pay for what you've done!” Magnus sighed. He would have to try his best not to kill anyone. As one of the women lunged for him, he went for the hilt on his back. Their eyes widened as Snaggletooth was unsheathed, and deflected one of the small knives. It split almost in half, and the hilt fell from their hand. Magnus kicked the woman in her stomach and sent her flying back into the wall. He punched the neck of the man and kneed the groin of the other. He wasn’t paying attention, however, and didn’t notice the woman running up behind him. She leaped onto his back and sent him staggering. Going to smash her against the wall, he didn’t realize it was a door and was sent catapulting back onto the hard dirt ground. The woman rolled over with a groan and tried to push herself up to her feet. Magnus had trouble as well. 

“What the hell is going on?!” A voice said from above him. 

“Reeve Brigitte!” The woman said, standing up. “Look inside! This stranger has killed Alexander!” Magnus slowly looked up, seeing a blonde-haired woman standing over him. She was wearing skin-tight beige leggings, with a hand on her hip and a revolver at her side. She wore a leather tunic, and her hair seemed to shine in the sunlight. 

“Stay there,” The Reeve said, pulling her revolver from its holster and making her way up the stairs and into the tavern. She only had to open the door a bit and peek in. “STAY ON THE GROUND!” She screamed to Magnus, who was trying to get up. Just as he was about to get on his feet, he felt a foot stomp into his back, and he was shoved back onto the ground. 

“You don’t…” he started. “... understand!” 

“Shut up,” she grunted, shoving his hands behind his back. She was strong. Magnus looked behind himself to look at her a bit better. She had rippling muscles and big arms. His wrists were shackled behind his back, and he grunted as she pulled him up with ease. “You can explain yourself later,” she growled. “For now, get a move on!” He felt a shove and began to walk. To where he had no idea. But this was not good. He had to find the heart, and now he had to find whoever killed that young man. 



“Hmmm,” Xavier thought to himself as he knelt. There was a dead deer just in front of him, sprawled out on the ground. There was a large blood-filled hole in its forehead, chest, and stomach. “This doesn’t look like the work of any animal I’ve ever heard of.” Rebecca walked up next to him and looked down at the deer as well. She looked to Xavier, who had his chin in his hand, and knelt down. Like him, she knelt as well and put her chin in her hand. 

“Hmmm…” She said to herself, sounding a bit like Xavier. He looked over at her with furrowed eyebrows. 

“What are you doing?” He asked. She looked up at him innocently, and he shook his head. “What do you make of it, then? Hm?” Rebecca looked down at the sprawled-out body of the dead deer. She reached out to touch it, but Xavier slapped her hand away. 

“Well, it looks like the work of some… worm…” Rebecca said, thinking it sounded stupid as she was saying it. “Wait, wait!” She pulled at Xavier’s shirt sleeve. “The heart! Do you think it could be doing that?” 

“The heart? You have to be joking.” Xavier scoffed. 

“You said it was unlike any animal you’ve ever seen!” Rebecca argued. “It’s not an animal. And it's magic! You don’t know anything about magic! It’s a living human thing that’s not part of a body. Maybe it needs…” She winced and whispered: “Blood!” Xavier opened his mouth to argue but then thought more. Could the eight-year-old girl really be right? Could she really be smarter than he is? 

“If it were to find a town…” Xavier said. “A place populated with human beings…” Both of them looked at each other. 

“We have to find it!” She said. 



Magnus was pushed into the big building by Reeve Brigitte. He felt the barrel of her revolver poking at his back most of the way there. The dingy building sported a row of cells down a small hallway. What was this? Was this supposed to be some sort of dungeon? A prison cell? Magnus had never seen anything like it.

“Right,” Brigitte said, unshackling him. “Put the… sword… on the table over there,” she pointed. Magnus hesitated, thinking for a second. It could be over before it starts. He could pull the sword out, and cut her in half. But he shouldn’t. 

“Listen-” He started. 

“SHUT UP!” She kicked the back of his right leg. “Sword! Table! Now!” Magnus glared back at her and then unstrapped the sword from his back. He threw it down on the table, followed by all the other stuff she asked him to take off. His boots, his cloak, his two daggers, etcetera, etcetera. “Come with me,” she led him down the hall. With a large ring of keys, she unlocked the very last cell and opened the barred door. Shoving him in, she slammed the door behind him and began to lock it. 

“You’re making a mistake!” Magnus pleaded. 

“Funny. I remember telling you to shut the fuck up!” Brigitte yelled, banging on the bars. “Not another word!” Magnus dejectedly sat down on an uncomfortable block of wood that was supposed to be a chair as Brigitte’s footsteps receded. 

“Fuck!” Magnus said to himself. What was even going on?! Who had done that? Was there really some serial murderer running around town? And why did it have to be the night he got there? It was completely the wrong place at the wrong time. Magnus was stressed, he was tired, and he was unhappy. He lay down on the block of wood and rubbed his eyes. The hours slipped away from him, and soon the sun had set. There was time that was wasting away. Magnus sat up and sighed. It was silent, dead. He could hear virtually nothing. The sound of birds wasn’t even seeping through his window. And then it happened. He couldn’t see what was happening, but he heard the door as it was thrown open. Someone had burst in, breathing heavily and shakily. He heard them rummage around a big before footsteps approached his cell. A man appeared through the bars, and Magnus stood. He was covered nearly from head to toe in blood. He looked tired and was holding his side. 

“You,” he said, before having a coughing fit for a moment. “I don’t care what you did. But, we need all the help we can get. It’s coming.”

“It?” Magnus asked, putting his hands up to the bars. “What are you talking about?” The man sighed and coughed one more time. 

“Names Jacques,” He said. “I don’t know what it is. None of us do. But-” He stopped, and looked in the direction of the front door. Magnus tried to look, but the bars stopped him. 

“Wait, wait!” Magnus said as Jacques brandished a sword, and made his way slowly down the hallway. He hesitated for a second. Magnus frantically looked around, and then up. He saw something crawling across the ceiling. A mound of flesh, veins, and blood. “JACQUES!” Magnus screamed. Jacques turned around, but it was too late. Puss dripped from the ceiling and onto his head. When he looked up, the mound of flesh fell on him. It engulfed his entire face, and blood began to spurt everywhere. Magnus watched in horror as the creature, whatever it was, began to literally suck the life out of Jacques. His skin became sunken, pale, and wrinkled. Magnus backed away from the bars, listening to the crack of bones and the slurping and sucking of flesh. “Oh no,” he whispered to himself as he heard Jacques’ body thud to the ground lifelessly. The creature began to squelch and squidge towards him, he could hear it growing closer and closer. And then he saw it, the pulsating mass of flesh. It stopped at the bars.  It didn’t have eyes but he could tell it was looking at him. As fear gripped his heart, Magnus finally figured it out. “... the heart?” He said to himself. It squealed, shoving itself up against the bars. Its flesh began to seep into the bars, flowing over onto the ground.

Magnus didn’t hear as the front door was broken open. He was too busy staring, terrified, as the creature tried to get into his cell. But soon, a gunshot rang out, and the creature screamed as it scurried back up the wall and out of the prison window. More footsteps approached his cell, and Brigitte appeared before him. “Well, I believe you now,” she said. 

“You didn’t even let me explain myself!” Magnus yelled as she pressed the key into the lock of his cell. 

“I know. But I believe you,” Brigitte said as she opened the cell. “Now, let’s go kill that thing!” 

“Kill?!” Magnus stepped out of the cell. “No! We can’t do that! I need it!” She looked back at him. 

“What are you talking about?” She said. He opened his mouth to speak. But how was he to explain this? His brother’s heart escaped from its pot and was now eating people? He stopped. She glared at him for a minute and then shrugged. “I’m going to kill it. You can help, or you can run.” She said. 

“I want my sword back,” Magnus said after a moment. Brigitte sighed and stretched. 

“It’s on the table still,” she said, pointing. “Hurry up!”



Xavier stopped, looking out towards the town nestled in the night. They both had been following the trail of mutilated animals to it. “Oh dear,” he said softly as he heard a quiet scream ring out from the town. “It happened.” Xavier pulled the blunderbuss from his back and held it with one hand. “Rebecca!” He said, pointing down at her. “Come here!” She approached and he held out a hand. Quickly, she leaped up onto his arm, and he repositioned her into a more comfortable place. “Stay close, stay safe. I’m not going to let go,” he said. She nodded, and he began to walk toward town. 

Another scream rang out, as Xavier watched something strange clambering along the rooftop. It had many legs of different lengths and was the size of a small bear. Was that the heart? Xavier pointed the blunderbuss in its direction, but it quickly leaped from one roof to another as quick as lightning. “Dammit!” He said, holding Rebecca close and running into town. There was a dead body just in front of him, back against a building, sucked dry of all blood. “Cover your eyes!” he demanded, and Rebecca covered both of her eyes with her hands with a whimper. 

“No! Get away! NO!” Xavier heard just a bit of the way away. He made his way to the source of the noise. A woman was cornered in an alley, cowering as this creature advanced upon her. Xavier finally got a good look at it. It was like it was growing at an exponential rate, sprouting new skin and limbs. Xavier pointed the blunderbuss at it and had Rebecca cover her ears. He let a shot loose, and the shrapnel embedded itself into the monster. It screamed out, and blood splattered everywhere. Turning around, it growled at both of them. Xavier let another shot fire, and it hit it square in the ‘face’. The creature was catapulted back on its side, giving the woman enough time to rush past it and away. The heart clambered to life. Xavier missed a shot, sending wood shavings in all directions. It was too late, and the beast was too fast. It clambered over the side of the building, and Xavier heard its scuttering die down. 

“Shit!” He said. “We have to find it!” 

“Xavier…” Rebecca whimpered. Xavier looked at her and saw that she was crying. “I’m scared!” She buried her face into his shoulder. Xavier looked around and sighed. He was really exposing a child to all of this mess. She would never be the same. She would grow up with as many issues as he had, maybe even more! 

“Fuck!” He said to himself. He had to kill this thing quickly. A shot pierced his ears, and Rebecca screamed, shoving her fingers into her ears. Xavier began to run, flicking his blunderbuss open and putting it under his armpit. As he reloaded, he heard more screaming and shouting, and another shot. Xavier’s heavy footfalls slammed into the mud as he ran. He was nearing the source of the gunshots when he slipped. Rebecca screamed as Xavier fell on her, and his face connected with the dirty ground. 



Magnus burst from the building with Brigitte, Snaggletooth’s lower half in hand. Both of them looked at each other as they heard a scream, and then two gunshots. It was loud, and before they could think about it, they heard scuttling across the rooftop of the prison. The heart jumped from the roof and toward Brigitte. She was quick, however, and shot toward the beast, it fell back, bleeding profusely. “Won’t this thing die?!” Brigitte grunted, pointing the pistol at it again and firing. Magnus hesitated as he raised Snaggletooth. He didn’t want to harm the heart. But after he had a split second to think about it, he concluded that it probably wasn’t the heart anymore. Or maybe the heart was inside of it. He swung Snaggletooth down, and it embedded itself into the flesh of the heart. Magnus tried to tug the blade out, but the flesh of the creature was healing faster than he could hack. It had trapped Snaggletooth in its body. With a yell, Magnus hoisted the beast up into the air. It finally slid off of the blade and was sent catapulting into the wall.

Magnus ran after the beast, Brigitte just behind him. Another shot fired just behind him, and Magnus saw the beast flinch and squeal. Where was it going? Rounding a corner, Magnus saw it scuttling towards a large man lying on the ground, trying to get up. He yelled and charged forward. The beast ignored him, however. But before it could jump on the large man, he shot it. The sound was louder than ever. Magnus covered his ears. He knew who this was once he heard that shot. He looked at him and saw the white beard, the wrinkled and scarred face. Xavier Loupe, he really was the best bounty hunter around. And he was quick. The creature bounded back towards Xavier, screaming in anger. When he raised the blunderbuss to fire, it clicked empty. Before he could even lower the thing dejectedly, the creature was on him. It wrestled him to the ground, and Xavier did everything in his power to try and push it off. But a rogue limb embedded its way into his side. Xavier screamed, shoving the thing off. Magnus could only watch, horrified. Should he help? If he did, Xavier may continue to hunt him for the rest of his life. But if he let it kill him. He wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore. 

“NO! NO DON'T!” Magnus heard Xavier scream. The beast had leaped upon the body of a little girl lying face down in the mud. She was just a child, so young. Xavier was trying to get up, trying to reach for a weapon, anything. But the pain was too intense, Magnus could tell. The creature extended a long spiked tongue, with the intent of burrowing it into Rebecca’s flesh. Magnus, however, suddenly leaped on the monster, and shoved it off, tackling it. His burly arms sunk into the flesh of it, and it began to thrash and squeal.
“Stop!” Magnus said through gritted teeth. He found its mouth and wrapped his fingers around its lips. “GIVE. ME. THE. HEART!” Magnus screamed, forcing the mouth open. He heard an ungodly crackling noise, and as he pulled and tugged he watched as the beast nearly split in half. With one of his arms, he reached in and felt around. After a minute, his fist finally closed around something slimy and beating. He tugged it out. There it was, his brother's heart. It was immaculate, pristine. What remained of the creature deflated on the ground. 

“Rebecca!” He heard Xavier say, standing up and stepping over to the body of the girl. Brigitte was nearing too, but she stopped when she saw Xavier. His attention had turned to Magnus, who was standing there with the heart. Magnus was frozen, wondering what would happen next. Xavier pulled his pistol out, pointing it at Magnus’ large chest. Taking a step back, Magnus gulped. Brigitte pointed her revolver at Xavier. His face darkened, but then he turned back to look at the little girl sprawled out on the ground. He looked to Magnus, and then to Rebecca. And his pistol lowered. Magnus took a few steps back and then began to run. He only looked back once, and saw Xavier on his knees, cradling the child’s head in his arms. He was crying.

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